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[FREE] Topic-lock system for users

Started by Anjuna, July 30, 2015, 03:30:00 AM

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Hi, I'm looking for a mod for SMF 2.0

I want a mod that can allow users to lock their own topic to all other users save for a select few, which the OP will choose. I believe this feature is unique to my forum, so in order to specify, I'll provide an example.

Let's say I have three users, User A, User B, User C, and User D.

User A wants to create a pulicly-viewable topic, to which only his friends, User B and User C, can reply to. So in order to do this, he selects a "lock topic" option, and enters User B and User C in an input field. Thus, when the thread is posted, only User A, User B, and User C can post on the thread, but an additional User D cannot, as he was not entered in the input field.

Of course, Board moderators and Admins can freely post and moderate such topics, but all users can freely post such "locked" topics.

Admins should also be able to enable this feature only for certain boards.

If there's any more specifications to be made, I'll add them. Thanks for reading!


in other words, you are trying to defeat the very purpose of a forum....

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"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Quote from: Anjuna on July 30, 2015, 03:30:00 AM
Admins should also be able to enable this feature only for certain boards.

Obviously, I don't want to enable it for the entire forum, because it would, like you suggested, defeat the purpose of a forum. I would rather have it enabled on one specific board. Like I said, this feature is unique to my forum.
It would make sense if you knew what exactly my forum is... but do I have to specify that? I'd rather not.

Jade Elizabeth

What you're asking for are like PM's but for groups...and public.

What's the goal you're trying to achieve here? Maybe we can look at it from another angle and find another solution? :D
Once proud Documentation Writer and Help Squad Leader | Check out my new adult coloring career: Color With Jade/Patreon.


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Quote from: margarett on July 30, 2015, 10:07:31 AM
IIRC NanoSector has a MOD which might work for you

Sorry, that's not what I had in mind.

Quote from: Jade Elizabeth on July 30, 2015, 09:46:59 AM
What you're asking for are like PM's but for groups...and public.

What's the goal you're trying to achieve here? Maybe we can look at it from another angle and find another solution? :D

Well, guess there's no point beating around the bush anymore.
I'm creating a roleplay forum. The form of roleplay I practice is, in it's essence, a form of multi-author story-writing, each from a different character's perspective.
To explain, I'll continue with the User A and B example, this time eliminating User C because frankly, it's rather tacky:

  • User A is the OP/scenario-setter. He writes the opening paragraph (the first paragraph of the story), describing the setting, and then placing his character in this setting.
  • The next post is by User B. He writes the second paragraph of the story, but through the eyes of his character instead.
  • User A then continues the story by another paragraph, through the eyes of his character again, and then User B does this, and so on. This goes back and forth until the story reaches a point where it cannot be continued.

This is why locking a topic to all but the specific user B would be useful in this situation. How confusing would a story be if many people each contributed their own paragraph to it, from their own character's perspective, whenever they wanted? It might be cool... but disorganised, and probably a hassle for the OP.


Actually, having run a play-by-post story for a fair amount of time, I can honestly say that you don't need a mod for this...

Why do people assume that they need to FORCE programming into place when a simple explanation will handle 90%of the time.

seriously, this can be controlled by a clear explanation of the RULES of how to play/post within the story...
You might have a few people who break the rules and post as you say... but a quick "don't do that" and explanation from a moderator will probably correct the user who did the infraction...


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"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Quote from: Kindred on July 30, 2015, 11:25:20 AM
You might have a few people who break the rules and post as you say... but a quick "don't do that" and explanation from a moderator will probably correct the user who did the infraction...

Not to mention, an inability to break the rules is better than trusting your (potentially massive) userbase to follow the rules...


I disagree...   I think  that admins who force things on users are usually just being lazy.

Seriously... we have a massive userbase here...
we do not, programmatically force users to follow "da rules" until it has been proven to be a point which requires forced intervention (specifically, in this case, the removal of the ability to edit posts)

however, we ran the site for 10 years before enough people (and only in a recent spate, I might add) forced us to implement a programmatic rule rather than a stated rule.

the same goes for a play-by-post.

I ran for 5 years without having to speak to any individual user about violating the rules more than once.
Yes, we had a ban or two...  but those folks would have violated every rule they could anyway -- that was their purpose for joining.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


I haven't tried this, but it seems  to be what you want based on a cursory glance at this thread.

Jade Elizabeth

There used to be a role playing mod I am sure of it. It let you make characters and change the poster to look like that.

Also additional authors might be what you're looking can have an open games area and allow members to move their own they can make their other players additional authors and then move their games to the closed game area so that only them and the additional authors can play.
Once proud Documentation Writer and Help Squad Leader | Check out my new adult coloring career: Color With Jade/Patreon.


Quote from: live627 on July 30, 2015, 10:11:51 PM
I haven't tried this, but it seems  to be what you want based on a cursory glance at this thread.

Yes, that is exactly what I want. Unfortunately, I'm unable to download it. I've tried to download by url and by zip. Neither worked.
I'm going to try and install it manually using FTP.


with mods from gitub, you hve to etract it to your local PC and then rearchive it WITHOUT the extra directory

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."
