有没有人做中文的link , ads mods?

Started by paulyoung76, September 30, 2006, 05:25:05 AM

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Ads mod 需增加的 strings 有:


// Ad Management Strings
$txt['ad_management'] = 'Ads';
$txt['ad_management_index_below'] = 'Display ads below the menu on all pages';
$txt['ad_management_index_above'] = 'Display ads above the menu on all pages';
$txt['ad_management_bot_index'] = 'Display ads on the bottom of all pages';
$txt['ad_management_board_index'] = 'Display ads on the Board Index';
$txt['ad_management_thread_index'] = 'Display ads on the Thread index';
$txt['ad_management_thread'] = 'Display ads on the Thread';
$txt['ad_management_content'] = 'Write your ad code here';
$txt['ad_management_firstad'] = 'Display ad after first post';
$txt['ad_management_align'] = 'How would you like to align your ads?';
$txt['ad_management_align_left'] = 'Left';
$txt['ad_management_align_middle'] = 'Middle';
$txt['ad_management_align_right'] = 'Right';
$txt['permissiongroup_ad_manage'] = 'Ad Management';
$txt['permissionname_ad_manageperm'] = 'Enable ads';
$txt['permissionhelp_ad_manageperm'] = 'To enable ads to appear for this membergroup, this must be checked';


//Ad Management Help Strings
$helptxt['ad_management_index_below'] = '<p>This ad position is located right below the menu. Your ads will display on every page.</p><p>If you have "Display ads on board index, thread index and thread" checked, you will see double ads on the top of your page.</p>';
$helptxt['ad_management_index_above'] = '<p>This ad position is located right above the menu. Your ads will display on every page.</p><p>If you have "Display ads on board index, thread index and thread" checked, you will see double ads on the top of your page.</p>';
$helptxt['ad_management_bot_index'] = '<p>This ad position is located on the bottom of the page. Your ads will display on every page.</p><p>If you have "Display ads on board index, thread index and thread" checked, you will see double ads on the top of your page.</p>';
$helptxt['ad_management_board_index'] = '<p>This ad position is located only on the page that shows all the boards you have on your forum.</p><p>If you have "Display ads above or below the menu" checked, you will see double ads on the top of your page.</p>';
$helptxt['ad_management_thread_index'] = '<p>This ad position is located only on the page that shows all the threads you have in a certain forum.</p><p>If you have "Display ads above or below the menu" checked, you will see double ads on the top of your page.</p>';
$helptxt['ad_management_thread'] = '<p>This ad position is located only on the page that displays your thread.</p><p>If you have "Display ads above or below the menu" checked, you will see double ads on the top of your page.</p>';
$helptxt['ad_management_content'] = 'Any valid html code may be written here. Please be remined that open tags should always be closed. BBC code will not work in here.';
$helptxt['ad_management_firstad'] = 'This will display your ads after the first post. The ad post will not contain any links beside the title of the topic. This is done because it is not actually a real post. It can not be quoted or edited or any other functions you may associate with an actual post';
$helptxt['ad_management_align'] = 'This will align your ads either to the left of the page, the middle of the page or to the right of the page. The only ad it will not effect is the "Display ads after first post". This ad position is fixed.';

这些 strings 都只出现在管理处,所以翻不翻译都无所谓啦..

install.xml 都有安装的步骤. 自己可以加入中文. 只需在 install.xml 找出什么语言文件需要修改.不需要懂电脑程序.慢慢学会上手的  ;)


Quote from: paulyoung76 on September 30, 2006, 05:25:05 AM
看有没有你所需要的广告样式..  http://www.szno.com [nofollow]


hxxp:www.mpexpert.net/forum [nonactive]
