As an Admin, how do I allow members to select their language?

Started by jjsmith, September 18, 2014, 08:16:13 AM

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I see in my profile here that I can select my preferred language via "Profile > Modify Profile > Account Settings"

and then use the  "Preferred Language" field.

However, on my smf forum, that field doesn't show.

I'm an admin on my forum.  Where do I change the configuration to allow members to change it on their profile?

Also, are the values in the dropdown coming from the languages installed via "Admin > Configuration > Languages > Edit Languages" ?



The first question: Admin > Configuration > Languages > Settings > Enable user-selectable language support.

Yes, the values would come from the list in Edit Languages. I'm presuming you have more than one language installed?


Thanks - I was looking in the wrong place for it...

But - that's actually checked, but yet the field still doesn't show in my Profile.

Re multiple languages - I have two English languages installed - ISO-8859-1 and UTF-8. 

I was thinking it would let me choose one or the other, but now I wonder if since they're both English, it's assuming only one language, and so not even showing the field.  Hmmm, just a wild guess on that but can't think of any other reason it wouldn't show


Correct. You don't switch between ISO and UTF-8 and there is absolutely no reason to switch between them.


Thanks.  Yep I just installed French and the field shows up.

Yep don't want to switch between them - just trying the fix the problem of quotes and apostrophes being replaced with question marks when pasted in from MS Word.

One part of that is using UTF-8.  We're on ISO-8859 and just wanted to test with a single user before changing the entire forum to UTF-8. 

Thanks for your help.


Do you want multiple languages?

If not, you can just do the conversation and SMF will happily switch over and not have to ask users to select one (because, frankly, users shouldn't be switching between ISO and UTF-8 themselves)
