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Template Help

Started by rowedf, March 30, 2004, 03:03:18 PM

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Well..Id like to stick to the original theme colors, but I want to move some stuff.  I started with a few things but am running into problems trying to move some of the user info stuff (ie..welcome user, you have 0 messages, etc).  Im doing a little graphic to put up in the right corner, the right of my banner, that will look like a control panel.  I would like to include that user info there, but am having problems moving the code.  Can anyone give me suggestions?  The board is located here



What I would do, is set your topmargin to 0

<body topmargin="0"> (just add that to <body>)

Make a table... and play with that.

If you would like, I would be more than happy to edit your index.template.php if you sent it to me.  I see what you are trying to do and I could give it a shot.

- Jeff


Thank you, I will do that tonight Jeff, I need to expand my left graphic a bit because the text and login stuff is a little too big....Thanks for the help again and I'll email you my index-template.php file tonight.


OK... I will do what I think you are wanting. Mainly, you want that header/logo thing pushed to the left and the login stuff on the right but make it look a bit better right?

I will see what I can do.. I am not guaranteeing it will be exactly what you are looking for but it should be close    :D


Thanks I sent to your email listed in your profile.


I recevied it and will get to it tonight, possibly tomorrow afternoon.  I have a few things to get done tonight, but should at least get started on it, if not done.


thanks man I got your message...that sucks :) i thought it would look sweet if we could squeeze all that into that area...can anyone else help on this? is the forum and Im trying to get all the user info into that top right box we made, but am having trouble.  Any suggestions would be much appreciated.



Make your main logo about 350-500 in width or so so it doesnt scroll horizontally


What I want to do is keep as much graphicaly going across the top as a large banner would be great if it works.  The other way is have the user info stuff just below the header, but I'm having problems spacing it out..I try to put in individual cells, like the username, messages, time, etc...then space them accordingly, but I get parse errors every time
