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Reset Permissions

Started by SuperZambezi, February 06, 2010, 01:36:32 AM

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Is there any way to reset all the permissions of my forum files? If not does anyone have a list of files with the correct permission numbers?

The problem is I get the "An error occured" when trying to upgrade to SMF 2.0 RC2. I have looked at numerous topics and tried all sorts of things but nothing has worked. Here is the full message I get :

Package upload failed due to the following error:
"Although the package was downloaded to the server it appears to be empty. Please check the Packages directory, and the "temp" sub-directory are both writable. If you continue to experience this problem you should try extracting the package on your PC and uploading the extracted files into a subdirectory in your Packages directory and try again. For example, if the package was called shout.tar.gz you should:
1) Download the package to your local PC and extract it into files.
2) Using an FTP client create a new directory in your "Packages" folder, in this example you may call it "shout".
3) Upload all the files from the extracted package to this directory.
4) Go back to the package manager browse page and the package will be automatically found by SMF."

Thanks for any help. :-/

Kill Em All

To upgrade to RC2, you need to run the upgrade.php. You don't use the package manager. Please see the guide of Upgrading SMF.

As far as file permissions, all directories should generally be 755 while files are 644.

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