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Can't type specific string "strap on"

Started by jamesmasters, October 02, 2012, 03:27:50 AM

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Not on this forum but one my friend runs we can't write the string "strap on".
This is not a joke. Can one think of a reason this may be?


Word censor?

What happens when you try to write that phrase?

Whatever, I don't think it's a bug as such...


Need more context.

  • Where are you trying to write this?
  • How are you trying to use it? In code?
  • Do you have any word censors set up?
Jason Clemons
Former Team Member 2009 - 2012


I'm going with Shambles, knowing what a "Strap on" is...

(I don't mean "Going with", as in... er...)



If you have the string "strap on" anywhere in the text box when you click to post a reply or new thread it redirects to a page with a blue screen with the text.
Quote403 Forbidden
Access is forbidden to the requested page:

/index.php?action=post2;start=0;board=2 (port 80)
Please forward this error screen to ***********'s WebMaster.
It's so weird as I can write "****** you you ******ing ****** ******er" and it sends so It's not a word censor. Unless it's a tame word censor where the owner doesn't agree with certain prosthesis.


mod_security has a problem with it apparently. Talk to your host about this as it's a server configuration problem.
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