Getting the Most Out of SMF - XML, RSS and RSS2 (and Atom and RDF) feeds

Started by Oldiesmann, January 20, 2005, 12:55:32 PM

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I want to exclude some subforums from my Feedburner feed. I know how to format the urls, but I don't know where I'm supposed to change the code.  Would somebody please point me in the right direction?


You'll just need to add the "boards" parameter to the URL to specify an exact list of which boards you want the data from. See the first post in this topic for further details.
Michael Eshom
Christian Metal Fans


I am currently using the following feed without problems:;action=.xml;sa=news;boards=36,46,52

It works beautifully and does what it is supposed to do (displaying only the first post of the most recent threads from the three selected boards). But I do not want to display the actual content of the posts. I can't find anything on this site to limit the content of the RSS feed further.

All I want to display in the RSS feed:
TITLE of posts (linking to the post)
DATE of the posts

Any way to do this? (Or can someone point me to a thread/topic with info on this specific issue?)


I don't think you'll find you can actually do that, it's a requirement of the RSS specification (or was last I checked) that there had to be *some* content.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


how can I show a username instead of email in the RSS feeds?


Took a little bit - the search function didn't work - had to scroll to nearly the bottom - there are 2 lines exactly the same at the bottom that read:

'author' => (!empty($modSettings['guest_hideContacts']) && $user_info['is_guest']) || (!empty($row['hideEmail']) && !empty($modSettings['allow_hideEmail']) && !allowedTo('moderate_forum')) ? null : $row['posterEmail'] ,

Changed them both to:

'author' => (!empty($modSettings['guest_hideContacts']) && $user_info['is_guest']) || (!empty($row['hideEmail']) && !empty($modSettings['allow_hideEmail']) && !allowedTo('moderate_forum')) ? null : $row['posterName'] ,

Now it shows the username - not real name or email - did a search in this topic for this question...but, this makes it easier.


I would like remove the email address from the RSS feeds on my forum too. Can you please tell me which file requires the change you detailed.

Thank you



Quotelimit=x - display the "x" most recent posts (if number is less than 5, it will display 5. If number is larger than 255, it will display 255).

Its possible to change these topic limit (255) to something more small? where is the code for that?

I mean, if a user use:
the RSS will only show 255maximum

i want to show only 20 topics maximum, no matter if the user put limit=40 or 3000

something like  /index.php?action=.xml;sa=recent;limit=20;type=rss2 always.

thanks in advance.

Joshua Dickerson

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Quote from: NewYorker on April 28, 2011, 06:42:47 PM
I would like remove the email address from the RSS feeds on my forum too. Can you please tell me which file requires the change you detailed.

Thank you

For the benefit of anyone still looking to do this, I changed $row['poster_email']to $row['poster_name'] in 4 places in Sources/News.php , and it worked fine.

That's in a fresh install of the newly released Gold SMF 2.0.

Joshua Dickerson

Come work with me at Promenade Group

Need help? See the wiki. Want to help SMF? See the wiki!

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can we inject attachment thumbnails into a rss feed from our message board


Can someone tell me why this doesnt work?

I want a feed of the new postings of one specific user.

I tried different combinations like





First, I apologize if this has already been answered.  I've been reading this topic for over 30 minutes, but cannot find it.

I'm trying to create an RSS feed of only my actual News items (i.e. my News 'fader').

Administration Center » News and Newsletters » News

Every variation of the xml/rss URL gives me a variation of forum posts.  I don't want a feed of forum posts.  Just my News fader.

Is it possible?

Casual Adult Gaming Community


Quote from: TLMB on June 25, 2011, 02:09:10 PM
Quote from: NewYorker on April 28, 2011, 06:42:47 PM
I would like remove the email address from the RSS feeds on my forum too. Can you please tell me which file requires the change you detailed.

Thank you

For the benefit of anyone still looking to do this, I changed $row['poster_email']to $row['poster_name'] in 4 places in Sources/News.php , and it worked fine.

That's in a fresh install of the newly released Gold SMF 2.0.

This was another problem I was having.  Your solution worked like a charm.  Thanks!   :)

ps.  This definitely needs to be default coding in any future SMF releases.  Just handing over email address like that is a serious privacy issue.

Casual Adult Gaming Community


Quote from: nCogNeato on August 05, 2011, 12:23:52 PM
First, I apologize if this has already been answered.  I've been reading this topic for over 30 minutes, but cannot find it.

I'm trying to create an RSS feed of only my actual News items (i.e. my News 'fader').

Administration Center » News and Newsletters » News

Every variation of the xml/rss URL gives me a variation of forum posts.  I don't want a feed of forum posts.  Just my News fader.

Is it possible?


Casual Adult Gaming Community



Casual Adult Gaming Community


What do I need to do so ... it only shows topics from a specific user?
