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SMF to attend O' Reilly's OSCON

Started by An-Old_User, July 09, 2008, 12:24:36 AM

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Quote from: Dark Gazmanafc on July 12, 2008, 02:40:36 PM
Actually, this is nothing like the MotM, that was a team-only deal, this is a public affair, where you can attend if you're in the area since it's a convention.

The first post states what we will be showcasing which includes 2.0 features, and other SMF related stuff.

I'm guessing features already released and known. I live in Australia so I guess this is Yawn News to most people who can't go to it. Well good luck with the showcasing and everything. - A forum for everyone!


Remember that this was announced by Marketing Team, I think the main goal was to spread the world that SMF exists and what is SMF. For whom that frequent this community I think wont have that much to see since the team had maintain this community on date about SMF 2.0 news.

This is a great event for SMF, but try to see this event not only about SMF but about everything that you could find there.
Quote from: Eliana Tamerin on August 23, 2008, 04:10:10 PM
SMF 7 is where it gets good. That has time travel. You can go back and post before the guy who flamed you. :P

青山 素子

A good deal of this event is to spread the word on SMF and increase our mindshare. There might also be a few unannounced features announced at the conference (I'm not sure if this will happen or not).

The whole MotM thing was a way for our team to meet each other in person and have some big sessions that just can't be done well (or at all) online. Our appearance at OSCON is for the public.
Director, Simple Machines

Note: Unless otherwise stated, my posts are not representative of any official position or opinion of Simple Machines.


Why even attend a open-source conference when SMF isn't even under GPL if I recall it right...

Birger :)


The GPL is not the only open source license in existence..
Justin O'Leary
Ex-Project Manager
Ex-Lead Support Specialist

QuoteMicrosoft wants us to "Imagine life without walls"...
I say, "If there are no walls, who needs Windows?"

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Please don't discus the licensing though here, We have a Feedback and Discussion board for this (where such stuff was already split out of this topic).
Jeremy D ~ Site Team / SMF Developer ~ GitHub Profile ~ Join us on IRC @ ~ Support the SMF Support team!


This just in

Quote from:

Ubuntu Live

The Ubuntu Live conference, which was scheduled to take place July 21-22 in Portland, OR has been cancelled. We are planning to include some Ubuntu content in the O'Reilly Open Source Convention (OSCON), also happening July 21-25 in Portland, Oregon. We invite those interested in future Ubuntu events and developments to watch For further inquiries, please contact [email protected].

I was really excited when I herd that this was going to Ubuntu Live + OSCON, at least they will still have speakers there & a booth AFAIK. I'll keep you posted~~ :D


Though, it is good that you start to advertise SMF more. Good luck to the person attending!

Birger :)


Have fun and goodluck, SMF peepz.  :P


Quote from: christicehurst on July 12, 2008, 02:30:05 PM
Not to be rude but what's the point of this really? It reminds me of the MotM trip which didn't shed much light into how SMF worked behind the scenes.

MotM goal wasn't to "shed light into how SMF worked behind the scenes" its goal was to get the team together in person, in one time zone. We're global company with team members in 10+ timezones, our software is in 40+ languages and growing.

Getting a group of us together to discuss things in real time, is a challenging enough. But we do hold meetings every month. In a group of 100% volunteers, planning a full week of such interaction is a dream come true. I'm not sure what you question is, but if your wondering What you've seen out of it from a CM standpoint....
*it allowed our DEVs a FULL 40 hour work week to discuss their plans for 2.x.
* It gave the team 24 hour a day access to the DEVS so that they could be better equipped to provide support.

Just to name a few. As a CM, you'll be happy to know, that help desk help ticket response time has been cut in 1/2 since MotM. Yes you herd me right, in 1/2~. This is due to better communication and a better understanding of other team members abilities and our new found ability to more efficiently use our human resources.

Now on to the OSCON... the OSCON is an event of epic proportions. Attending allows us to get the word out about SMF, it allows us to meet and chat with other open source projects. You know all these great features and standards that web designs uses? (IE openID, ajax, etc,etc,) They all start out as ideas from a presentation made at events like this. This is SMF's chance to help support, be a part of the next big thing in the ways of web design.

This is forward progressive thinking that keeps us sharp :D I hope that help quench your thirst as to why OSCON? :D


Just don't forget to post the pictures after the OSCON is ended.
At least, we can imagine and see how crowded at the SMF booth at OSCON will be.

Sudhakar Arjunan

Quote from: Karuhun on July 24, 2008, 06:13:39 AM
Just don't forget to post the pictures after the OSCON is ended.
At least, we can imagine and see how crowded at the SMF booth at OSCON will be.

Respected Team,
Karuhun is right, kindly post us the pictures, so that we could see the SMF booth at OSCON since we could not come there only by using SMF.
Working on New Mods & Themes for SMF... Will update soon... My Blog page
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Quote from: asudhakar on July 25, 2008, 01:20:19 PM
Quote from: Karuhun on July 24, 2008, 06:13:39 AM
Just don't forget to post the pictures after the OSCON is ended.
At least, we can imagine and see how crowded at the SMF booth at OSCON will be.

Respected Team,
Karuhun is right, kindly post us the pictures, so that we could see the SMF booth at OSCON since we could not come there only by using SMF.

I'll have a blog post on it soon... Events are still taking place today, but the Exhibit hall is closed( The place where the SMF booth was.)


Quote from: rickC on July 23, 2008, 11:01:10 AM
Quote from: christicehurst on July 12, 2008, 02:30:05 PM
Not to be rude but what's the point of this really? It reminds me of the MotM trip which didn't shed much light into how SMF worked behind the scenes.

MotM goal wasn't to "shed light into how SMF worked behind the scenes" its goal was to get the team together in person, in one time zone. We're global company with team members in 10+ timezones, our software is in 40+ languages and growing.

Getting a group of us together to discuss things in real time, is a challenging enough. But we do hold meetings every month. In a group of 100% volunteers, planning a full week of such interaction is a dream come true. I'm not sure what you question is, but if your wondering What you've seen out of it from a CM standpoint....
*it allowed our DEVs a FULL 40 hour work week to discuss their plans for 2.x.
* It gave the team 24 hour a day access to the DEVS so that they could be better equipped to provide support.

Just to name a few. As a CM, you'll be happy to know, that help desk help ticket response time has been cut in 1/2 since MotM. Yes you herd me right, in 1/2~. This is due to better communication and a better understanding of other team members abilities and our new found ability to more efficiently use our human resources.

Now on to the OSCON... the OSCON is an event of epic proportions. Attending allows us to get the word out about SMF, it allows us to meet and chat with other open source projects. You know all these great features and standards that web designs uses? (IE openID, ajax, etc,etc,) They all start out as ideas from a presentation made at events like this. This is SMF's chance to help support, be a part of the next big thing in the ways of web design.

This is forward progressive thinking that keeps us sharp :D I hope that help quench your thirst as to why OSCON? :D

At least someone gave a good answer on some issues here. I think the improvements are great for SMF and showcasing it will be a different thing for the software.  Personally it doesn't affect me at all on most levels. I don't use Help Desk and I think I used it once and it was pretty good. I'm not a person that gets my forum into database breakdowns  like the unexperienced admins do. But enjoy the OSCON and do what you do. - A forum for everyone!


Quote from: rickC on July 23, 2008, 11:01:10 AM
Quote from: christicehurst on July 12, 2008, 02:30:05 PM
Not to be rude but what's the point of this really? It reminds me of the MotM trip which didn't shed much light into how SMF worked behind the scenes.

MotM goal wasn't to "shed light into how SMF worked behind the scenes" its goal was to get the team together in person, in one time zone. We're global company with team members in 10+ timezones, our software is in 40+ languages and growing.

But why most of the guys left the team after the MotM one wonders?

Congratulations and Good Luck at O' Reilly's OSCON :)


Colin B
Former Spammer, Customize, & Support Team Member


Loading into gallery now... I don't have that many (all on my phone), Derek has the rest, he's currently 30,000 feet in the air. I'll be posting an update on events in a few minutes. I'll link to it & lock this topic :D
