upgrading to 1.1.13 kinda broke my forum

Started by clashbot, May 26, 2011, 04:02:58 AM

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currently, after it said the upgrade was successful, my forum is totally blank, with only the logo, and half of the buttons...everything below is blank, including the copyright info. I have home, help, search, admin, profile, my messages, calendar and members, and nothing else. clicking on any of them returns me back to the same page, though the address bar does at least displays the correct commands. Is there a way I can fix this easily?


Which version did you upgrade from and how did you go about it?


1.1.11 large upgrade. uploaded all files, ran upgrade.php, said was successful, then upon returning to the forums, I was greeted with the blank pages.



If that was my forum, I think I'd be tempted to restore the backup and try again.

If that doesn't work, I think I'd restore the backup, then get this:


To upgrade to v1.1.12, then this:


to go to v1.1.13.

Both of those are done via Package Manager.


basically swirch the tilde and named files and restore the backup tables? correct?


You didn't take a backup...

Ah. Now, there's a thing.

Maybe just start the upgrade, again, from scratch, then?


I did the backup it said to do in the upgrade php does that count ;P


I believe that just backs up the database.

Try the upgrade, again?

I can't think of anything else, to be honest.

Really, you ought to backup both the software and the database from CPanel, before doing upgrades, installing mods and all that stuff.


yeah but like your banner, yeah that's me most of the time, and yes I should know better as I am running 4 different forums now


one question then, if I want to keep the db and then just load 1.1.13 from scratch, I really just need the settings php file, and then slowly put the mods back in after the fact correct? or is that going to fubar things even more


If you have the large upgrade archive, you have v1.1.13, scratch, as near as dammit.

Might be worth a go, though, yeah.

Had a thought, though.

There's a chance that your host might have a backup....

If you're lucky.


actually I reapplied the 1.1.12 upgrade and that brought funtionality back to the forums...it did wipe out all of my mods though, which is a good thing as they needed updating as well (yes, I'm lazy). Now reapplying the 1.1.13 patch and see what happens then...

and yes, the server has a backup (fullsitebackup perl script is awesome for backing up files and db's) but it's an old copy. So far though, it's coming back online


* K@ keeps his fingers and several other bits crossed...


heh, as the forums are technically back up, and is a case of re-modding everything (thankfully using plain jane theme) I am going to make the topic as resolved. If something else breaks, I'll open a new thread.

Thanks for the help, though..That's why I like the smf community.


At least you have something to work with, ay?

Good teamwork, eh? ;)


Just a small update K, did the *correct* patches for my other 1.1.11 board and went off without a hitch. I found out what happened though. The link that auto-applies the patch in the default package manage view(the "click here to apply this patch") did not really patch 1.1.11 to 1.1.12, which is why I manually applied the 1.1.13 patch that broke the first forum. On the second forum I ignored the auto-patcher routine and did the apply downloaded patch for 1.1.12 and then 1.1.13 and it worked without incident.

My first board still having issues with a few mods that did work, now don't (mainly fails in the SSI.php check) But that is something I can work with.


Aleksi "Lex" Kilpinen

Based on the last posts, I'm assuming this topic is solved. If I'm mistaken, please feel free to mark the topic not solved, and let us know :)
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