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AjaxChat Integration (latest version 3.2.1)

Started by .HuNTeR., August 27, 2008, 12:59:06 AM

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Quote from: mrtrc266 on July 24, 2009, 09:38:57 PM

1.) How can I increase the amount of shouts shown on the shoutbox? There only seems to be a limit of 10 only.

Look in /chat/lib/config.php that and many more settings can be changed.

2.) Simple question. Where do i go to view the shoutbox history?

Thanks, it works. :)

This version for smf 1.1.10 problem does?


Quote from: SC2 Gateway on July 27, 2009, 02:50:08 PM
I'm running SMF 1.1.9, and I have a dark theme. The white of the shoutbox makes the theme look a little weird. Can I change the colors somehow?

Thank you,

I have the same problem.


Quote from: mrtrc266 on March 19, 2009, 12:03:37 AM

  Redirect the Logout back to your forum when you log out of the Chat Room

// Argument that is given to the handleLogout JavaScript method:
$config['logoutData'] = './?logout=true';

Replcace with (of course change to your forum) ;)
// Argument that is given to the handleLogout JavaScript method:
$config['logoutData'] = '';

Any suggestion on how to do this when the chat is run inside an IFRAME?  I can't figure out how to get it to close the IFRAME and return to the parent.  I'm not at all good with JavaScript, and I suspect the change needs to be the url in config.php PLUS a change in chat.js right here:
case 'logout':

Normally I'd do something like target="_parent" with HTML, but that's not passing / working correctly.  I'm pretty sure that chunk above needs a tweak.  By replacing the this.handldLogout... part with this:
(where 123 was the ID of the IFRAME)
I was able to get the IFRAME to close itself, but it didn't return to the forum URL in config.php, it stayed where it was and just closed the frame.

Edit: I found a way to do it, finally.  I checked it with IE 7, FireFox 2 and Opera 9. 

In chat.js,
window.location.href = url;
replace with:
parent.document.location = url;

It's probably the wrong way to do it, but hey, I'm all about success!  ;D

That closes the IFRAME created with the CUSTOM ACTIONS mod and then returns to my base forum index.  I'd wanted the Chat inside the IFRAME so that it looked like a function of the forum and not some foreign, stand-alone app.

SC2 Gateway

The Fastest Growing Starcraft II Community Out There


Sure you can!  The info is in the README.TXT file under Customizing the layout.  You DID look in the README, right?  ;D

You can add, remove or change any of the CSS files.  It's purely a CSS change, nothing in the template file, then you follow the instructions in the README if you're going to add new styles to the config.php file.


But how do I change style of the mini shoutbox???


I have some trouble with this mod but I think it's 99% because of my forum edits so if someone is willing I would prefer doing that via PM to not bother other guys because I think that's my fault.

However, I would like to talk about something else - I have uninstalled mod and have empty space on menu (see attachment) - any idea how to fix this?

Just to state - have 2.0 RC1-1 and default theme (just visual mod)


I installed this mod, working properly, and I managed also to change some of the layout and it's just cool.

However, I'm running a Hungarian forum, and the shoutbox doesn't display any á, é, ú, ű characters in the usernames, and it also adds a _ instead of space. Can it be changed somehow in the config.php or in any other way?

Please help, this mod rocks ;)


Hi all, I know I have seen this posted before but have not been able to find it again. I have the mod working properly on my default theme but the chat button on my other themes is not showing. Is there a code I can put in to my themes to have this solved?
Thank you,

If at first you don't succeed. post and post again.

Bernard T.

Quote from: ScottDB on July 28, 2009, 10:38:58 AM
Hi all, I know I have seen this posted before but have not been able to find it again. I have the mod working properly on my default theme but the chat button on my other themes is not showing. Is there a code I can put in to my themes to have this solved?

Go to Mod download page, select package and use "Manual Install Instructions for SMF" ... then apply all changes that are being made to "./Themes/default/xxxxxx.php" files, if the files with this name exist also in your custom theme, usually there is only index.template.php  (if you had done it the button would already be there as it is a part of modification of before mentioned file )
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Thanks so much for the quick reply. I'm going there now to do this.
Thank you,

If at first you don't succeed. post and post again.


OK, I don't know what I did wrong. I have version 1.1.10 with Simple Portal 2.2 . I looked up the download instructions for 1.1.10 on the download page and it said that it was not compatible. I then tried it with 1.9 and edited my index.template.php file. The only file in Darkster theme that was in the lists of edits. Compleated the changes as shown in instructions for theme/default/index.template.php thinking that I could just use this for the darkster theme. Got the following error message:
  Template Parse Error! It seems something has gone sour on the forum with the template system. This problem should only be temporary, so please come back later and try again. If you continue to see this message, please contact the administrator.

Never seen that error before. Not much to go on. I've attached the index.template if someone can figure it out.
Thank you,

If at first you don't succeed. post and post again.

SC2 Gateway

Quote from: CrankyOldguy on July 28, 2009, 01:02:11 AM
Sure you can!  The info is in the README.TXT file under Customizing the layout.  You DID look in the README, right?  ;D

You can add, remove or change any of the CSS files.  It's purely a CSS change, nothing in the template file, then you follow the instructions in the README if you're going to add new styles to the config.php file.

Great thank you! :D I guess from now on I'll be reading Readme's ;)
The Fastest Growing Starcraft II Community Out There

Mark S

v2.0 RC1.2

The shoutbox defaults to a 24 hour clock timestamp.  I want to change it to a 12 hr, am/pm timestamp.

Found settings in the shoutbox/js/chat.js file and attempted to modify them using the smf forum definitions but the format doesn't seem to be the same.

attached chat.js file.



Quote from: .HuNTeR. on August 27, 2008, 12:59:06 AM
Link to Mod
By Shahriar Gholami
This mod will install AjaxChat on your smf.

Tested on freshly installed smf 1.1.9/2 RC1-1
note if you already have previous version of this mod after uninstalling the previous version delete the entire chat folder too.
new version install the chat by self.


Adds a button to chat system in default theme.
Access/Moderate permission.
chat in a pop up page or a regular page.
Shows the number of chating users in:
    1. Online Users section.
    2. Beside of chat button.
    3. Below of total time logged in.
    number 2 and 3 can disabled.

adds a shoutbox.(you can disable it)
    View/Shout/Moderate permission.
    can set to only in index page or all pages.
    compatible with your theme.
    Bold Italic Underline bb codes and smiley.
    can integrate shout box and chat room to work together and show same conversation.

thanks mrtrc266 for his great support on this mod.

someone let me know pls this mod works with 1.1.10 SMF with custom theme ????
if yes then which index file needs to be edit manually?

Bernard T.

Quote from: dxbprince on July 28, 2009, 04:06:44 PM
someone let me know pls this mod works with 1.1.10 SMF with custom theme ????
if yes then which index file needs to be edit manually?

Please edit your post and remove unnecessary quote you just made !! Thank You!
The answer is yes - go to Mod dowload page and use the modification list to see all needed changes in various files (for version 1.1.9, there's no big difference) and make it done.
For custom Themes - edit all available files corresponding to default theme files that were modified.
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Is it so hard to explain what file should I modify to be able to change the on-forum shoutbox style? My forum is dark-themed and shoutbox is very light.


Quote from: fiorello on July 28, 2009, 04:36:03 PM
Is it so hard to explain what file should I modify to be able to change the on-forum shoutbox style? My forum is dark-themed and shoutbox is very light.

What is the link to your forum?

Bernard T.

Quote from: ScottDB on July 28, 2009, 11:11:43 AM
The only file in Darkster theme that was in the lists of edits. Compleated the changes as shown in instructions for theme/default/index.template.php thinking that I could just use this for the darkster theme. Got the following error message:...
Never seen that error before. Not much to go on. I've attached the index.template if someone can figure it out.

Did you do exactly as said in parser, taking care on "put after/put before/replace" instructions?? 

I had no time to debug your file, try this file, I installed Darkster to my test site and implemented changes manually, and it works for me...
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