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Started by Tamuril, May 26, 2008, 02:43:42 PM

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Link to the theme

Fractal art design. This theme was created with art, education or youth-oriented forums in mind. A few of the image files are large, but that is for image clarity only. You may compress them if you wish to downsize. It includes English buttons and design-related images.

Version: 1.1.5
File Type: Zip
Base: Classic SMF Theme

License: This theme is free to use as long as my copyright remains intact. Please PM me or visit my website for information and pricing on copyright removal, exclusive rights, original PSD downloads, modifications, and full custom SMF forum theme design.

Visit my website for more free SMF forum themes:



If you find the theme does not display properly, please manually adjust your theme path settings.

1. Open admin and go to Themes and Layouts.
2. Select Themes and Settings from the top menu.
3. Click on theme title link (in this case, Green Ornamental.)
4. Under Themes URLs and Configuration there are three url paths. Replace classic with

THEME%NAME for both the images and directory urls.
5. Go down to the bottom of the page and click Save.
6. The theme should now display properly!

If the English buttons are not showing up-- or rather, showing up as text-- perform the following tasks:

1. Open your forum.
2. Right-click on one of the images that shows up as text. Click Properties.
3. Note the image path url. It is most likely Themes/THEME%NAME/images/english/, but if you are installing

for a different language it will be Themes/THEME%NAME/images/OTHER%LANGUAGE/
4. Using your preferred FTP software:
  a) Copy the files from Themes/THEME%NAME/images/english/
  b) Into Themes/THEME%NAME/images/OTHER%LANGUAGE/
5. That should do the trick!


That theme looks really nice Tamuril!
I have become comfortably numb!

I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me.
   - Abraham Lincoln -

TOTM Winner. | Demo Site1on1 Theme Support



i really wanted to use this with my forum but its not working i installed it right but still its pulling the theme in parts

Hoochie Coochie Man

This theme is so beautiful, original and clean. congratulations! Good work.
İnadına SMF 1.1.X



There is an error specific to this theme.
When you type in a reply, (not a quick reply, so it's not the enhanced quick reply error)
And then tab to the post button, it's tabs to the top of the page.

It should tab to the post button, but it doesn't help please.

Works fine on the default theme.
Website: | SmF version: 2 | Portal software: PortaMx 1.3 | Default theme: Coal Black


yeah, it does it on your demo theme site too.
Website: | SmF version: 2 | Portal software: PortaMx 1.3 | Default theme: Coal Black


Quote from: pp08 on May 26, 2008, 10:45:30 PM
i really wanted to use this with my forum but its not working i installed it right but still its pulling the theme in parts

set it as your default then go to curent themes settings, you are going to need to fix the addresses, its not a theme thing as it only does it on random, for example on the site we used to test all was ok but on  it isnt.

On current themes one line will say tamuril_fire other 2 will say classic, you need to change the classic to tamuril_fire
Former SMF Project Manager
Former SMF Customizer

"For as lang as hunner o us is in life, in nae wey
will we thole the Soothron tae owergang us. In truth it isna for glory, or wealth, or
honours that we fecht, but for freedom alane, that nae honest cheil gies up but wi life


Not sure what I am missing,
Is there some manual install proceedure for this theme ?
I have smf 1.1.5, place in my themes directory,and smf dosent see it,go to install theme, path themes, enter name of theme, aply and my forum turns to gibberish, no "fire" theme, more like a really messed up default theme.

What is it I have missed? [nonactive]| [nonactive]| [nonactive]


QuoteThere is an error specific to this theme.
When you type in a reply, (not a quick reply, so it's not the enhanced quick reply error)
And then tab to the post button, it's tabs to the top of the page.

It should tab to the post button, but it doesn't help please.

Works fine on the default theme.

QuoteI have smf 1.1.5, place in my themes directory,and smf dosent see it,go to install theme, path themes, enter name of theme, aply and my forum turns to gibberish, no "fire" theme, more like a really messed up default theme.

Have either of you resolved these problems?

I am unsure as to why it would be doing this... I have not made any modifications to the coding (I used the original templates that came with the original 1.1.5 installation packets), only a few minor layout and image adjustments.


By the way, thanks to everyone for the nice comments. I appreciate it!


I think it looks great on your site but I am also getting a really garbled version of the default them on SMF 1.1.5

The only thing I could see hindering it is TP 1.05 but they aren't supposed to anymore.  The new version of TP is supposed to use regular SMF themes.


I think I see why.  I was just about to uninstall it when I noticed this on the themes page:

Theme directory (templates):
URL to above directory:
URL to images directory:

Its pointing to the classic theme's URLs instead of Fire.  I will see if I can fix that on my forum.


Not only did that work but its a smoking hot theme.  Thanks very much for this, it shows a lot of work went into it.


I was wondering how you made your buttons?  I'm really not good with graphics so if it wouldn't be too much to ask for a couple buttons that would be awesome as I have no graphics editing tools, since I suck at it anyways.

Unread Posts

If I could get a button for each of those that would be awesome as this is a very pretty theme.  Thanks.


i love the e themes that i downloaded green one fire one and the red and white one.... however none of it works with my site... i used to have 1.1.4 so i thought maybe thats way so i upgraded to 1.1.5 but still it does not work please let me know what ia m doing wrong


Quote from: RunicWarrior on May 28, 2008, 09:47:49 AM
Quote from: pp08 on May 26, 2008, 10:45:30 PM
i really wanted to use this with my forum but its not working i installed it right but still its pulling the theme in parts

set it as your default then go to curent themes settings, you are going to need to fix the addresses, its not a theme thing as it only does it on random, for example on the site we used to test all was ok but on  it isnt.

On current themes one line will say tamuril_fire other 2 will say classic, you need to change the classic to tamuril_fire

WoW thank you thank you so much "fire" theme is working after what you told me to do... now can you tell me plz what to do with the "clasic red" and "green ornament" those to its by the same author


i fixed it thanks to RunicWarrior thank you


I'm glad RunicWarrior was able to help. He's a real pal. ;D

I sent you a message about the other two.

Sami Ekici

Do not have good themes in the psd?


To anyone currently using this theme, please read the following message:

Google has dropped me from search results because they claim that my footer links in the SMF templates are artificially inflating pagerank. In order to resolve this issue I must send messages to all forum owners and request that they make modifications to the links in the forum.

If you are using my theme, please locate my links (between lines 300-310) of index.template.php and add rel="nofollow" inside the link tag.

Here is the current coding:

<a href="">Free SMF 1.1.5 Forum Theme</a> by <a href="">Tamuril</a>

Please replace with:

<a rel="nofollow" href="">Free SMF Theme</a> by <a rel="nofollow" href="">Tamuril</a>

I will be writing individual forum owners about the matter, but I thought it was best to post about the issue here as well. Thanks for your time!


Can you create german buttons please  :D


Ive been asked to install Simple Portal on this theme. Has anyone else done this successfully? Also since there is no buttons psd anyone know what font and color is uses for the buttons. 


I really wish there were an updated version for 2.x. I love that theme.


this is a stunning theme, Tamuril did an amazing job on it and I do hope she updates her themes for 2.0
Former SMF Project Manager
Former SMF Customizer

"For as lang as hunner o us is in life, in nae wey
will we thole the Soothron tae owergang us. In truth it isna for glory, or wealth, or
honours that we fecht, but for freedom alane, that nae honest cheil gies up but wi life


I'll second that on both counts. I'd really love to have a version 2 of this. :)
My pet rock is not feeling well. I think it's stoned.
