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AjaxChat Integration (latest version 3.2.1)

Started by .HuNTeR., August 27, 2008, 12:59:06 AM

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Yes and yes.

EDIT: I'll sift through them again now.

EDIT2: Now my host is just toying with me.... :'(

Quote from: my hostManage Error Log
We have recently updated our Error Log feature. Once enabled, error logs will be available in your error log directory.
« Next Edit: Tomorrow at 08:34:45 PM by SunKing »   <---- « someone stole my sig... :o »


Have you ever contacted your host to see if they have any suggestions?


After pulling all my hair out trying to get this working for a bunch of my members who wanted a chat room, I'm giving up on this ajax pile of crap.  No one here seems to know why I keep getting the utf8 errors or what to do about them. 

I somehow got the package manager to try to install it, but ;) got the following error:

Database Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_bin' at line 8
File: /html/smf/Packages/temp/Tables_1.1.X.php
Line: 20

Then I tried to go into the smf/chat to see if there was anything, and got an error about tables not being there.

Then I went back to my smf index page, and my smf was "blown up",  ((nods to bigloutx)).  this is the error that showed up on my index page:

Database Error: Table 'user_525799.ajax_chat_online' doesn't exist
File: /html/smf/Sources/Load.php
Line: 2251

Luckily, I had backed up, everything is restored back to before the ajax install.  And I'm done playing with it.
I've never had so many problems just getting a mod installed.  Maybe if this is ever re-released by a different author I'll give it another shot.  The other chat programs look pretty messed up too by peeking at their support pages, this was supposedly the "best" one, so I guess my users will not be chatting.  Or I'll have to go to something other than SMF to get one to work.   lol


hello all!
this mod works great for me.
thank you


Quote from: mrtrc266 on April 01, 2009, 03:34:31 PM
enable your shoutbox for guests for a minute

I wasn't actually enabling and disabling shoutbox... i was just switching back to the index.template.php file i kept as backup....:D

Bro... i got a thought....
What if the shoutbox will be just above my Top Stats mod.... i mean where top stats mod displays it self on index...
That way shoutbox wont be interfering with the login box...:)
What you say to that?


@ Geminiguy, you should be all set! Looks like it going pretty good  :D


Quote from: getandshare on April 02, 2009, 05:52:40 AM
Quote from: mrtrc266 on April 01, 2009, 03:34:31 PM
enable your shoutbox for guests for a minute

I wasn't actually enabling and disabling shoutbox... i was just switching back to the index.template.php file i kept as backup....:D

Bro... i got a thought....
What if the shoutbox will be just above my Top Stats mod.... i mean where top stats mod displays it self on index...
That way shoutbox wont be interfering with the login box...:)
What you say to that?

I was asking you to enable the shoutbox for guests for a minute so I could take a look.

Yes you could place th shoutbox where ever you like, but isn't that towards the bottom of your page?


I tried to install this module on my forum but got error messages.  I am running version 1.1.8.  Is there a way around these problems? I really want a nice integrated chat room.  Any help is appreciated. Here is what I get:

mike s

I need some help with this mod please..

I've installed it onto a smf2.0rc1 system. The installation went clean, no errors listed, and it does work. However the configuration settings don't seem to make any difference, in my installation. I've set permissions for my users to use it, I've configured the settings as I would like in the admin/modification/chat section. Ideally, I'd like no shoutbox options, I would like it to pop up in a separate window, and I would like the enable chat users numbering on chat button, and show online users  (the last 3 configuation items selected). When I do these or alter them, it seems to make no difference.

Help please?
regards, Mike.


Quote from: MaryLouW on April 02, 2009, 07:27:48 PM
I tried to install this module on my forum but got error messages.  I am running version 1.1.8.  Is there a way around these problems? I really want a nice integrated chat room.  Any help is appreciated. Here is what I get:

You can use a Package Parser to manually do the edits.

If you can't get it attatch those to files here please and I'll take a look.


Quotemrtrc266 said:
You can use a Package Parser to manually do the edits.

If you can't get it attatch those to files here please and I'll take a look.

I have never used the Package Parser and am not quite sure what it does but I will at least look at it. Thanks!


Quote from: MaryLouW on April 02, 2009, 07:47:08 PM
Quotemrtrc266 said:
You can use a Package Parser to manually do the edits.

If you can't get it attatch those to files here please and I'll take a look.

I have never used the Package Parser and am not quite sure what it does but I will at least look at it. Thanks!

Uploade the Mod in the Package Parser and look for the edits in the files that failed the pass test. This is definately a handy tool.

Once again if you can't get it or are uncomfortable messin with it attatch those 2 files and I'll take a look for ya.

mike s


Quote from: mrtrc266 on April 02, 2009, 11:17:54 AM
@ Geminiguy, you should be all set! Looks like it going pretty good  :D
Yes, it is awesome!!
Thank you mrtrc266... from myself, and my entire community... as well as on behalf of everyone else here you have devoted your time so selflessly to help. You are without a doubt one top-notch support guru.
And, thanks to HuNTeR and anyone else involved with the creation & update of this mod... it's a keeper ;)


Quote from: mrtrc266 on April 02, 2009, 07:58:55 PM
Quote from: MaryLouW on April 02, 2009, 07:47:08 PM
Quotemrtrc266 said:
You can use a Package Parser to manually do the edits.

If you can't get it attatch those to files here please and I'll take a look.

I have never used the Package Parser and am not quite sure what it does but I will at least look at it. Thanks!

I did the thing with the Package Parser and it generated code to look for and code to replace but when I looked in those files, that code was not there.  I opened the files in my text editor and did a search for the text and it was not found.   Could it be that another mod has changed it?  I have around 20 mods installed.

Uploade the Mod in the Package Parser and look for the edits in the files that failed the pass test. This is definately a handy tool.

Once again if you can't get it or are uncomfortable messin with it attatch those 2 files and I'll take a look for ya.


@ MaryLouW yes it could be that other Mod have moved the code around. Attatch those files that failed.

Also, are you using a custom theme? If so please post a link to it as well.


Hey there,

Just installed this module, but getting the following error
I am hosting on godaddy with PHP 4 and Apache 1.3 keen to hear feedback on this.


This page contains the following errors:

error on line 6 at column 1: Extra content at the end of the document
Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));


@ jaybest, have no idea about that error and I'm a newb at this but isn't PHP 4 a little out dated, especially with a host like Go Daddy? Will do some diggin around to see if I can find anything.

I did see your post about the best themes and I have to say that it's Extreme6 ;) Here it is live with a few little tweaks to the css and image menus

Gul Ducat

Quote from: mrtrc266 on April 01, 2009, 02:32:09 PM
QuoteAnd if there's extra, unexpected, crap that goes along with it like bigloutx says

All that crap he was talking about he was NOT referring to this Mod. It looked like he was on a rant about mods in general. No Mod can blow up your forum if you back up like you're supposed to and it doesn't even put copy right links at the bottom of your forum. Unforunately that was bigloux first post ever on this thread, he never once even asked for help.

QuoteI've seen others posting about ads being on there too

LOL...I've never seen any posts about ads being in this Mod, I can assure you there are no ads.

Quotethe more it looks like I'll have nothing buy problems every step of the way, like a lot of other people here.   Seems like every other post is "It works, BUT now I have this problem..."

This has 11649 downloads and on these 56 pages there are only about 50 people who have had a real problem and about 98% fixed, all the other posts are mostly doing the edits to get it working on custom themes and figuring out some custom tweaks here and there.

I do understand your frustration though, if this just isn't working for you then there are a lot of other Chat Rooms out there.  GL in whatever you decide.

Instead of defending mods ad nauseum or bashing my posts without merit, why not try and READ my post in its entirety?  There ARE mods that place garbage ads at the footer of the index page where smf copyrights are located.  One of them advertises  I have NEVER stated that AJAX Chat did any of this, so please READ before flaming.

A mod author should NEVER assume that the end user is willing to advertise for them.  As stated before, I appreciate the hard work by most mod creators.  Unfortunately, the mod section is replete with mods that have ZERO documentation, instructions, or even a modicum of a description as to what it does other than a mod title.

Flame on all you want, but please don't insult our intelligence with sweeping statements that there's no mods that can damage a forum or place ads in them.  They exist, and they can be downloaded right here.

Just because you allege there are "11649 thousand downloads" followed by some mysteriously derived percentages of successes vs problems.  When a user complains of a problem it is very insulting to hear the proverbial "no one else has that problem" commentary.  The fact remains that there's one that does!

My original observation was on the AJAX Chat mod and some others (unspecified) that place ads on the forum.  My comments stand.  It is NOT my responsibility to weed out the offending mods, one by one, create percentage statistics, and force changes here.  This is NOT my forum and I have no control over posts.

I would suggest that the administrators consider a mod submittal policy which requires a submitted mod to meet certain criteria like:

Detailed Descriptions
Installation Instructions
Screen Shots
Mod Testing and SMF Version Compatibility

Anything less than the above only invites chaos and a swamp of potentially unreliable mods that may or may not work.  I also believe that it would greatly curtail the need for so many support questions and problems.

My two cents worth!
