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Started by Team, May 11, 2007, 08:02:48 AM

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I installed this mod but was not happy with the way it functions :(

After uninstalling it, I have been left with the 'Blog' option in the menu bar.

Any ideas on how to remove it?


Good mod
when Update dont forget Portuguese Linguage

    <file name="$languagedir/Modifications.portuguese_pt.php" error="skip">
            <search position="after"><![CDATA[?>]]></search>
// --- Begin modification - SMFBlog ---
// General text strings Translate By Candidosa2
$txt['blog'] = 'Blog';
// Text used in the frontend (user section).
$txt['blog_boards'] = 'Quadros do Blog';
$txt['blog_blogs'] = 'blogs dispon&iacute;veis:';
$txt['blog_comments'] = 'Coment&aacute;rios';
$txt['blog_no_comments'] = 'Nenhum coment&aacute;rio foi postado para esse poste ainda.';
$txt['blog_write_comment'] = 'Escrever um coment&aacute;rio';
// Errors in the frontend.
$txt['blog_error_disabled'] = 'Desculpe, mas blogs est&atilde;o desabilitados!';
$txt['blog_error_login'] = 'Desculpe, voc&ecirc; deve estar como membro para postar um coment&aacute;rio!';
$txt['blog_error_not_exist'] = 'Desculpe, mas o blog que voc&ecirc; pediu n&atilde;o existe!';
$txt['blog_error_not_blog'] = 'Desculpe, mas este quadro n&atilde;o &eacute; um blog!';

// Settings for the blog administration.
$txt['blog_comments_perpage'] = 'N&uacute;mero de coment&aacute;rios a serem exibidos por p&aacute;gina';
$txt['blog_posts_perpage'] = 'N&uacute;mero de postes de blog para exibir por p&aacute;gina'; // NEW!
$txt['blog_enable'] = 'Activar o blog?';
$txt['blog_enable_rewrite'] = 'Activar pretty URLs?';
$txt['blog_hide_boards'] = 'Esconder quadros de blog?';
$txt['blog_settings'] = 'Configura&ccedil;&otilde;es Blog';
// Board administration.
$txt['blog_board'] = 'Use este f&oacute;rum como um blog?';
$txt['blog_board_desc'] = 'Activando esta op&ccedil;&atilde;o ir&aacute; mostrar-lhe a Quadro na p&aacute;gina do blog.';
// --- End modification ---

// --- Begin modification - SSI Topic and Replies ---
$txt['ssiTopic_no_id'] = 'ssi_topic(): Por favor, especifique o ID para t&oacute;pico';
$txt['ssiTopic_notfound'] = 'The topic you are looking for appears to be either missing or off limits to you.';
$txt['ssiTopic_replies'] = 'Respostas';
$txt['ssiTopic_reply'] = 'Responder ';
// --- End modification ---

// Template
$txt['smfblog_by'] = 'Por';
$txt['smfblog_subject'] = 'Assunto';
$txt['smfblog_re'] = 'Re: ';
$txt['smfblog_shortcuts'] = 'shortcuts: pressione alt+s para enviar/postar ou alt+p para pr&eacute;-visualizar';
$txt['smfblog_save'] = 'Gravar';
$txt['smfblog_preview'] = 'pr&eacute;-visualizar';
// END SMF Blog Support PT/BR By SMFPT
    <file name="$languagedir/Modifications.portuguese_pt-utf8.php" error="skip">
            <search position="after"><![CDATA[?>]]></search>
// --- Begin modification - SMFBlog ---
// General text strings Translate By Candidosa2
$txt['blog'] = 'Blog';
// Text used in the frontend (user section).
$txt['blog_boards'] = 'Quadros do Blog';
$txt['blog_blogs'] = 'blogs dispon&iacute;veis:';
$txt['blog_comments'] = 'Coment&aacute;rios';
$txt['blog_no_comments'] = 'Nenhum coment&aacute;rio foi postado para esse poste ainda.';
$txt['blog_write_comment'] = 'Escrever um coment&aacute;rio';
// Errors in the frontend.
$txt['blog_error_disabled'] = 'Desculpe, mas blogs est&atilde;o desabilitados!';
$txt['blog_error_login'] = 'Desculpe, voc&ecirc; deve estar como membro para postar um coment&aacute;rio!';
$txt['blog_error_not_exist'] = 'Desculpe, mas o blog que voc&ecirc; pediu n&atilde;o existe!';
$txt['blog_error_not_blog'] = 'Desculpe, mas este quadro n&atilde;o &eacute; um blog!';

// Settings for the blog administration.
$txt['blog_comments_perpage'] = 'N&uacute;mero de coment&aacute;rios a serem exibidos por p&aacute;gina';
$txt['blog_posts_perpage'] = 'N&uacute;mero de postes de blog para exibir por p&aacute;gina'; // NEW!
$txt['blog_enable'] = 'Activar o blog?';
$txt['blog_enable_rewrite'] = 'Activar pretty URLs?';
$txt['blog_hide_boards'] = 'Esconder quadros de blog?';
$txt['blog_settings'] = 'Configura&ccedil;&otilde;es Blog';
// Board administration.
$txt['blog_board'] = 'Use este f&oacute;rum como um blog?';
$txt['blog_board_desc'] = 'Activando esta op&ccedil;&atilde;o ir&aacute; mostrar-lhe a Quadro na p&aacute;gina do blog.';
// --- End modification ---

// --- Begin modification - SSI Topic and Replies ---
$txt['ssiTopic_no_id'] = 'ssi_topic(): Por favor, especifique o ID para t&oacute;pico';
$txt['ssiTopic_notfound'] = 'The topic you are looking for appears to be either missing or off limits to you.';
$txt['ssiTopic_replies'] = 'Respostas';
$txt['ssiTopic_reply'] = 'Responder ';
// --- End modification ---

// Template
$txt['smfblog_by'] = 'Por';
$txt['smfblog_subject'] = 'Assunto';
$txt['smfblog_re'] = 'Re: ';
$txt['smfblog_shortcuts'] = 'shortcuts: pressione alt+s para enviar/postar ou alt+p para pr&eacute;-visualizar';
$txt['smfblog_save'] = 'Gravar';
$txt['smfblog_preview'] = 'pr&eacute;-visualizar';
// END SMF Blog Support PT/BR By SMFPT
    <file name="$languagedir/Modifications.portuguese_brazilian.php" error="skip">
            <search position="after"><![CDATA[?>]]></search>
// --- Begin modification - SMFBlog ---
// General text strings Translate By Candidosa2
$txt['blog'] = 'Blog';
// Text used in the frontend (user section).
$txt['blog_boards'] = 'Quadros do Blog';
$txt['blog_blogs'] = 'blogs dispon&iacute;veis:';
$txt['blog_comments'] = 'Coment&aacute;rios';
$txt['blog_no_comments'] = 'Nenhum coment&aacute;rio foi postado para esse poste ainda.';
$txt['blog_write_comment'] = 'Escrever um coment&aacute;rio';
// Errors in the frontend.
$txt['blog_error_disabled'] = 'Desculpe, mas blogs est&atilde;o desabilitados!';
$txt['blog_error_login'] = 'Desculpe, voc&ecirc; deve estar como membro para postar um coment&aacute;rio!';
$txt['blog_error_not_exist'] = 'Desculpe, mas o blog que voc&ecirc; pediu n&atilde;o existe!';
$txt['blog_error_not_blog'] = 'Desculpe, mas este quadro n&atilde;o &eacute; um blog!';

// Settings for the blog administration.
$txt['blog_comments_perpage'] = 'N&uacute;mero de coment&aacute;rios a serem exibidos por p&aacute;gina';
$txt['blog_posts_perpage'] = 'N&uacute;mero de postes de blog para exibir por p&aacute;gina'; // NEW!
$txt['blog_enable'] = 'Activar o blog?';
$txt['blog_enable_rewrite'] = 'Activar pretty URLs?';
$txt['blog_hide_boards'] = 'Esconder quadros de blog?';
$txt['blog_settings'] = 'Configura&ccedil;&otilde;es Blog';
// Board administration.
$txt['blog_board'] = 'Use este f&oacute;rum como um blog?';
$txt['blog_board_desc'] = 'Activando esta op&ccedil;&atilde;o ir&aacute; mostrar-lhe a Quadro na p&aacute;gina do blog.';
// --- End modification ---

// --- Begin modification - SSI Topic and Replies ---
$txt['ssiTopic_no_id'] = 'ssi_topic(): Por favor, especifique o ID para t&oacute;pico';
$txt['ssiTopic_notfound'] = 'The topic you are looking for appears to be either missing or off limits to you.';
$txt['ssiTopic_replies'] = 'Respostas';
$txt['ssiTopic_reply'] = 'Responder ';
// --- End modification ---

// Template
$txt['smfblog_by'] = 'Por';
$txt['smfblog_subject'] = 'Assunto';
$txt['smfblog_re'] = 'Re: ';
$txt['smfblog_shortcuts'] = 'shortcuts: pressione alt+s para enviar/postar ou alt+p para pr&eacute;-visualizar';
$txt['smfblog_save'] = 'Gravar';
$txt['smfblog_preview'] = 'pr&eacute;-visualizar';
// END SMF Blog Support PT/BR By SMFPT
    <file name="$languagedir/Modifications.portuguese_brazilian-utf8.php" error="skip">
            <search position="after"><![CDATA[?>]]></search>
// --- Begin modification - SMFBlog ---
// General text strings Translate By Candidosa2
$txt['blog'] = 'Blog';
// Text used in the frontend (user section).
$txt['blog_boards'] = 'Quadros do Blog';
$txt['blog_blogs'] = 'blogs dispon&iacute;veis:';
$txt['blog_comments'] = 'Coment&aacute;rios';
$txt['blog_no_comments'] = 'Nenhum coment&aacute;rio foi postado para esse poste ainda.';
$txt['blog_write_comment'] = 'Escrever um coment&aacute;rio';
// Errors in the frontend.
$txt['blog_error_disabled'] = 'Desculpe, mas blogs est&atilde;o desabilitados!';
$txt['blog_error_login'] = 'Desculpe, voc&ecirc; deve estar como membro para postar um coment&aacute;rio!';
$txt['blog_error_not_exist'] = 'Desculpe, mas o blog que voc&ecirc; pediu n&atilde;o existe!';
$txt['blog_error_not_blog'] = 'Desculpe, mas este quadro n&atilde;o &eacute; um blog!';

// Settings for the blog administration.
$txt['blog_comments_perpage'] = 'N&uacute;mero de coment&aacute;rios a serem exibidos por p&aacute;gina';
$txt['blog_posts_perpage'] = 'N&uacute;mero de postes de blog para exibir por p&aacute;gina'; // NEW!
$txt['blog_enable'] = 'Activar o blog?';
$txt['blog_enable_rewrite'] = 'Activar pretty URLs?';
$txt['blog_hide_boards'] = 'Esconder quadros de blog?';
$txt['blog_settings'] = 'Configura&ccedil;&otilde;es Blog';
// Board administration.
$txt['blog_board'] = 'Use este f&oacute;rum como um blog?';
$txt['blog_board_desc'] = 'Activando esta op&ccedil;&atilde;o ir&aacute; mostrar-lhe a Quadro na p&aacute;gina do blog.';
// --- End modification ---

// --- Begin modification - SSI Topic and Replies ---
$txt['ssiTopic_no_id'] = 'ssi_topic(): Por favor, especifique o ID para t&oacute;pico';
$txt['ssiTopic_notfound'] = 'The topic you are looking for appears to be either missing or off limits to you.';
$txt['ssiTopic_replies'] = 'Respostas';
$txt['ssiTopic_reply'] = 'Responder ';
// --- End modification ---

// Template
$txt['smfblog_by'] = 'Por';
$txt['smfblog_subject'] = 'Assunto';
$txt['smfblog_re'] = 'Re: ';
$txt['smfblog_shortcuts'] = 'shortcuts: pressione alt+s para enviar/postar ou alt+p para pr&eacute;-visualizar';
$txt['smfblog_save'] = 'Gravar';
$txt['smfblog_preview'] = 'pr&eacute;-visualizar';
// END SMF Blog Support PT/BR By SMFPT


Quote from: UKShark on June 22, 2011, 11:44:46 AM
I installed this mod but was not happy with the way it functions :(

After uninstalling it, I have been left with the 'Blog' option in the menu bar.

Any ideas on how to remove it?

Can anybody help?


Is there anything in yours subs.php file related to the mod?


Hi!!! Thanks for this mod, it works great. Now Im modifying it for my website, and I want to show the users avatars on comments, there is any way to get the avatar ??? Thanks!


Installed this mod and am loving it so far.

Questions though - is there a way to have tags at this blog? I would like to organize blog content by subject matter via tags. Also what about social networking sharing options? Is there another social nertworking mod that will work in concert with this mod?



bump - any ideas as to how to implement subject tags into this mod? Is there another mod that might possibly assist in obtaining this need?



I just installed this on SMF 2.0 RC5 and well when I click on the blog link at the top. all I get is a index listing of a folder called "blog". I don't thing it should be doing that. Can some one tell me what happen. The installer installed it and there were no errors.

SMF Forums Where gamers go.


That is the correct behavior at this time. To send blogs goto manage boards and modify the board there should be an option to turn into a blog
Community Suite for SMF - Take your forum to the next level built for SMF, Gallery,Store,Classifieds,Downloads,more! -  Paid Modifications for SMF

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Yes. I created a new category and I added one forum to it and set it as a blog. How ever when I post in that forum it said that when I do that it should display that blog when I click on the link at the top called "blog". and well that doesn't work.
SMF Forums Where gamers go.


I've got a similar problem to bigjoe11a. I just installed this on my forum (I'm on SMF 2.0) but the Blog link in the menu bar leads to a folder that doesn't exist. I've set a forum up to be a blog and even made a topic in it but the topic seems normal.

If you want any more info feel free to ask, I'd be happy to help as I really want to get this integrated into my forum!

Edit: for some reason the Blog link works fine when I'm not logged in but when logged in, gives me a 404.
Also there still doesn't appear to be anything different about the forum that is set as the blog. I'm guessing that is intentional though it would be nice to have the forum redirect to the blog or to look like it.


i got this one when trying to put into my 1.1.15 site...   "Execute Modification    ./Sources/ModSettings.php    Test failed"


Quote from: miDnIghtEr20C on September 22, 2011, 12:55:40 PM
i got this one when trying to put into my 1.1.15 site...   "Execute Modification    ./Sources/ModSettings.php    Test failed"

A manual edit is required.



That's why I been wanting to uninstall it and I will have to do that by hand and that sucks. SMF really needs to update the packages and mods. Last time I edit the pages by hand. I had to reload every thing and start from scratch.
SMF Forums Where gamers go.


I'm interested in installing this mod.

1) It's been in BETA for four and a half years? Really?  ::)
2) Is there still active support for this mod?
3) FEATURE REQUEST: Instead of having ALL topics in a "marked blog board" post to the blog site, it'd be amazing if you could tick a box when starting a new thread "make this a blog post" so you can choose which new threads actually become blogs. Then, you could give people titles like "Content Contributor" and they'd have the access to tick the box or not, in addition to moderators/admins/etc. Is anyone willing to step up and make that happen?


1. haven't had time to develop it yet
2. Not really planning to redo it completely at some point do not like how the mod works/was built at all.
Community Suite for SMF - Take your forum to the next level built for SMF, Gallery,Store,Classifieds,Downloads,more! -  Paid Modifications for SMF

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SMF Gallery Pro
SMF Store SMF Classifieds Ad Seller Pro


Quote from: vbgamer45 on December 02, 2011, 01:14:59 AM
1. haven't had time to develop it yet
2. Not really planning to redo it completely at some point do not like how the mod works/was built at all.

Well, you're alive... so that's a start!

Let's work on making the absolute most amazing SMF blog mod known to man. Ready? Let's go!! :)


Busy at the moment unless someone donates then maybe heh
Community Suite for SMF - Take your forum to the next level built for SMF, Gallery,Store,Classifieds,Downloads,more! -  Paid Modifications for SMF

EzPortal - Portal System for SMF
SMF Gallery Pro
SMF Store SMF Classifieds Ad Seller Pro


Quote from: vbgamer45 on December 02, 2011, 03:08:17 PM
Busy at the moment unless someone donates then maybe heh

What kind of donation could persuade you to do a little upgrade for me? ;)

Also... I just realized, you're the guy I sent a thank you PM to. Seriously, every mod I want, you have. I love it.


Depends on what needs to be done/built
Community Suite for SMF - Take your forum to the next level built for SMF, Gallery,Store,Classifieds,Downloads,more! -  Paid Modifications for SMF

EzPortal - Portal System for SMF
SMF Gallery Pro
SMF Store SMF Classifieds Ad Seller Pro
