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Pretty URLs

Started by Team, January 31, 2007, 10:56:43 AM

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Quote from: August_Shade on November 14, 2008, 09:19:57 AM
I have instaled Pretty URL when my forum was still in localhost, then, when i moved it to the host, the link where still localhost/forum.

How do i fix it and turn the urls to be show as ?
See ya!

Quote from: Zepia1 on November 14, 2008, 11:07:38 PM
If I uninstall do I have to re submit my sitemap to google again or will it catch up automatically?
You should use the reverter package if you have on intentions on installing the mod again.
"Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise."


You should use the reverter package if you have on intentions on installing the mod again.

what's the point of using the reverter? I want to revert it back to a normal settings, no pretty urls, does this mean that after installing the mod using the reverter I have to re-submit my forum sitemap to google webmaster?


The reverter package will redirect the pretty URLs to the normal SMF URLs.

I don't know anythig about sitemaps and don't care about them. They're almost entirely useless. I'm sure resubmitting it won't hurt.
"Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise."


OK, other thing to add in the mod.

When i modify a post to change its title. The title in the URL doesnt change when it should update the daba base with that names...

Oh, and also, when you are watching a post and you are not logged in. When you join the forum you doesnt return to the post you was watching, it redirects you to the forum index.


Quote from: Dannii on November 15, 2008, 02:33:01 AM
The reverter package will redirect the pretty URLs to the normal SMF URLs.

I don't know anythig about sitemaps and don't care about them. They're almost entirely useless. I'm sure resubmitting it won't hurt.

Well I don't want to uninstall it but there's problems with some members, they log in, but once they click on a board the site kicks them out, but they go back to the forums and they are logged back in, its weird, nothing happens to admins though, only regular members, plus for some reason I can't log out it won't let me, lol

Any help?

Oh and what MacX said, if you change the name or move a topic to another location, it won't change it on the url.


Quote from: Pedja on November 12, 2008, 01:20:20 PM
This mod does not support Serbian language. Here is modified Subs-PrettyUrls.php (from v0.9) that provides full support for Serbian Latin and Cyrillic alphabet. The only change is in $characterHash.

I hope this will be included in official release.

Hmm doesn't work to me. My forum is mostly in Cyrillic but i'm not using UTF-8.

ex: 'Л' and 'л' is ignored somehow or i may need to edit whole Subs-PrettyUrls.php before install?!?


Ok, i am gonna try to solve my problem by myself.

Now i have a question.
I want to change the "BoardsAndTopics.xml" file to fix the mail problem.

How can i upload only that file to my forum? Or must i unistall the mod and install it again with the .tar.gz file with my new BoardsAndTopics file in?

I am gonna work on the display.php code, in this line:

$url = 'topic=' . $topic . '.' . (isset($_REQUEST['start']) ? $_REQUEST['start'] : '0') . (isset($_REQUEST['prev_next']) ? ';prev_next=' . $_REQUEST['prev_next'] : '') . (isset($_REQUEST['topicseen']) ? ';topicseen' : '') . (isset($_REQUEST['all']) ? ';all' : '') . (isset($_REQUEST['viewResults']) ? ';viewResults' : '');

;topicseen must be before phpsesion, only that.


URLs won't change, they're supposed to be permanent.

Zepia1, sounds like a cookies problem, and would probably happen without this mod.

MacX, that won't help. You need to edit the email files.
"Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise."


Quote from: Dannii on November 15, 2008, 10:45:14 PM
Zepia1, sounds like a cookies problem, and would probably happen without this mod.

Well I know it's not the cookies because whenever I turn pretty URL off everything works as normal.


Quote from: Dannii on November 15, 2008, 10:45:14 PM
MacX, that won't help. You need to edit the email files.
So where are that files?

The problem is not in the email send by the forum. The problem is in the bad redirection the mod does of that URLs.
So i think it must be in some files the mod changes, and it is only in that file where i can find something similar to what i see in the URL the mod redirects me when i click in a link in my e-mail.

Is in the mod, for sure. Where? I thought it was there, where i see the ";topicseen" word.

If its not there, tell me where i can solve it. I need to solve it fast. All my users have problems with it...


Ask someone else sorry, I'm going over seas in 12 hours!
"Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise."


Ok, can you tell me at least how to upload only one file?
Must i compress it into the .tar.gz file and upload all in the package directory?
Must i unnistal and install it again?

What must i do to update only one file???

I hope you can answer this small question :)


Thanks! Everything worked well.


To upload one file? Can't you just use FTP?
"Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise."


Quote from: Dannii on November 16, 2008, 06:37:34 AM
To upload one file? Can't you just use FTP?
Ok, i have changed a file in the mod. In one of the 2 .tar.gz files.

So its not to only to upload a file, but to upload a file in a .tar.gz file. And, as i dont know how forum works with that compress files, i wonder if i need to install again the mod or just uploading it, forum will detect the change in one file into the .tar.gz file.

I dont know if you understand me.

The mod files are in the server all toguether in the .tar.gz file so...


Both of the forums I have Pretty URLs installed on are throwing errors like crazy and the appear to be caused by Pretty URLs. Need help determining what the problem is.

I get a string of errors like this:

8: Undefined index: smftags_menu
File: /home/sitename/public_html/bb/Themes/default/Display.template.php (main_above sub template - eval?)
Line: 645

8: Undefined index: smftags_menu
File: /home/sitename/public_html/bb/Themes/default/Packages.template.php (main_above sub template - eval?)
Line: 645

8: Undefined index: smftags_menu
File: /home/sitename/public_html/bb/Themes/default/Display.template.php (main_above sub template - eval?)
Line: 645

There's nothing weird on line 645 of these files. Sometimes the file it states doesn't even contain a line 645. And I think it's weird that it's always line 645.

I'm getting errors on the other forum that are similar:

8: Undefined variable: reply_button
File: /home/sitename/public_html/bb/Themes/classic_red/Display.template.php (main sub template - eval?)
Line: 551

8: Undefined variable: modify_button
File: /home/sitename/public_html/bb/Themes/classic_red/Display.template.php (main sub template - eval?)
Line: 556

Can you help me troubleshoot these errors? Can you tell if the Pretty URLs mod is causing them?

Thanks for your help!



I have just solved my problem with mail notifications. (i think)

I only wanted to use a & insted of a ; in the URL redirected by this mod.

I go to subs.php file and i replaced this line:  ( line 2687 in my file)
      $char = strpos($setLocation, '?') === false ? '?' : ';';

for this other one:
      $char = strpos($setLocation, '?') === false ? '?' : '&';

Now, it works fine.
Well, some URLS are with ? and & toguether. It works, but i dont know how to solve that little problem.
Something like this:

before "topicseen". You can see the ? and the & toguether (?&)

Someone can help me in this?

I hope this can help other people with same problems.


my problem is profile page url.
etc :
members name : ruh aleminin gece bekçisi

but i want to
im using : utf-8 / smf 2.0b4  / pretty url :0,9

So Long

Carlos Gandra


Can someone help me with this?

That's a conflict between Pretty URLs and Bookmarks :)

Carlos Gandra
Mundo dos Animais
