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Getting the Most Out of SMF - XML, RSS and RSS2 (and Atom and RDF) feeds

Started by Oldiesmann, January 20, 2005, 12:55:32 PM

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Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Can the Upcoming Calendar events be read with any of the syndication methods SMF has?  What I'm after is an RSS URL I can hand out and display in an RSS reader on my website showing users what events are upcoming. 


Simpleportals is capable of doing this, but is there a way to conver tit to rss for WP integration
Recent posts but only the most recent post PER topic.. Right now i get all recent posts, but they could be 3 posts to 1 topic since those are the newest


So you want the last post in each topic by topic, or do you want new topics as they appear?
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Quote from: Arantor on April 21, 2010, 09:07:34 AM
So you want the last post in each topic by topic, or do you want new topics as they appear?
Simpleportal does it best but i cant figure out how they do it to create my own rss..
I want it to list the newest (more recent/last post) but only 1 per topic.. So if i have 3 posts that are newest in Topic XYZ, and the 4th newest post is in topic ABC and the 5th in DEF, it would show:
Most recent XYZ
Most Recent ABC
Most Recent DEF

Then if someone posts in DEF it will show
Most recent DEF
Most Recent XYZ
Most Recent ABC

but will only show 1 post per topic


You'd best ask them. However I don't think you can easily make that fit the RSS system since I think they use a direct SQL query to get it (which means it's an overhaul of the RSS code to fit that it)
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


I have 2 RSS problems I can't solve if someone could help please.
I'm using SMF v1.1.11

1. I would like the output state the author's name of the post, no e-mail. for example:
I have read this post reply #125
but my News.php is so different than what is posted, I can not figure out which part to change so that the RSS feed states the Author's name.
I have pasted the contents of my News.php here hxxp://

2. I do not want any Members list to be available to any feeds, to public at all.
I notice that anyone can view members names in RSS feed, then click on the name to view their profile using this URL:
I do have 'View Members' turned off for all groups but Admins and Mods
Would I just remove an entire section in the News.php?

Thank you


Can I make this, or something similar into a HTML code so it displays on a page and not as a RSS feed?



For that you'd use a PHP page and the SSI functions, e.g. ssi_boardNews and ssi_recentTopics to output HTML.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Quote from: Arantor on April 25, 2010, 04:42:26 AM
For that you'd use a PHP page and the SSI functions, e.g. ssi_boardNews and ssi_recentTopics to output HTML.

Thanks! :)



Don't know if has been asked before and I think that with the options that are shown in the first post it's not possible but it worths the effort on asking this:

I want a feed that publishes the topics that had become "hot topics" when they reach enough replies so I can send them to twitter and facebook (that's already working great with new topics).

Is it possible?

Thank you in advance. [nonactive] [nonactive]


Excuse me if this is already well known, however I have been through every message here as well as doing the searches and looking in the on line manual.

The answer is probably staring me in the face but am simply too dumb to see it.

Most of the material in this topic is about extracting information from SMF and putting it into a RSS feed. I have that part pretty well covered.

What I am trying to do is kinda the reverse.  I have a couple of news feeds that get updated manually. What I am looking for is a way that each time a new item is added to one of these feeds that it be added as a topic in a specific forum.

I can do something like that using ad manager, and obviously I can do it as a manual process whenever I add something to the feed.

What I am looking for is a patch or a mod with the functionality that will snatch the new item from the feed and start a new topic in the board associated with that feed.

Am I overlooking the obvious yet again?  Or is this something that cannot currently be done?

Thanks in advance

SMF 1.11- SMF 2.0 RC2/RC3 - - RSS Feed Poster 2.2,RSS Feeder 1.1.4, Downloads System Pro, SMF Classifieds 1.3.5, SMF Gallery Pro 3.0.2, SimpleDesk - Integrated Helpdesk for Simple Machines Forum 1.0 Felidae, Aeva Media 1.1b, Ultimate Profile     0.9, Google Analytics Code 1.1, Twitter and Facebook Publisher mod 2.4, Stop Spammer 2.3.7, SMF Links 2.2, Site map 2.1.2, AjaxChat Integration 3.2.1, Ad Management 2.3.6

SMF (Donated) SMF Links (donated) - Ad Manager (donated) - phpMyChat (donated)


Take a look through the mod site for the RSS feed posting mods.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Quote from: Arantor on June 08, 2010, 01:54:27 PM
Take a look through the mod site for the RSS feed posting mods.

<sigh> I seem to have a finely developed knack for overlooking the blindingly obvious, I will try VBGamers mod, I  have several from him and they are all good
SMF 1.11- SMF 2.0 RC2/RC3 - - RSS Feed Poster 2.2,RSS Feeder 1.1.4, Downloads System Pro, SMF Classifieds 1.3.5, SMF Gallery Pro 3.0.2, SimpleDesk - Integrated Helpdesk for Simple Machines Forum 1.0 Felidae, Aeva Media 1.1b, Ultimate Profile     0.9, Google Analytics Code 1.1, Twitter and Facebook Publisher mod 2.4, Stop Spammer 2.3.7, SMF Links 2.2, Site map 2.1.2, AjaxChat Integration 3.2.1, Ad Management 2.3.6

SMF (Donated) SMF Links (donated) - Ad Manager (donated) - phpMyChat (donated)


Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever.
Web Designer Sri Lanka


Question on getting the RSS feed, I can make this work as long as the forum is open to guests, but it fails when you have to be logged in to the SMF site to be able to read the particular board I am interested in.

Is there some way of adding a log in string to the request so that I can set up a dummy ID that has rights to read a particular board, and add the account particulars, for the dummy ID, to the request string for the RSS feed ?

The only other answer that I can see is making the board available to guests which is not something that I want to do.

SMF 1.11- SMF 2.0 RC2/RC3 - - RSS Feed Poster 2.2,RSS Feeder 1.1.4, Downloads System Pro, SMF Classifieds 1.3.5, SMF Gallery Pro 3.0.2, SimpleDesk - Integrated Helpdesk for Simple Machines Forum 1.0 Felidae, Aeva Media 1.1b, Ultimate Profile     0.9, Google Analytics Code 1.1, Twitter and Facebook Publisher mod 2.4, Stop Spammer 2.3.7, SMF Links 2.2, Site map 2.1.2, AjaxChat Integration 3.2.1, Ad Management 2.3.6

SMF (Donated) SMF Links (donated) - Ad Manager (donated) - phpMyChat (donated)


Quote from: jay.clark on June 10, 2010, 08:35:17 AM
The only other answer that I can see is making the board available to guests which is not something that I want to do.

This is what you'll have to do without rewriting large parts of SMF.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Quote from: Arantor on June 10, 2010, 10:38:53 AM
This is what you'll have to do without rewriting large parts of SMF.

Oh Well ...

My personal philosophy is that you can usually get at least 80% of the desired effect with only 20% of the effort.

Every once in a while mother nature, of course, bytes me on the ass. 

Lemme tell you what I am attempting to do. 

I use the rss/xml feature to extract specific boards from my site and post them on the top page of other boards.  So far so good.

I installed SMFHacks RSS poster the other day, and now I can post extracts from my news feeds into specific boards, again so far so good (or it will be as soon as I figure out how to make the images come across as well)

I live in Vegas and we get a lot of visitors, yesterday I met with someone who is running an SMF based system with very similar content to mine.

We both have the same problem, lots and lots of visitors, very few posters. And it takes posts to get posts.

I told him that I thought it was possible for posts from my system to show up on his system and vice versa by using the RSS/XML features.

I allow guests access to my forums, he does not. When I tried it out last night I could get posts to "echo" on his system, but could not get posts from his system to "echo" on mine.

<sigh> Great Idea while it lasted

SMF 1.11- SMF 2.0 RC2/RC3 - - RSS Feed Poster 2.2,RSS Feeder 1.1.4, Downloads System Pro, SMF Classifieds 1.3.5, SMF Gallery Pro 3.0.2, SimpleDesk - Integrated Helpdesk for Simple Machines Forum 1.0 Felidae, Aeva Media 1.1b, Ultimate Profile     0.9, Google Analytics Code 1.1, Twitter and Facebook Publisher mod 2.4, Stop Spammer 2.3.7, SMF Links 2.2, Site map 2.1.2, AjaxChat Integration 3.2.1, Ad Management 2.3.6

SMF (Donated) SMF Links (donated) - Ad Manager (donated) - phpMyChat (donated)


Could I somehow make it a pretty URL? For example using a domain forward so it could be Thank you
