2 Possible Bugs To Share

Started by durangod, December 12, 2023, 02:44:37 AM

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Bug number 1 is that there is no confirmation notice after saving SMTP information.  So all i can do is hope that it saved the data. 

Bug number 2   When editing member groups and uploading new icons to the server so they show on the list.  You have to upload the icons in the out of the box theme and also the custom theme files. 
So that means i had to upload the image to both the Themes/default/images/membericons  and also the  Repulse images/membericons  directories.   I believe once we upload the image to the custom theme, that should be all that is required.

If you cannot reproduce this let me know.  :)
My name is short for durango dave (i am not a god lol)

Aleksi "Lex" Kilpinen

Number 2 is actually by design, you can have icons (and smilies, and other small images) defined per theme so that they fit in multiple different color schemes.

Number 1, not sure if I'd call it a bug. Quite a few settings in SMF will work like that I think, and usually if it's NOT saved, or can not be saved, you will see some error or notification.  Maybe room for improvement though.
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Thank you for your quick reply :)

Quote from: Aleksi "Lex" Kilpinen on December 12, 2023, 05:54:51 AMNumber 2 is actually by design, you can have icons (and smilies, and other small images) defined per theme so that they fit in multiple different color schemes.

That part i understand, but i dont believe that it should be required to add the icons to the default theme and the custom theme for it to work.  I should just have to add it to the custom theme and be done.   But i do see your point and i do understand that it may not be a bug as i originally thought... :)

Quote from: Aleksi "Lex" Kilpinen on December 12, 2023, 05:54:51 AMNumber 1, not sure if I'd call it a bug. Quite a few settings in SMF will work like that I think, and usually if it's NOT saved, or can not be saved, you will see some error or notification.  Maybe room for improvement though.

Agreed, especially when the config value for the smtp password is encoded in the db table, i would like to see the the change is there and not have to decode it to check it.  A save notification would be nice for all saves.  Ok so we agree room for improvement, i am ok with that.  :)

Again thanks for your quick reply. All is well.. :)

My name is short for durango dave (i am not a god lol)


Quote from: durangod on December 12, 2023, 12:48:16 PMbut i dont believe that it should be required to add the icons to the default theme and the custom theme for it to work

It has to be added to the default theme because that's where it gets the list from for the dropdown, and it has to be added to the specific theme because as mentioned, per-theme images.


My name is short for durango dave (i am not a god lol)
