Text missing from "email_members" help file

Started by Gwenwyfar, September 20, 2014, 03:45:19 AM

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On the send newsletters page, after you clicked next, the help link there is missing. It only says "email_members". I was creating hover-tooltips for the help when I noticed this. Anyone happens to know what was supposed to be there so I can add it until this gets fixed in the future? This is not on the help text file, so it is not just a wrong code problem, there really is no text.


in 2.1 it has

In this message you can use a few "variables". These are:
{$board_url} - The URL to your forum.
{$current_time} - The current time.
{$member.email} - The current member's email.
{$member.link} - The current member's link.
{$member.id} - The current member's id.
{$member.name} - The current member's name. (for personalization).
{$latest_member.link} - The most recently registered member's link.
{$latest_member.id} - The most recently registered member's id.
{$latest_member.name} - The most recently registered member's name.

this most likely will not be fixed in 2.0 but is fixed in 2.1 already.

