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foreach errors

Started by MultiformeIngegno, August 15, 2010, 09:47:13 PM

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I'm getting loads of these errors:
Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
File: /Sources/Load.php
Line: 1806

Where xxx is the id of an avatar (it changes at every error)...

At line 1806 of Load.php I find this:
// No template to load?
if ($template_name === false)
return true;

foreach ($settings['template_dirs'] as $template_dir)
if (file_exists($template_dir . '/' . $template_name . '.template.php'))
$loaded = true;
template_include($template_dir . '/' . $template_name . '.template.php', true);
$actual_template = $template_name . ' (' . basename($template_dir) . ')';

The exact line is:
foreach ($settings['template_dirs'] as $template_dir)

Can you help me?
Thanks (I've attached the file)! :)

P.S.: SMF 2.0 RC3
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Kill Em All

Sorry for the delayed response. What mods do you have installed?

Have you tried replacing the Load.php with a new version from the large upgrade package?

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I had the same error too, can't remember how I did fix it but try that:

Find in ../index.php:
// Attachments don't require the entire theme to be loaded.
if (isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'dlattach' && (!empty($modSettings['allow_guestAccess']) && $user_info['is_guest']))
// Load the current theme.  (note that ?theme=1 will also work, may be used for guest theming.)

Replace with:
// Attachments don't require the entire theme to be loaded.
// if (isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'dlattach' && (!empty($modSettings['allow_guestAccess']) && $user_info['is_guest']))
// detectBrowser();
// Load the current theme.  (note that ?theme=1 will also work, may be used for guest theming.)
// else


Uhm.. and what does your edit do exactly (what happens commenting out that line)?
RockCiclopedia (wiki - forum), Tutta la storia del rock, scritta da voi ...
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It loads using theme on action=dlattach  (avatars, attachments etc.) when viewing them.
