How to change a theme for certain membergroups?

Started by qtime, August 22, 2009, 07:36:23 PM

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Is there an option to reset or change a specific team to a special membergroup?

If not, can someone tell me how to use a sql command to get the same result in the table smf_members?
if    ID_GROUP = 9 change     ID_THEME to 22 (this is just an example to explain...  ;) )


There isn't the option, no, not even in 2.0 AFAIK.

Unless it's just a change of colouring I would actually think it would be quite divisive, but that's just me.

Assuming group 9 is the primary group of those users:

UPDATE smf_members SET ID_THEME = 22 WHERE ID_GROUP = 9;

Note that the user preferences some of them may have will not be carried over in that way, but it's not likely worth the hassle of trying to make that change - users will be able to customise for themselves once they get the new theme.


I have a big board with many donators.
Previews of the attached files are at the index visible, only for the paying ones
I disabled theme settings for normal members and added a quick theme changer in a block only visible for those donators.
So need to edit the database to give all those donators to that specific theme with the preview code (board index).
It's working very nice to display the previews, but many donators are no whizkids, they don't know how to change theme in their profiles. The quick theme selector is not saving the settings for next visit.


thanks for the sql!!! Working very fast and correct


Do you require any further support with this, or can I mark the topic solved?


Quote from: Arantor on August 24, 2009, 08:33:24 PM
Do you require any further support with this, or can I mark the topic solved?
you can make it solved, it is very helpful!

