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Convert users from specified ID

Started by bzzik, August 28, 2007, 10:39:11 AM

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Hi guys!

I need to convert firebord to smf users (only users), but only from specified ID (i.e. from ID 5123)

What should i  change in this query?

/* ATTENTION: You don't need to run or use this file!  The convert.php script does everything for you! */

---~ name: "Simpleboard 1.0 and 1.1"
---~ version: "SMF 1.1"
---~ settings: "/configuration.php", "../../configuration.php", "../../../configuration.php"
---~ from_prefix: "`$mosConfig_db`.$mosConfig_dbprefix"
---~ table_test: "{$from_prefix}users"

--- Converting members...

TRUNCATE {$to_prefix}members;

---* {$to_prefix}members
   /* // !!! We could use [nonactive] for the realName? */ [nonactive] AS ID_MEMBER, SUBSTRING(m.username, 1, 80) AS memberName,
   SUBSTRING(m.username, 1, 255) AS realName,
   SUBSTRING(fb.signature, 1, 65534) AS signature, fb.posts,
   fb.karma AS karmaGood, SUBSTRING(m.password, 1, 64) AS passwd,
   SUBSTRING(, 1, 255) AS emailAddress,
   SUBSTRING(, 1, 255) AS location,
   IF(m.activation = 1, 0, 1) AS is_activated,
   UNIX_TIMESTAMP(m.registerDate) AS dateRegistered,
   UNIX_TIMESTAMP(m.lastvisitDate) AS lastLogin,
   IF(cd.params LIKE '%email=0%', 1, 0) AS hideEmail,
   IF(m.usertype = 'superadministrator' OR m.usertype = 'administrator', 1, 0) AS ID_GROUP,
   '' AS lngfile, '' AS buddy_list, '' AS pm_ignore_list, '' AS messageLabels,
   '' AS personalText, '' AS websiteTitle, '' AS websiteUrl, '' AS ICQ,
   '' AS AIM, '' AS YIM, '' AS MSN, '' AS timeFormat, '' AS avatar,
   '' AS usertitle, '' AS memberIP, '' AS secretQuestion, '' AS secretAnswer,
   '' AS validation_code, '' AS additionalGroups, '' AS smileySet,
   '' AS passwordSalt, '' AS memberIP2
FROM {$from_prefix}users AS m
   LEFT JOIN {$from_prefix}fb_users AS fb ON (fb.userid = [nonactive])
   LEFT JOIN {$from_prefix}contact_details AS cd ON (cd.user_id = [nonactive]);


By from do you mean all IDs after the specified ID or all IDs will be entered in manually?

If you want to convert members with an ID of at least 5123


   LEFT JOIN {$from_prefix}contact_details AS cd ON (cd.user_id =;

Try making it:

  LEFT JOIN {$from_prefix}contact_details AS cd ON (cd.user_id =
  WHERE >= 5123;

Or if they are all custom added ones...

  LEFT JOIN {$from_prefix}contact_details AS cd ON (cd.user_id =
  WHERE IN (5123, 8000, 8002);
Dev Consultant
Former SMF Doc Coordinator
