Server-stored Avatars directory?

Started by peps1, June 04, 2014, 07:13:32 PM

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In my Server-stored avatars section it had my old server info, and now Im trying to link it to an avatars folder on my new server, but having no luck just putting in http://*Url*/avatars



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"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Thanks, but I get this message when trying to upload a avatar

QuoteYour attachment couldn't be saved. This might happen because it took too long to upload or the file is bigger than the server will allow.

Please consult your server administrator for more information.

Have added both a path and url to the avatar folder and made sure it has read right permission too.

The avatar I'm using is also inside of the pixel and date size I have set.


The filesize is within the limits you've set?


Quote from: K@ on June 12, 2014, 01:27:25 PM
The filesize is within the limits you've set?

both within Kb size and px size  :'(


If the upload IS taking too long, which I doubt, somehow, you could ask your host to change the timeout in php.ini.

max_execution_time = 30

Ask them to increase the "30" to "60", or summat.
