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Converting from Akiva Web Board

Started by auplainsman, September 05, 2008, 05:08:39 PM

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Here is my problem.

I have new server with SMF working, and I also have an old WebBoard forum which has some useful information that is on a different server. I wanted to put the old webBoard discussion data in to the new SMF under a new forum that users can refer to. In order to do this I converted the MS SQL data base of my WebBoard to My SQL database. I set up a test SMF on my local machine with layout similar to the new smf's layout to test on my local machine before I do the final transfer.

Is there a way to integrate to the old WebBoard database in to the SMF database? I tried exporting the data but it did not work as the table layout is different. I need some help- I am newbie to SMF and MySQL and I put in lot of hours to try and get this to work. I hope some one had done this before and can give me some direction.



I don't have any knowledge about Akiva's database layout until yet but if it is similar to other forum systems it may be possible.. conversion is the first step, the next would be the merging with an existing SMF and this is a very complex thing (duplicate users, groups etc)..

Can you upload a dump from the converted mysql database and PM me a link where I can download the dump?


Hi TE,
I sent you a PM with a link to sql dump file just now. Please PM me when u receive it.




In the next few weeks I'm going to be migrating Akiva Web Boards data onto SharePoint. I'd love some SQL data to practice with, mainly to see its structure. In the off-chance you read this (and that you still have the data laying around!), could you PM me that SQL data too? It would be deeply appreciated.


This thread has not been posted in since 2008. I would be surprised if you get any answer at all from this.


Quote from: Exporter on April 22, 2015, 04:41:48 PM
In the next few weeks I'm going to be migrating Akiva Web Boards data onto SharePoint. I'd love some SQL data to practice with, mainly to see its structure. In the off-chance you read this (and that you still have the data laying around!), could you PM me that SQL data too? It would be deeply appreciated.

Why would you need a dump from someone elses database when you can just make a copy of your own to play with?
