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Post Approval

Started by SantaClaws, September 13, 2008, 09:10:24 AM

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How do I set Post Approval for one certain board? I can't find it, :(. I'm using SMF 2.0 Beta 4.


You can create a "permissions profile" for the boards you want, so that certian membergroups must have their post approved before it shows up. Here's how:

Go to [admin] -> [permissions] -> [Edit Profiles] Then, at the bottom, where it says "New Profile", enter a name (such as "needs_approval") and click "Create".
Once the profile is created, you need to click on the "Post Moderation" tab right next to profiles. This will bring up a nice screen for setting them up. before you change anything, change the selector box at the top-right (Select Profile) to the profile you just created. Then you can set the permissions for post moderation.

One more thing to do now, go to the boards menu and click "Modify" on the one you want approval requirement on, then change the "Permission Profile:" to the new profile!

Hope that helps you! ;)


Thank you very much. That did the trick! I seriously don't know how to thank you for this. Sorry for the trouble. Dipstick me was looking for quite a while.


No problem, I had to look around for it for a while too when I set up my site! ;)
