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Homepage Recent Posts

Started by lollercausteroo, August 22, 2005, 06:01:32 PM

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I've been looking high and low for the script and html to get recent posts to appear on my homepage, but since I'm not the admin of the SMF forum, I'm having a lot of trouble. Can anybody help a poor noob out? Ive got no experience with php, as just recently I have gotten php supported hosting.



Use SSI.

Where you would include this on your homepage: <?php ssi_recentPosts(); ?> with requiring the SSI.php file at the beggining of the page: <?php require("path_to_SSI.php); ?>

Dev Consultant
Former SMF Doc Coordinator


Your homepage has to be either PHP or SHTML to display the recentposts from your forum. If not rename your homepage to index.php and enter this code at the top of your page:


(You can learn the path from the "Edit Server Settings" under the SMF Admin Panel under the naame of "SMF Directory")

Then enter this code in the place where you want the recent posts to appear:

For the topics:

<?php ssi_recentTopics(); ?>

For the posts:

<?php ssi_recentPosts(); ?>

Hope this helps ;)

Edit: It seems that akabugeyes was faster than me :)
Eren "forsakenlad" Yaşarkurt
SMF Friend & Former Team Member


ok, so now things make some bit of more sense, but its not working exactly, and my noobishness points me in no directions...  :( [nonactive]


Use a full path.  You want:






Btw saw your survey there you can also use SSI to get the surveys from the forum ;)
Eren "forsakenlad" Yaşarkurt
SMF Friend & Former Team Member
