How can I design profile, post in forum, meet new friends.

Started by 68743, November 26, 2007, 11:56:38 AM

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How can I design profile, post in machinery industry forum, meet new friends.

Now I register an email address, want to post in the forums.

Name (This is the displayed name that people will see.)? Name get answers, meet new friends?

Hide email address from public? Y, prevent spam?

Show others your online status? Y, any use?

Personalized Picture: forum pictures/ I have my own pic: Specify URL. (ex: [nonactive]) /I will upload my own picture: browse. very hard to find small picture host website.

Personal Text: 100 characters. machinery industry forum. How can Personal Text get answers, meet new friends?

Birthdate: Year - Month - Day. I need to post my birthdate?

Location: . get answers, meet new friends need to know where I in?

Gender:    . I need to show gender to personal data harvestor?

ICQ: This is your ICQ number. I havn't got it

AIM: This is your AOL Instant Messenger nickname. I havn't got it

MSN: Your MSN messenger email address. I want to communicate with new friends in buddy list, when checked, good friends add in Myspace. Or ask good friends to build a website.

YIM: This is your Yahoo! Instant Messenger nickname. I havn't got it

Signature: Signatures are displayed at the bottom of each post or personal message. BBC code and smileys may be used in your signature. Max 400; characters remaining: 400. I don't know how to design.

Website title: This must be included if you specify a URL below. I need good friends to build a website.

Website URL: This must be a complete URL. How can I got free hosting?

Forum theme: Default; Simple Machines; groundbreaking PHP/MySQL port of YaBB; babylon. Which theme is better?

Time Format: The format here will be used to show dates throughout this forum. Is it a good design?

Time Offset: Number of hours to +/- to make displayed time equal to your local time. Current forum time: . If I live abroad, I need to know the forum users time?

Show board descriptions inside boards?

Show child boards on every page inside boards, not just the first?

Don't show users' avatars?

Don't show users' signatures?

Return to topics after posting by default?

Don't warn on new replies made while posting?

Show most recent posts at the top?

Show most recent personal messages at top?

First day of the week on the calendar:  Sunday?

Use quick reply on topic display:  don't show at all show, off by default show, on by default?

Show quick-moderation on message index as  don't show. checkboxes. icons?

Receive forum announcements and important notifications by email?

Receive reply notification only for the first unread reply?

Turn notification on when you post or reply to a topic?

When sending notification of a reply to a topic, send the post in the email (but please don't reply to these emails.)?

For topics and boards I've requested notification on, notify me of:  Replies and moderation Moderation only if I started the topic Only replies Nothing at all?

Personal Message Options: Other members can contact you personally, but sometimes you may want to ignore someone's messages. This page allows you to set that, among other things. Ignorelist: Add one Username on each line. Or enter * to ignore all messages. Any more use?

Save a copy of each Personal Message in my outbox by default?

Show a popup when you receive new messages?

Notify by email every time you receive a personal message:  Never Always From Buddies Only? Buddies?

Add To Buddy List Member: . How to use?

Start new topic: I want to promote a topic in machinery industry forum, details about the topic, ask questions, get new friends?

Message icon:   Standard Thumb Up Thumb Down Exclamation point Question mark Lamp Smiley Angry Cheesy Grin Sad Wink. Smiley get new friends?

Many design functions. I don't know how to design.

Notify me of replies?

Return to this topic?

Don't use smileys?

Lock this topic?

Attach: browse. (more attachments). Maximum attachment size allowed: 128 KB, per post: 4. I can attach many attachments?

Can I copy, paste?

Waste time insert image, choose font, font size

or I have to insert each image, select texts, choose each font, font size, click enter?

Or click html to see the source code, then copy, save, and use in another forum?

small images, image host site can't upload it

Follow forum post editor instruction to edit, but can not sure all images will display in the post.
