New tab for menu only for specific users

Started by northofnowhere, April 28, 2011, 03:31:17 PM

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I wish to display a tab to "join" which I have done already with subs.php.  I wish this to be displayed for guests as it does now, but once logged in, I do not want it displayed to people who have a paid subscription.  Is there a way to do a db query  for all user where the paid field does not = null?


It would probably be easier if you just checked to see if they are in a specific group. Do you have subscriptions setup to put subscribers into a special group?
IchBin™        TinyPortal

Baby Daisy

In addition to that you can query their subscriptions as well, though the group idea is a lot better

If they're placed in a specific group for when they make a subscription, you can check if they're in that group using $user_info['groups'] (it returns an array of the groups that user is in). Use something such as in_array to check if the value exists in the array
