searching bots

Started by Iviiik, February 04, 2016, 01:21:42 PM

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I found this on one forum and I can't figure out whats that, which mod, how can I get this google host etc on my forum?

My version SMF is 2.0.11

Picture is below in atach.  ;)



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"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


No, I cant find this in my admin settings


on the top of that page

QuoteFrom this area you can decide in how much detail you wish to track search engines as they index your forum, as well as review search engine logs. To view this area, you must enable it via the Core Features page. Search Engines administration may be found under the "Members" button of the Administration Center menu (or under the "Members" heading if the Administration Center sidebar is used).


Quote from: Illori on February 04, 2016, 01:36:14 PM
on the top of that page

QuoteFrom this area you can decide in how much detail you wish to track search engines as they index your forum, as well as review search engine logs. To view this area, you must enable it via the Core Features page. Search Engines administration may be found under the "Members" button of the Administration Center menu (or under the "Members" heading if the Administration Center sidebar is used).

Oh, sorry
