
Started by SimplePortal Team, March 10, 2008, 11:16:07 PM

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Quote from: Kat on June 11, 2009, 03:16:23 PM
Silly question time...

We're thinking of using SP as a kind of front page, open to guests. We don't want anybody to be able to get past the portal, though, until they login/register.

Is that possible, with SP, as-is (v2.2)?

It requires two minor edits: [nofollow]


Other waiting responses; Nathaniel replied them all in the last post of page 144, don't miss them.


That's how I'd thought it.


Angelina Belle

Great demo!
I'm seriously considering it.  Any chance of having a news fader block in the near future?  I've grown quite fond of it.  I wonder how difficult it would be for me to create a news fader block myself...
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. -- Hanlon's Razor


Guys, I've recently installed SMF and simpleportal 2.2.2 but I'm getting the following error -

8: Undefined index: error_sp_no_post_found
File: /home/xxxxxx/public_html/forum/Sources/SPortal1-1.php
Line: 1411

Any suggestions?

TIA :)


Quote from: AngelinaBelle on June 15, 2009, 03:28:51 PM
Great demo!
I'm seriously considering it.  Any chance of having a news fader block in the near future?  I've grown quite fond of it.  I wonder how difficult it would be for me to create a news fader block myself...

Code for a custom php block for this is available here
What type of washing machine is September?

An autumnatic. :)

Angelina Belle

Quote from: willerby on June 15, 2009, 05:26:22 PM
Quote from: AngelinaBelle on June 15, 2009, 03:28:51 PM
Any chance of having a news fader block in the near future? 

Code for a custom php block for this is available here
That was easy!
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. -- Hanlon's Razor


Hello I have Black rain V.2 theme with SMF 1.1.9 and I was wondering what is the custom code for the index.template.php specifically for the home and forum button. The theme is not coded like the default theme so when I copy and paste the code it messes up the button. So how do I fix that?

Below I will show the default coding for the home button on my theme and then the custom code that was provided for the mod. If someone can translate the code to show my themes buttons that would be great.

// How about the [home] button?
echo '<ul><li', $current_action == 'home' ? ' id="active"' : '', '><a href="', $scripturl, '"><span>'.$txt[103].'</span></a></li>';

The custom code for the mod that was provided with the parser :

// Show the [home] button.
echo ($current_action=='home' || $context['browser']['is_ie4']) ? '<td class="maintab_active_' . $first . '">&nbsp;</td>' : '' , '
<td valign="top" class="maintab_' , $current_action == 'home' ? 'active_back' : 'back' , '">
<a href="', ($modSettings['sp_portal_mode'] == 3 ? $modSettings['sp_standalone_url'] : $scripturl), '">' , $txt[103] , '</a>
</td>' , $current_action == 'home' ? '<td class="maintab_active_' . $last . '">&nbsp;</td>' : '';

// Show the [forum] button.
if (in_array($modSettings['sp_portal_mode'], array(1, 3)))
echo ($current_action=='forum' || $context['browser']['is_ie4']) ? '<td class="maintab_active_' . $first . '">&nbsp;</td>' : '' , '
<td valign="top" class="maintab_' , $current_action == 'forum' ? 'active_back' : 'back' , '">
<a href="', $scripturl . ($modSettings['sp_portal_mode'] == 1 ? '?action=forum' : ''), '">', empty($txt['sp-forum']) ? 'Forum' : $txt['sp-forum'], '</a>
</td>' , $current_action=='forum' ? '<td class="maintab_active_' . $last . '">&nbsp;</td>' : '';

Also im getting this error  :

8: Undefined variable: modSettings
File: /home/preat/public_html/Themes/default/languages/SPortalHelp.english.php (main_above sub template - eval?)
Line: 505


just installed the portal and when i click home it takes me to the portal where it used to take me to the forum index, using the clean blue theme how can i add a forum button because i like the look of the portal


im using the version before this one do you recomend to update? or wait for another version 

what normal problems can i get for updating or what advanteges

thanks wondurfull mod


I was looking up forum stuff on your website, as now it seems to be hijacked by an ad.


I'm getting the following 2 errors when viewing the home page (Front page mode)

2: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
File: /home/username/public_html/Sources/Subs-SPortal1-1.php
Line: 967

2: array_keys() [<a href='function.array-keys'>function.array-keys</a>]: The first argument should be an array
File: /home/username/public_html/Sources/Subs-SPortal1-1.php
Line: 965

This seems to be the part of code that is causing the error:
// MemberColorLink compatible, chache more data, handle also some special member color link colors
if (!empty($modSettings['MemberColorLinkInstalled']))
$colorDatas = load_onlineColors($users);
Line965 -> $loaded_ids = array_keys($colorDatas);

Line967 -> foreach($loaded_ids as $id)
if(!empty($id) && !isset($color_profile[$id]['link']))
$color_profile[$id]['link'] = $colorDatas[$id]['colored_link'];
$color_profile[$id]['colored_name'] = $colorDatas[$id]['colored_name'];

Here are the installed mods:
Quote1.     SMFBlog      1.0       [ Uninstall ]  [ List Files ]  [ Delete ]
2.    SMFShop    3.1.1    [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
3.    Additional Membergroups on Profile    1.0    [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
4.    RSS Feed Poster    1.1    [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
5.    Admin Notepad    1.0    [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
6.    Invite    1.14    [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
7.    Global Headers Footers    1.4.1    [ Apply Mod ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
8.    Topic Solved    1.22    [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
9.    SSI Topic and Replies    0.1    [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
10.    Aeva ~ Auto-Embed Video & Audio    6.9.99    [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
11.    SimplePortal    2.2.2    [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
12.    Images On Board    2.1    [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
13.    Group Moderators    1.4    [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
15.    Password Protect Boards    0.2    [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
16.    reCAPTCHA for SMF    [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
17.    SMF Arcade    2.0.18    [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
18.    Search Time Limitation    1.0    [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
19.    SMF Media Gallery    1.5.6    [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
20.    Advanced Reputation System    0.1.3    [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
21.    Custom Profile Field Mod    3.20    [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
22.    Global Announcements    1.0    [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
23.    Download Quota    1.0    [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
24.    VisualWarning    1.42    [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
25.    SMF Arcade    2.5 Beta 5    [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
26.    User Control Panel By Alan S    2.0    [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
29.    Additional Membergroups on Profile    1.0    [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
30.    Stop Spammer    2.2    [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
31.    [HTML] Permission Mod    1.01    [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
32.    Buddy Message Highlight    1.2    [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
33.    hidden for guests    1.0.3    [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
34.    Paid Subscriptions    0.18    [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
35.    Advanced Reputation System    1.7.4    [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
36.    Hack's Park Shoutbox    2.0    [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
37.    MCLegendII.2    3.0    [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
38.    Moderator Activity Report for SMF1.1.4    1.2    [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
39.    View Any Topic Permission Mod    1.9    [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
40.    Pm_Informer    2.0    [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
41.    Favicon    1.2    [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
43.    Karma Buttons    1.1    [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
44.    Custom Form Mod    1.4    [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
45.    Download Quota    1.0    [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
46.    Member Color Link    3.0.7    [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
47.    Smiley Pops 1.1.3    1.1.3    [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
Installed mods: current version older version


tried installing it but got:
Quote1.     Execute Modification     ./index.php     Test successful
2.    Execute Modification    ./SSI.php    Test successful
3.    Execute Modification    .Sources/Admin.php    Test successful
4.    Execute Modification    .Sources/BoardIndex.php    Test successful
5.    Execute Modification    .Sources/Display.php    Test successful
6.    Execute Modification    .Sources/Help.php    Test successful
7.    Execute Modification    .Sources/Load.php    Test successful
8.    Execute Modification    .Sources/ManagePermissions.php    Test failed
9.    Execute Modification    .Sources/ManageServer.php    Test successful
10.    Execute Modification    .Sources/QueryString.php    Test successful
11.    Execute Modification    .Sources/Recent.php    Test successful
12.    Execute Modification    .Sources/Subs.php    Test successful
13.    Execute Modification    .Themes/default/index.template.php    Test successful
14.    Execute Modification    .Themes/default/Display.template.php    Test successful
15.    Execute Modification    .Themes/default/languages/Who.english.php    Test successful
16.    Execute Modification    .Themes/default/languages/Who.english-utf8.php    Skipping file

i didnt see anyone else post this


More than likely just another mod installed to change the way the permissions file was made up. You should still be able to install it manually.


ah yea okay :)

??? this seems a stupid question to ask but I Am Stupid so what the hell; how do i install it manually ???


At the top right, click the radio button for the version you've installed and select your version of SMF from the dropdown box and click the parse button.

Be sure to backup any files you intend to change. In this case you're going to be manually editing ManagePermissions.php.

So go ahead and install the mod even though ManagePermissions.php is failing, then open ManagePermissions.php up in a text editor and apply the edits yourself. If this is beyond something you can do I'd be willing to go onto your site and do it for you if you're cool with that.


ah okay thanks!

urmm okay yea could be better - im not good at editing files, you use a FTP Client?


Did get hacked?  I cant visit anything but the front page without getting some vitamin ad spam.

Eliana Tamerin

Quote from: nodent on June 21, 2009, 03:17:06 PM
I was looking up forum stuff on your website, as now it seems to be hijacked by an ad.

I'm working with my host to resolve it. I'll keep you guys updated here until it gets back up.
Do NOT PM me for support.

SimplePortal 2.3.6 is OUT!
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SimplePortal: Power of Simplicity!


Did somebody forget to pay a bill? :P

Quote from: katbloke on June 20, 2009, 06:06:25 AM
just installed the portal and when i click home it takes me to the portal where it used to take me to the forum index, using the clean blue theme how can i add a forum button because i like the look of the portal
You need to make a custom edit to the index.template.php file for your theme. If you attach it to a post, I'm sure someone would be happy to take care of it if you don't know how to.

Quote from: sombra on June 20, 2009, 03:12:39 PM
im using the version before this one do you recomend to update? or wait for another version 

what normal problems can i get for updating or what advanteges

thanks wondurfull mod
Updates are released for a reason :) It is also very easy to update simple portal. If you are indeed using 2.2.1, then all you have to do to update is upload the 2.2.2 package and then instead of a new install it will update 2.2.1.

Quote from: DJBoddington on June 21, 2009, 11:30:54 PM
ah okay thanks!

urmm okay yea could be better - im not good at editing files, you use a FTP Client?
If you need help making custom edits to a file, then I suggest you post the file as an attachment in this thread. I'm sure someone would be more than willing to make the edits for you. I'm more than happy to do it myself. As nopity said, just install the mod even though the test fails, then upload the new ManagePermissions.php file. Be sure to back things up first.

nopity, what version of SMF are you using? Do you have Disable Colored Member Links setting enabled or disabled?


Quote from: Eliana Tamerin on June 21, 2009, 11:38:31 PM
Quote from: nodent on June 21, 2009, 03:17:06 PM
I was looking up forum stuff on your website, as now it seems to be hijacked by an ad.

I'm working with my host to resolve it. I'll keep you guys updated here until it gets back up.

LOL You might be able to either sue or get royalties from Pure Acai Slim Co and Rachel Ray. Could be the catalyst to launch SP into the next dimension if you get millions :D
