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2.0 RC3

Started by NyYaNkEeFaN95, November 02, 2010, 04:30:20 PM

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Hello i have upgraded from 1.1.11 to 2.0 RC3 yesterday and i had alot of issues. The site is running on 2.0 RC3 but it is not properly installed. My (MySql) server is properly configured for 2.0 i just want to start off with brand new clean 2.0 files but still keep my post and members. I am also using godaddy hosting. How can i do this. I do have ftp access.


Please tell us more about the issues you're experiencing, as well as how exactly you performed the upgrade.
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."


The way the help website said and i got error on line 2002 on the index.


...and the error was...?


I dont have the page anymore but i just want to know what 2.0 smf is the best for alot of traffic. I am running an increasing community forum but i want to use 2.0.


I'm really not being funny, here, at all.

But, if we don't know what the error is, we can't help to fix it.

RC4 has just been released. Would that help?

I'm praying that you're a good admin and you backed-up EVERYTHING, before you upgraded...

To echo what Xen asked, how did you do the upgrade?

Got the archive, dearchived it, uploaded all files using FTP, went to your site URL with /upgrade.php at the end?

Was that archive the LARGE upgrade package?


I did back everything up, and i am now past that error but what is the latest stable 2.0 release i can use for my community.


All v2 releases, thus far, are RC. Release Candidate.

In effect, beta versions.

As it says, on the download page:

Note: As this is in development, we do not recommend running SMF 2.0 RC4 on a production site.

As RC4 is the latest RC version, it's considered to be more stable than RC3.


Ok thank you. Can i download the full install of it, delete all files from my forums folder, upload the new files and run setup with my existing mysql server.


No, I'm afraid not.

You see, upgrading from v1.1.11 to v2.x, will change your database.

So, the database has to be in-situ, when you do the upgrade.

The upgrade you've been trying to do may have modified the database, already.

From what you've said, assuming that I've understood properly, this is what I'd do, if I was in your position.

I'd restore your backup of both the database and the actual forum.

Then, I'd upgrade to RC4.

(Actually, that's a small fib, because I won't be upgrading until v2 goes final, if then).


Ok the truth is the forum is running fine i am just paranoid that i saw that error in the installation that i want to restore to default but still keep my database. Can i clean my files then. Becuase there are some Tiny Portal files that are not in use. And should i stay on RC3 or go to RC4.


That's entirely your call, I'm afraid.

If everything's working OK, I'd leave it as it is, for now.

Let it run for a few days, to make sure everything's OK.

This is my view and others might well disagree with me.

But, if you have RC3 working OK, I'd wait for v2 final before upgrading, again.

Having said that, as long as you backup, fully, before farting around with upgrades, you're covered, whatever you decide to do, ay? ;)


