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AjaxChat Integration (latest version 3.2.1)

Started by .HuNTeR., August 27, 2008, 12:59:06 AM

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Quote from: stkee on May 22, 2010, 10:04:13 AM
Hi, this is a repost because I didn't get any answer for my questions.
I'm currently running SMF 2.0 RC3, with ezportal.
The Ajaxchat install without any error, the shoutbox and chat all looks ok, but whenever I click on the chatbox, it appears and than just logoff itself. I tried to login again but it will go thru the whole process till I see the chatbox layout and than immediately it logoff again.
The shoutbox also works intermittently when I enable integrate shoutbox and chatbox, but doesn't shows anything when I type and tried to shout if it is not integrated with chatbox.

Installed on your site, changed file permissions and test both integrated and not integrated and did not experience any of the above.

It seems to be working fine:)

Be sure to give your member groups permissions and you should be all set.


Quote from: Brack1 on May 22, 2010, 10:18:04 PM
Have you looked at the FAQs on the very first post for the mod?

oh sorry, i red it now, and the chat room pops up, thx
but i still got some problem with some other members
one when they log into the chat, the whole chat is blank, no nothing, they can't receive any message, the message they type gets sent out, but still nothing show in the chat room, here is error code
otice: Undefined variable: scripturl in /home/kumakun1/public_html/forum/Themes/default/languages/Modifications.english.php on line 133

Notice: Undefined variable: scripturl in /home/kumakun1/public_html/forum/Themes/default/languages/Modifications.english.php on line 134

Notice: Undefined variable: scripturl in /home/kumakun1/public_html/forum/Themes/default/languages/Modifications.english.php on line 135

Notice: Undefined variable: scripturl in /home/kumakun1/public_html/forum/Themes/default/languages/Modifications.english.php on line 136

Notice: Undefined variable: scripturl in /home/kumakun1/public_html/forum/Themes/default/languages/Modifications.english.php on line 137

Notice: Undefined variable: scripturl in /home/kumakun1/public_html/forum/Themes/default/languages/Modifications.english.php on line 138

Notice: Undefined variable: scripturl in /home/kumakun1/public_html/forum/Themes/default/languages/Modifications.english.php on line 139

Notice: Undefined variable: scripturl in /home/kumakun1/public_html/forum/Themes/default/languages/Modifications.english.php on line 262

also there is another guy, he doesn't have the problem as the guy above, but when he logs in, he automatically get logged out in 2 seconds, the error message is : invalid ip address



Those errors aren't related to the Chat, this version does not make any edits to the Modifications.english.php file.

You have changed your file permissions to 755 /chat/index.php and /shoutBox/index.php ?



Quote from: mrtrc266 on May 21, 2010, 01:03:04 AM
1) I would like to access the chat log/history (messages exchanged by people) and post it daily in a forum topic. Is there any way?
hxxp:yoursite/chat/?view=logs [nonactive]

Thank you. I'd like to know if you know of any user mod that can kind of automatize this process to post logs to the forum?

2) I use chat and shoutbox integrated. I'd like to make shoutbox visible by forum guests, so the can just read and not shout.
I tried with the relevant permission but it doesn't work: if I set "View shoutBox = yes" the shoutbox is not visible anyway. It becomes visible just when I also check "Access to chat" but in this way guests can also shout (and chat) even if I keep "Can shout" not checked. So is there any way for having guests just read discussions in the shoutbox without they being able to partecipate?
Try exactly what you did and then also edit /chat/lib/config.php from "true" to false"
// Enable/Disable write access for guest users - if disabled, guest users may not write messages:
$config['allowGuestWrite'] = true;

Thanks.  ;) I was trying to deal with the settings but in a different config.php that is under "shoutbox/lib" dir that had no effect (a bit confusing these duplicated files...)

I set also
$config['allowGuestLogins'] = false;
in this way the guests can see the shoutbox but NOT the messages in it.

So I went back to
$config['allowGuestLogins'] = true;
but in this way in the chat window I have thousands of annoying "ChatBot: (350845) enters the Chat." messages, to any pageview of the main forum page.

I could also set
$config['showChannelMessages'] = false;
but in this way I loose these login/logout messages also by registered users, that I'd like to keep.

Summarizing, what I was looking for is a way for having:
- guests see the shoutbox and messages flowing in it, but not shout;
- registered users that are in the chat not being bothered by "guest entering chat" messages every time somebody loads the page where the shoutbox is.
If there is no way for obtaining it with the settings, I'll be very happy if you can suggest me where to modify the code for filtering "enter/leave chat" messages just for guests.

As a suggestion for future releases, would be useful if "View Shoutbox" permission allows the guests to view the shoutbox and ALSO see the messages in it (I understand the problem happens since I have chat and shoutbox integrated).
Otherwise, insert a new setting "Defines if GUEST login/logout and GUEST channel enter/leave are displayed" in the config.php.

Thank you very much!  ;D


Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'xxxxx/httpdocs/shoutBox/lib/class/AJAXChat.php' (include_path='.:') in xxxxx/httpdocs/shoutBox/lib/classes.php  on line 11

this is the error that comes out when I have the mod enabled.

My Forum:


Quote from: mrtrc266 on May 22, 2010, 10:29:09 AM
@ Lou

You type that in your browser but of course change "yoursite" to the URL of your site.

Yes it will lose focus in however many minutes you have it set to timeout if they're not shouting. The user should simply be able to put their cursor in the input field and it will retrieve the messages cuz now they're back in chat.

Thank you, it is all sorted now. I was looking in disk directory for file that held the log. Now I understand that the messages are stored in sql db and I use the browser to get to them.  I should think more 'out of the box'  than in the box.  :)

Is there a mod, or do you know of a way to delete the chat/shout messages from the db in a bulk fashion? I have been to the SourceForge home for the mod and looked at the online docs, but did not notice a way. Mind you, I know nothing of sql so answer may have been there and I did not recognise it.   ;D

thank you,

Lou  :)


Quote from: mrtrc266 on May 23, 2010, 11:10:39 AM
Quote from: stkee on May 22, 2010, 10:04:13 AM
Hi, this is a repost because I didn't get any answer for my questions.
I'm currently running SMF 2.0 RC3, with ezportal.
The Ajaxchat install without any error, the shoutbox and chat all looks ok, but whenever I click on the chatbox, it appears and than just logoff itself. I tried to login again but it will go thru the whole process till I see the chatbox layout and than immediately it logoff again.
The shoutbox also works intermittently when I enable integrate shoutbox and chatbox, but doesn't shows anything when I type and tried to shout if it is not integrated with chatbox.

Installed on your site, changed file permissions and test both integrated and not integrated and did not experience any of the above.

It seems to be working fine:)

Be sure to give your member groups permissions and you should be all set.
Hi mrtrc266,
I tried it but it is still the same problem.


Quote from: mrtrc266 on May 23, 2010, 10:14:13 AM
Quote from: okae on May 23, 2010, 05:48:14 AM
Quote from: mrtrc266 on May 23, 2010, 01:05:39 AM
Quote from: okae on May 22, 2010, 07:49:07 PM
hi, first at all thx for this great mod, is awesome!! but i have a problem when i install it there is no error messages, all appear to be ok, but mu shoutbox appear like the image
Anyone know how i can solved this issue?

Please check out the FAQ's
Here some known issues and fixes caused by either other Mods or   some servers

  • If you install the Mod   and it looks like it installs fine but the shoutbox and chat room are   blank please READ THIS

for sure i already do that, problem still exist, have you any other ideas?

No more ideas, never seen that one before, what the URL to your site?

first at all, thx for trying to help me, i really apreciate it.

well i install this mod into another smf forum and now works fine, maybe i got that issue because i was trying to install it into an free hosting, dunno, btw now at my true smf forum all works fine.

I have one question, how can i made an auto refresh for shoutbox? because for chat all works fine but for shoutbox i need to refresh the web by pressing the f5 in order to see new shouts; i read some reply to that question but i still dont know how to do that, please can you help me?


Quote from: Alyen on May 23, 2010, 01:54:52 PM
Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'xxxxx/httpdocs/shoutBox/lib/class/AJAXChat.php' (include_path='.:') in xxxxx/httpdocs/shoutBox/lib/classes.php  on line 11

this is the error that comes out when I have the mod enabled.

Try it LOL


Quote from: stkee on May 23, 2010, 05:22:30 PM
Quote from: mrtrc266 on May 23, 2010, 11:10:39 AM
Quote from: stkee on May 22, 2010, 10:04:13 AM
Hi, this is a repost because I didn't get any answer for my questions.
I'm currently running SMF 2.0 RC3, with ezportal.
The Ajaxchat install without any error, the shoutbox and chat all looks ok, but whenever I click on the chatbox, it appears and than just logoff itself. I tried to login again but it will go thru the whole process till I see the chatbox layout and than immediately it logoff again.
The shoutbox also works intermittently when I enable integrate shoutbox and chatbox, but doesn't shows anything when I type and tried to shout if it is not integrated with chatbox.

Installed on your site, changed file permissions and test both integrated and not integrated and did not experience any of the above.

It seems to be working fine:)

Be sure to give your member groups permissions and you should be all set.
Hi mrtrc266,
I tried it but it is still the same problem.

This is very odd, I was at your site all morning and I'm there right now it's working fine for me.

How about your other members use it?
What browser are you using?
EDIT: I just changed this from true to false, let me know if that fixed it
// If true, checks if the user IP is the same when logged in:
$config['ipCheck'] = false;


Quote from: okae on May 23, 2010, 08:46:39 PM
first at all, thx for trying to help me, i really apreciate it.

well i install this mod into another smf forum and now works fine, maybe i got that issue because i was trying to install it into an free hosting, dunno, btw now at my true smf forum all works fine.

I have one question, how can i made an auto refresh for shoutbox? because for chat all works fine but for shoutbox i need to refresh the web by pressing the f5 in order to see new shouts; i read some reply to that question but i still dont know how to do that, please can you help me?
Yeah, free host could have been the problem.
Actually you shouldn't have to refresh, you should be able to just put your cursor in the input box (where you type) to retrieve the messages. By default after 2 minutes of not typing the user is timed out of chat, you can adjust that here though.....

// Minutes until a user is declared inactive (last status update) - the minimum is 2 minutes:
$config['inactiveTimeout'] = 2;
// Interval in minutes to check for inactive users:
$config['inactiveCheckInterval'] = 5;


Quote from: mrtrc266 on May 23, 2010, 11:03:25 PM
Quote from: stkee on May 23, 2010, 05:22:30 PM
Quote from: mrtrc266 on May 23, 2010, 11:10:39 AM
Quote from: stkee on May 22, 2010, 10:04:13 AM
Hi, this is a repost because I didn't get any answer for my questions.
I'm currently running SMF 2.0 RC3, with ezportal.
The Ajaxchat install without any error, the shoutbox and chat all looks ok, but whenever I click on the chatbox, it appears and than just logoff itself. I tried to login again but it will go thru the whole process till I see the chatbox layout and than immediately it logoff again.
The shoutbox also works intermittently when I enable integrate shoutbox and chatbox, but doesn't shows anything when I type and tried to shout if it is not integrated with chatbox.

Installed on your site, changed file permissions and test both integrated and not integrated and did not experience any of the above.

It seems to be working fine:)

Be sure to give your member groups permissions and you should be all set.
Hi mrtrc266,
I tried it but it is still the same problem.

This is very odd, I was at your site all morning and I'm there right now it's working fine for me.

How about your other members use it?
What browser are you using?
EDIT: I just changed this from true to false, let me know if that fixed it
// If true, checks if the user IP is the same when logged in:
$config['ipCheck'] = false;

Hi mrtrc266,

Thanks. It seems to be working fine now.
When I try with my admin account it is working fine.
But my other user reported that whatever they type in chatbox appears on the shoutbox also.
I have already removed integrate chatbox and shoutbox tick.

Thanks very much again for all the assistance.


Quote from: mrtrc266 on May 23, 2010, 11:11:39 PM
Quote from: okae on May 23, 2010, 08:46:39 PM
first at all, thx for trying to help me, i really apreciate it.

well i install this mod into another smf forum and now works fine, maybe i got that issue because i was trying to install it into an free hosting, dunno, btw now at my true smf forum all works fine.

I have one question, how can i made an auto refresh for shoutbox? because for chat all works fine but for shoutbox i need to refresh the web by pressing the f5 in order to see new shouts; i read some reply to that question but i still dont know how to do that, please can you help me?
Yeah, free host could have been the problem.
Actually you shouldn't have to refresh, you should be able to just put your cursor in the input box (where you type) to retrieve the messages. By default after 2 minutes of not typing the user is timed out of chat, you can adjust that here though.....

// Minutes until a user is declared inactive (last status update) - the minimum is 2 minutes:
$config['inactiveTimeout'] = 2;
// Interval in minutes to check for inactive users:
$config['inactiveCheckInterval'] = 5;

but this will not refresh the messages this will only refresh if users are inactive, i want that my shoutbox refresh in real time what users are talking about into the chat, is this possible?


I am using headline theme, I installed this mod, but I don't see any chat button ?
Could you pl solve the problem?



@ stkee
Did you make sure that membergroup has all the proper permissions?

@ okae
It does refresh in real time, this setting is to save the load on your server especially if you have a very active chat. They way it works is you you cursor is out of the input field to more than 2 minutes you are timed out from the chat so you won't see the updates but everyone that's still chatting will.

Change the 2 to a higher number so you will see the updated messages for a longer period of time.


Quote from: rajeshn on May 24, 2010, 10:11:45 AM
I am using headline theme, I installed this mod, but I don't see any chat button ?
Could you pl solve the problem?

Manual Edits for Headline Theme ;)


Quote from: mrtrc266 on May 23, 2010, 11:01:46 PM
Quote from: Alyen on May 23, 2010, 01:54:52 PM
Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'xxxxx/httpdocs/shoutBox/lib/class/AJAXChat.php' (include_path='.:') in xxxxx/httpdocs/shoutBox/lib/classes.php  on line 11

this is the error that comes out when I have the mod enabled.

Try it LOL

This problem is solved but now I have another grace does not leave the messages in the chat.

see the image

My Forum:


And you changed the file permissions to 755 again after the reinstall?

/chat/index.php and /shoutBox/index.php
