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Nerdy Request - Aion Syndication

Started by Upem, August 13, 2009, 11:27:58 AM

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Will do :] You will get full credit as well


Just a headsup where things are.

The 1.1 version is complete, it works including the full magic syndication (it's on par with the vBulletin and MyBB versions). It works for all 5 tags, including all the querying.

I asked Upem to confirm on my behalf whether I can reuse the images for the BBcodes - due to how SMF works as far as I know you can't use external images so I will have to include those in the mod itself.

If I find I can't use them, I'll just have to use some alternative icons.

I will modify this to also be 2.0 compatible tomorrow - it's time for bed now.

EDIT: 2.0 version completed too. I'm just waiting on the OK to redistribute the images before supplying the mod for approval.


Those images are provided for Syndication, so it should be all good to use them


Not to mention two devs have lurked on my forum post where I am asking permission to use the images but have yet to reply. I honestly dont think they would make a huge deal of it but, if permissions is 100% needed then, we wait :]


The issue isn't using them, unfortunately. I'm specifically including them in the mod .zip file - not just hotlinking. So unfortunately I have to have permission to redistribute those files, though of course the site will be credited.

Upem [nonactive] 

Curse Network dev approved.



How long does it usually take for mods to be approved?


As long as it takes, I'm afraid. I believe there's a queue of a few days at present though.


That's fair enough. I just wanted to point it out incase something was wrong :>


No, it's still pending approval, I'm afraid.

As soon as it is approved I'll post back - upon approval mod authors receive a PM so I will be notified.



I get a white screen when I try to Install it and before that I get 4 "Modification parse error"'s in the list of files.

Loads of mods are doing this. I'm using 2.0 rc1.2

1. Execute Modification install20.xml Modification parse error
2. Execute Modification install20.xml Modification parse error
3. Execute Modification english.xml Modification parse error
4. Execute Modification english.xml Modification parse error


If you're getting that with loads of mods it means there's something astray elsewhere. I note also that you have two lots of modifications being listed - install20.xml and english.xml are both listed twice.

We've seen this reported elsewhere too, and no-one really knows how to fix it right now, I think :(


That sucks :(

Ah well, I've managed to do the manual install with no problems. Works really well, nice work dude.


Thanks :)

Any problems with the mod please do post in its own thread.
