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How and where can I delete all shout history off my server?

Started by Questions, October 25, 2009, 05:50:15 PM

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Powered by SMF 2.0 RC1.2
EzPortal 0.3.2
ezblock shout box

Hello! I can't find any other topics on this issue. Still looking.

I want the shouts permanantly removed from the server but can't figure out how to get rid of the shouts via forum administration. It will take forever deleting them one by one.

(I deleted the ezblock shoutbox in hopes that would erase 28 pages of history. I Created a new one to check it, and some of the recent shouts just reappear on the new shout box, 28 pages of shout history are not showing in history anymore, but everytime I delete the remaining shouts that are appearing, another old shout shows up on the shout box.)

Thanks for your help SMF!


Look in the database in phpMyAdmin and you should be able to see the relevant table and empty it or drop it. I don't know what it would be called but I expect the naming will be fairly obvious.


Ahh thank you very much Antechinus. I'll head over to the scary zone and try to do that.


Jim "JimM" Moore
Former Support Specialist
