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Can't display avatars

Started by Robotpirate, March 07, 2019, 08:48:11 AM

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Somehow the user-uploaded avatars seem to be gone. Attachments were gone to, but reappeared - the path in Admin/Forum/Attachments and Avatars/Attachment Settings was wrong.

I can't figure out where the user-uploaded avatars were saved. So I changed the path in Admin/Forum/Attachments and Avatars/Avatar Settings to /attachments, but did not work. I can now upload a new avatar and it appears, but the old stuff will not be displayed.

In Admin/Forum/Attachments and Avatars/Browse Files I can view the attachments by clicking, but not the avatars, I get a 404. Same is true for Thumbnails. So somehow it gets misstranslated.

Can you guys help?

I tried removing the cache, repair_settings tells me everything is fine.


if you changed the avatar directory away from the default of using the attachments dorectory --   then we don't know what you changed it to.

Repair_settings.php doesn't find any changes because the default of using the attachments directory is acceptable and therefore, not recognized as something that needs to be repaired.

I suggest that you look on your server and see if you can figure out which directory you created and chose to put avatars into

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


I tried that. In /attachments are files of the correct size, but nowhere else.

But, changing file path to /attachments does not work for avatars (but did for attachments).


Would the avatars be saved as normal pictures, or as those weird hashes in /attachments?


they are hashed in the attachments folder for security.


Thanks. Then they MUST be in /attachments, but why does pointing the path there not work?
