I would like advice on Db Query

Started by Kathryn_, May 11, 2019, 11:43:53 AM

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I was advised not to work directly with database with my simple machines site. I moved my site from root to public_html and now am stuck with having to recreate the entire site which I got done finally from January 2019 start, every link needs to be modified. they are all forum.site I would not complain aside from the fact all my pictures and the five links I have on each post to the ebook formats. I am talking correcting manually a whole lot of links.  I am hoping that there is a mysql query I could use and what would that possibly be. I have a Db backup to use if things go haywire 

thank you


You do not have to change a lot to move a forum's location.  There is only a handful of key settings that need to be adjusted.

The best way to approach this is to use repair_settings.php, a tool designed to help you do that. 


Start there first!

If you continue to have issues, share the exact message you're getting.   
Address the process rather than the outcome.  Then, the outcome becomes more likely.   - Fripp


Um, the issue is that there are links in posts that need fixing, something repair_settings can't do...

To the OP, do you have an example of a link that needs changing, e.g. the 'what it is now' and 'what it needs to become'?



Are you losing the .jpg on the end as well?


that was a posting error on here sorry... no not loosing anything as far as extensions




It worked and you have saved me so much time... thank you for listening to and solving the situation for me.
