Simple list of boards, php code?

Started by MarkoKg, September 10, 2020, 05:45:48 AM

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Hey guys,

I'm using smf 2.0.17 and I'd like to be able to show really simple list of all boards that I have on forum, separated by comma, and linked with appropriate link.

So for example i'd like to show something like:
Category 1: Board 1, Board 2, Board 3, Board 4
Cateogory 2: Board 1, Board 2, Board 3, Board 4
Category 3: Board 1, Board 2, Board 3, Board 4

Is there a php code I can use in order to get those, so I can use it in portal block on somewhere on the forum?


So I found this:;id=13

Can I use that, and if so, how?
I tried to use just getBoardTree (); but it shows me nothing. Also, not sure if I should firstly require SSI or some other file in order to use this function? Or I'm looking at the wrong place?


That function will populate a few variables which you can use to fulfil your request, but you need to pull in the defining source script first.

Try a few things in your portal block, like:

global $cat_tree, $boards, $boardList;



// have a look inside the variables

echo '<pre>';
