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Profile Fields & Icons Mod

Started by 2by2host, July 21, 2009, 01:05:30 AM

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Is there any chance this mod is going to be updated to work with RC3?
I would really love these facebook and twitter icons in my profile.


Hi the mod works fine, but ik have an error in my error log.

When a member have answer the field facebook, twitter atc in his profile everything works fine.
But when a member have not fill in the fields in his profile is give an error:

8: Undefined index: twitter
Bestand: /usr/home/deb14267n2/domains/***/public_html/Themes/Outline_tp/UltimateProfile.template.php (summary2 sub template - eval?)
Regel: 148

In this rule i find:

if ($context['member']['options']['twitter'])   <<<<=== rule 148
echo'<td class="profiellinken">', !empty($context['member']['options']['twitter']) ? '<a href="' [nonactive]; . $context['member']['options']['twitter'] . '" target="_blank">' . $context['member']['options']['twitter'] . '</a>'  : '', '</td>';
else echo'<td>I don´t have twitter</td>';

Can someone help me to fix this error?


I found some bug on this mod

When I set my board to Hide contact details of members to guests (Go to Admin > Configuration > Features and Options > Do not reveal contact details of members to guests). Email and other information of member will be hide from Guest who see his post on my board but Facebook Twitter and MySpace will not hide please fix it (It's appear in the left side of every post) Thank you very much.

Very Sorry but I'm poor English.


Guys great mod. Makes it a lot easier to manage. Just curious if there is a mod or if someone could let me know how to add  youtube to the list or what Im doing wrong. I changed the profile.template.php and replaced myspace with youtube but under profile / forum profile / info All I get is ":" as the title (minus the quotes). I can add it under custom profile but Id like to keep it clean and keep everything in the same area. Any ideas would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.


I installed the mod on my forum, but now my forum-error log is full with entries :(

Undefined index: twitter
File: /../..../..../.../forum/Themes/default/Display.template.php
Line: 523

What have I to do?
Version SMF 2.0.8
SimplePortal 2.3.5




Quote from: bruce86 on July 20, 2011, 10:12:54 AM
2.0??.. :)

Considering the mods author hasn't posted anything since August 2010 I seriously doubt the mod will be updated.

The majority of their mods have to be paid for now.


"There is no god, and that's the simple truth. If every trace of any single religion were wiped out and nothing were passed on, it would never be created exactly that way again. There might be some other nonsense in its place, but not that exact nonsense. If all of science were wiped out, it would still be true and someone would find a way to figure it all out again."
~Penn Jillette – God, NO! – 2011
