problems uploading attachments

Started by andie0101, July 24, 2007, 06:28:18 AM

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SMF Version: SMF 1.1.3
Can anyone help me.

My members are having problems uploading their attachments, we get numerous reasons why, attachments to big, lost connection to server, time out. a way around this is to post your comment and then go back in and modify, but on the whole not entirly satisfactory.

BTW we are on a shared server

thankyou andie

p.s.  I am new to this so don't understand all the techy terms. so please understand if i ask you what things mean.   thanks for your consdieration...



Make sure that all attachement settings are correct, the file isn't bigger as the max allowed by the settings AND the server configuration. also make sure that your attachements directory is CMODed to 777 (or 755).
Also take a look at the doc site: Attachments and Avatars Manager


Hi Hun

It is not a free host, we use servage



we have checked them hun,

the attachments are set for 640 x 480,  x 4 per post  the attachement directory is ok




And what's the filesize of the files and what's the max allowed (I'm not talking about the size of images, but the actual file size, in bytes or megabytes).


we have it set to max 500kb size and a max of 4 per post



And what's the file size of the files you are trying to upload?
Can you createa test account so I can give it a try?


i am so new to this,  but hopefully learning fast,   can i get back to you about this

thanks andie.


Andie asked me to help with this as she's busy right now. I tried to upload a photo as an attachment. The file size was 494KB (max allowed 500KB) so it was ok for size.
It seems that for some reason, this particular forum has recently had a problem with attachment uploading. The only way an attachment seems able to be uploaded is to create a post without any attachments, then go back in and modify the post to add the attachments. If you do this, then everything works just fine.
Therefore, all the correct permissions are in place and there's not a problem with space in the attachment directory.
What's confusing me is that the site worked fine and then it didn't - there were no mods added and the problem pre-existed upgrading from 1.0.9 to 1.1.3 so it's nothing to do with the upgrade. There's been no discernible changes with the shared server either.
I've effectively done the same as you would with a test account - there are no error messages produced by the system visible to the user, or on the admin panel either.


And this also happens when you try to upload eg a 1kb file?
It's possible that it takes to long to upload and that the server times out or something like that.


My only problem with server time-out as the difficulty, is that there's no discernible difference between uploading an attachment as part of the post or uploading one as a modification to the post. This is the bit which puzzles me - and everyone else as well....  :) :)


    Please do not PM me with support requests unless I invite you to.   ~

<H> I had zero posts when I started posting
