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Custom Post Layout

Started by BoxOfQuestions, February 23, 2015, 06:45:44 PM

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Good Afternoon!

I am trying to customize how the display on the left where it displays your avatar, username, etc. appears.  I'm trying to make it look more like a character sheet, so I want some of my custom profile fields to appear over there.  I know it can be done, but I'm not sure what file I need to edit.

Can someone assist me with this, pretty please?  :)

I am using 2.0.7 I believe.  Thanks!



If you write down what you want exactly, it would be easier to say. BTW, you need to edit Display.template.php and index.css :)

Burke ♞ Knight

First of all, update your forum to 2.0.9.
Second of all, you can set the profile fields you make, to show in Topics.
There's 3 places you can choose from when doing that.

SMF2.0: Features and Options - Profile Fields


From This:

To This:

* No upgrading will be done until my hosting company supports it (there is no support for the latest version and mine is literally one below the newest).
* I have moved and created custom profile fields to yield HIDEOUS results.
* Thank you for the file name!!! 

Burke ♞ Knight

What host do you have, where you can not install packages through the package manager?
That is how you update from 2.0.7 to 2.0.9 which is 2 not 1 updates.

Also, how did you "move" the profile fields?
Just in their settings, you can select where to put them in topic view.


Also, if your hosting company gives you issues about upgrading, you need to Consider a different host...   2.0.9 is a security update, and any host that won't support your system security is a bad host.

However... You can upgrade yourself using the standard patches in the package manager

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


QuoteAlso, how did you "move" the profile fields?
Just in their settings, you can select where to put them in topic view.

Admin > Boards > Configuration > Features & Options > Custom Profile Fields (here you can select where they appear once you've created the field)

While I appreciate the replies, I think we're getting a little off topic here.  I'm not interested in adding the fields - I'm interested in *customizing how they look* and where they appear in correlation to their alignment and paragraph spacing in that section.  I want to add fonts, change text size, and edit the general look and feel of that section of the posts/forum.  Thanks!

My host is Arvixe.  Again, I said I believe it to be that version, but am not sure.  As for upgrading, I will in a different post at a different time, but right now, I just need to know what file I'd be editing to get this particular issue resolved.  Thanks again!


well, the thing is...   those profile fields are generated by a loop statement....   which means that updating the whole thing (affecting all of them) is easy, but customizing each field's display is more difficult.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."



So...I checked out display.template.php  Uuuuuuuh, any ideas on what line I'd be touching?  None of this makes sense.  Are you sure the file is display.template.php?

Themes/default/Display.template.php  Doesn't seem to be the correct file.

Again, I do appreciate the replies, but saying things like, "That's really hard," or making comments about the task when you don't actually know what file to change isn't really helpful.  It's kind of rude, actually.  I thought this was a support forum, not a bash forum?  Is there anyone who knows what specific part of the coding I need to change?

Let's say I want to make one part like, "Origin" bold, but leave the town of origin blank.  I get that it's a loop statement and that kinda blows.  But isn't there a div I can work with that will regurgitate the style this is displayed as?  I mean, there has to be.  Any ideas?  Thank you.

If it will help, my unfinished site is [nofollow]

I've included a Pastebin of the file for your convenience: [nofollow].  Not sure if that will help also?

Thanks again.


there is no bashing...   and telling you that it is difficult is merely a statement of fact.

it is definitely in display.template.php

and you can check the div out using chrome+webdev or firefox+firebug -- bu I am telling you right now...  from my, albeit quick, look at the code, I do not see any good way to do what you are asking...

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Thank you very very much.  I sincerely appreciate it.  :-*


What you need is starts with that div
<div class="poster">

and end with this one:
<div class="postarea">
