Google Member Map

Started by Spuds, December 12, 2007, 01:49:12 PM

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Chas Large

Hi Spuds.

I'm running v2.0.9 of the mod and it's working well. I can't quite see from the mod page or the version number there 2.0 Beta 2 if it's been updated since my version. The list still shows that it's only compatible with 2.0 RC3 too?

What I'd like to see as a small improvement is that when a pin is hovered over, the member info appears without clicking the pin. Any chance of this being included in a future revision?

Secondly, and not a complaint, but several members names (including mine) have become almost permanently embolded though none have changed their location in months. Any idea what may have caused this?

I'm Running 2.0.1.


My Modifications :)  My Forum

Please DO NOT PM me with support requests. Post the problem in the appropriate Support Board so everyone can benefit from the advice given.


Not sure if this will fix the permanent bold or not (but it will fix some other things) ... in Load.php find

'latitude' => !isset($profile['latitude']) ? '' : $profile['latitude'],
'longitude' => !isset($profile['longitude']) ? '' : $profile['longitude'],

replace with
'latitude' => !isset($profile['latitude']) ? '' : (float) $profile['latitude'],
'longitude' => !isset($profile['longitude']) ? '' : (float) $profile['longitude'],

QuoteI'm running v2.0.9 of the mod and it's working well. I can't quite see from the mod page or the version number there 2.0 Beta 2 if it's been updated since my version. The list still shows that it's only compatible with 2.0 RC3 too?
I actually backed the mod out to the rc3 version which is what it was when I assumed ownership, so no not an upgrade but a downgrade!

The reason is that it became a little cloudy as to what rights I had to make changes since I did not have contact with all the various authors, it was a hand me down, and the original release of the mod had no license e.g. it was not open.   So I'm starting from a blank slate and redoing the mod so it clean so to speak.


I uploaded a new version of the mod today for SMF 2.0x ONLY .... its now at version 2.5

The older versions of the mod that supported 2.0x have been archived.  The 1.1x version of the mod has not changed, but as reported the pins will no longer show up since the service that it used was discontinued by Google.  I left that on the site for those that need that version.

The major changes in the 2.5 release are as follows:
o + all javascript has been redone to use GoogleMaps V3 api, API key is no longer needed
o + new pin clustering code, can show cluster images as well as pins, has dynamic cluster pin sizing
o + local search now uses places library, pan/zooms to location but does not show pin (limits user confusion)
o + Updated map display code
o + updated kml output for Google Earth use
o + updated info bubble
o + added color picker to the admin panel to make choosing pin colors easier
o + ability to set where you want the button to appear in the top menu
o + Cleaned up the admin panel to better organize the options
o + Moved most language string to their own file

There were also some bug fixes along the way and additional code cleanup, basically its a total rewrite :)  It will work with the previous pin data from the other 2.x mods, some admin panel options will be reset to default however.

So give it a try and let me know what I broke now that I listed what I fixed or changed.

Chas Large

Thanks for the update Spuds. :)

Do we need to do an uninstall first or will it upgrade?
My Modifications :)  My Forum

Please DO NOT PM me with support requests. Post the problem in the appropriate Support Board so everyone can benefit from the advice given.


You should do an uninstall (but leave the data !!!) and then re-install the new one.  It will pick the the old pins and dates but some of the admin panel options will be reset to defaults due to the clean I did to variable names among other things.

Chas Large

Now this is very odd. I cannot uninstall the old 2.0.9 version. No matter which emulation of 2.0 I use, there is only a List Files or Delete option, no Uninstall.

It's the same for both my real and test forums, so I'm stuck.

I know I should be able to run the uninstall outside of package manager but cannot find the support topic which tells me how to do it. Can you help?

My Modifications :)  My Forum

Please DO NOT PM me with support requests. Post the problem in the appropriate Support Board so everyone can benefit from the advice given.

Chas Large

Found the solution, I was looking in the Browse Packages List for the Uninstall Link. I then looked in Installed Packages and there it was, so used that an uninstalled it OK but with one error in the Modifications.english.php file. Removed the lines and all was removed OK. Now to intall the new version.
My Modifications :)  My Forum

Please DO NOT PM me with support requests. Post the problem in the appropriate Support Board so everyone can benefit from the advice given.

Chas Large

OK, installed and all OK once the Admin settings had been restored. Great job Spuds, an excellent mod made better.

Only one slight moan and I doubt it's anything you've done more likely the Google API.

There is no Restore ZooM  Button which when clicked returns you to the default zoom set in Admin. It's the one that was in the middle of the four arrows, see attached.

As members zoom in to place their pin they often want to zoom back out to see the whole map as per the default zoom setting. Our map by default shows the whole of the UK so zooming back to that is what they're used to.

If somehow that could be restored it would be excellent.
My Modifications :)  My Forum

Please DO NOT PM me with support requests. Post the problem in the appropriate Support Board so everyone can benefit from the advice given.


Glad you got it sorted :) ...

Its not unusual to get the modification.yourlanguage error, mods generally install to the end of that file, so any mods that get installed after that, take that "end" spot and to fix that you would need to back them out in the reverse order you installed them.  Or do what you did (which is what I do) ignore the modification.yourlanguage error during uninstall and manually go in and delete those lines.  That issue is why I moved the language strings to their own file in the latest version.

I'll check and see if there is an equivalent button in the 3.0 API to the restore zoom, I did not even know that feature was in the old map :)


Thanks for the update.
Still get an error message, but guess the problem is with the SEF function of PortaMX.

Times in addition to a question: Why is a small problem with one's own Map V3 and the clustering feature. Can you help me there, perhaps?
I worked with:
SMF 2 in German

SID Giessen


What error are you getting with portamx ... and what problem are you seeing with the clustering?   


2: ob_start() [<a href='ref.outcontrol'>ref.outcontrol[/url]]: output handler 'ob_gzhandler' cannot be used twice
Datei: /..../Sources/PortaMx/PortaMxSEF.php
Zeile: 316
2: ob_start() [<a href='ref.outcontrol'>ref.outcontrol[/url]]: output handler 'ob_gzhandler' cannot be used twice
Datei: /..../Sources/PortaMx/PortaMxSEF.php
Zeile: 316

When I disable this "Admin - Server Settings - General - Enable compressed output" it runs without errors.

On the question of the clustering function.
I built a page with Google Map V3 and there would now incorporate a clustering function. Unfortunately I can not get to work. But now has nothing to do with SMF. Just wanted to ask if you could maybe help me there. Must not be free.
I worked with:
SMF 2 in German

SID Giessen


Quote from: Eclipse16V on December 10, 2011, 06:27:16 PM
When I disable this "Admin - Server Settings - General - Enable compressed output" it runs without errors
The mod use

if (!empty($modSettings['enableCompressedOutput']))

in the functions gmm_build_XML() and gmm_show_KML(), but I think this is not necessary. A simple ob_start() is enoug for the map.
We use the same logic in the hook integrate_exit, to convert xml content for our SEF engine.


@ Spuds
Can you help me when installing the clustering function?

Then I've got a problem with your mod here.
Now get the following error message:

8: Undefined index: cannot_googleMap_view
Datei: /..../Sources/Security.php
Zeile: 915

8: Undefined index: cannot_googleMap_view
Datei: /..../Sources/Security.php
Zeile: 915

How can I fix it?

The other error is now gone.
Thanks Fel
I worked with:
SMF 2 in German

SID Giessen


8: Undefined index: cannot_googleMap_view
Datei: /..../Sources/Security.php
Zeile: 915
That is a missing text string
$txt['cannot_googleMap_view'] = 'Sorry, you are not allowed to view the Member Map.';

Which is currently in googleMap.english.php so if you are using a translation, either that string did not get translated or I simply failed to load the language file before making the permission check (most likely :P)  You can copy that string to the modifications.language file to clear it up until I fix it properly.



This text string is in my googleMap.english.php , googleMap.english-utf8.php and googleMap.german-utf8.php

I will test it with the modifications.language file.
I worked with:
SMF 2 in German

SID Giessen


Is there a way to get the list of names in alphabetical order?


They should be in alphabetical order, the only ones that will not show in alphabetical order are the recently moved/added pins, those "float" to the top of the list based on date added.  However after a week those will just become alphabetical as they will no longer be consider recent.

The other possibility is if you have more pins added to the map then you allow to be shown on the map, in those cases the order is random.


I have an old installation of the member map that seems to not work.  I'm trying to uninstall it, so I can install the newest one from the package, but when I try to reverse the manual installation functions, it still doesn't go away.  Does anyone have any tips, or perhaps how I can tell the version of the one that was installed so I can try and find how to remove it?

Chas Large

Sad to report that the embolding of recent changes in the list no longer works. The changed names are at the top but not emboldened. Yes, I have the box ticked in the config page ;)

Before a change to Hal's pin position:  After:
My Modifications :)  My Forum

Please DO NOT PM me with support requests. Post the problem in the appropriate Support Board so everyone can benefit from the advice given.
