Password Protected!

Started by Vinoth, July 09, 2004, 01:57:21 PM

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Ok ive tried doing a pasword preotected area before
A Its a pain in the BLANK for the Users cause entering a pasword everytime you want to do anything int he protected area is annoying

B You would also have to hange the entire cookie structure and session handling to do your Magick cookie theory naming who get sthen and who does nto in the code itself or wuld have to be a membergroup thing

If you were going to do it that way ti wold be a waste of time because ember groups and permissions Already do this you can edit a users permissions right from their profile now as it is so why all teh added work and drama?


Here is how and why I need password protection. We have a fan club and inside the fan club section we allow members to view the fan club board only. I put a password up in the fan club seciton and change it out from time to time. That way when new members come in they can get the password. And I don't have to go and change thier status in SM.

This is very very important for me. is there a mod?? can we have this option?? Please!!


Look, passwords don't have to be entered EVERY TIME you enter a protected forum... I was thinking that the password would set a variable on the user's account that would allow the user permanent access to that forum.

Membergroups CANNOT be used as a complete substitute for this purpose. As proof I submit the following.

1. If you set a member's usergroup, the new usergroup will show with each post they make. What if I don't want that?

2. Say there are several protected forums, for example, 5. But you don't want them to have layered access; that is, each forum is equal in status, it's just that they target different types of people, and a user may be any number of these types. In that case, you would have to make 32 usergroups to allow for each combination. That is a major pain in the ass.

3. Look how many people want this feature. If membergroups were a complete solution, then WHY are people complaining?

I was under the impression that SMF aimed to be a complete and easy-to-use board. While for the most part it is (which is why these people aren't giving up on it entirely), if you want to achieve this goal, instead of insisting that this feature is unnecessary (which it isn't), you could just implement it.

Nobody said it was easy, but if you just want the coding to be easy all the time, you're not going to have the best board. That's all.


Sorry I am waking this thread up.

I think it is high time SMF has what is being asked for here.
Any solution yet?

I have tried creating Member groups, but there are some people within
a group that I will want to view multiple threads, so how do
I merge them all together?


I may be missing something here. But doesn't the "Secondary Group" option solve all of this? You can have as many of those as you want per user without affecting what is "displayed" next to their name. Why not use it. It's a great feature.

Peace, Lance
