AjaxChat Integration (latest version 3.2.1)

Started by .HuNTeR., August 27, 2008, 12:59:06 AM

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sorry, I ask you something?
This model also exists for the 2.0 version of smf? if not,  could you convert it?I unfortunately did not succeed
thank you very much


Quote from: techno489 on September 13, 2011, 06:07:52 AM
Hi all.
long time ago I asked this but never saw any reply to my post and can't find it now.
thought I would ask again...

on the shoutbox where you type before just before clicking the [shout] button to send your text
it's only about 2 inches long. where do I find the code for that so I can edit it to make it longer?

would make it allot better if everyone could see everything they write and re-read back over it before sending it.


Hopefully someone more teckie will be able answer your question.

marcoaureliocommodo, the attached version will work on SMF 2.0 Gold.


I had another good look around and found /chat/lib/template/shoutbox.html and made the change to /shoutBox/lib/template/shoutbox.html as well
I found by editing it with frontpage all I have to do is at the top of the page
about 10 lines down make this change

                            <div id="ajaxChatInputFieldContainer">
                                                <input id="ajaxChatInputField" type="text" maxlength="[MESSAGE_TEXT_MAX_LENGTH/]" onkeypress="ajaxChat.handleInputFieldKeyPress(event);" size="90"/>
                                                <input type="button" id="submitButton" value="Send" onclick="ajaxChat.sendMessage();" />

the difference is the 2nd line (event);" size="90"/>
anymore then 90 makes the shoutbox a bit out of shape but a least there is about 5 inches to type in and not only 2 inches

I also changed <td width="40%"> to <td width="50%"> and the smiley's seem to sit a little better with the other edit.

I don't know if this is the correct way to do what I want and only suggest try it if you like but backup shoutbox.html
before having a play.

I posted my findings as to maybe it will help someone wanting to do the same thing.
if there is a better way!!!! I would like to know :)



i'm using smf 2.0 installed sucess but if use browser Chrome and IE 7 chatroom smilei not found and user cant play chat

Sloved......... after reinstall again ............

thanks for this MOD


How can I make the date displayed in the chat show as 12-hour instead of 24-hour? I tried %h but that doesn't work. Any help please?


Also, no matter what I do I can not get the custom group I made to display the right color in the chat. Here is my current code, I've done everything stated in the link on the FAQS and still my custom group (COMMISSIONER) displays the color of my Moderator group. Any help please?

// Returns an associative array containing userName, userID and userRole
// Returns null if login is invalid
function getValidLoginUserData() {
global $context,$user_info;

$userData = array();
$userData['chat_access'] = allowedTo('chat_access');

      // Check if we have a valid registered user:
      if($userData['chat_access']) {
         if ($context['user']['is_guest'])
            return $this->getGuestUser($userData);
            $userData['userID'] = $context['user']['id'];
            $userData['userName'] = $this->trimUserName($context['user']['name']);
               $userData['userRole'] = AJAX_CHAT_ADMIN;
               $userData['userRole'] = AJAX_CHAT_MODERATOR;
               // Check if we have a member of our custom user group
               if(in_array(11, $user_info['groups']))
                  $userData['userRole'] = AJAX_CHAT_COMMISSIONER;
                  $userData['userRole'] = AJAX_CHAT_USER;

         return $userData;
         return null;


One change I'd really like to see with this mod is to be able to have the 'Online Users' box list all of the online users, not just those in my channel.  I'd like it to list everyone and perhaps, after their name, list what channel they're in or group them by channel. 


My users can't log in the chat. And when I log in, whatever user or password I type in is fine.
Any idea why?


Quote from: Paccman on September 16, 2011, 02:30:19 AM
My users can't log in the chat. And when I log in, whatever user or password I type in is fine.
Any idea why?

Have you looked at the permissions?


I have a problem where users get the "You can't access the chat." error - however, if they click on log in (the chat log in), they get in fine.

I have checked and double checked permissions - any ideas?

This seems to be intermittent.
Happily using a heavily modified 1.1.16 version of SMF!

2748011 Posts in 320998 Topics by 50986 Members

SOLD my website - thanks it was a good run - they converted to vbadvanced. (and screwed it up good!)



sent via pm.... I have it so only Charter Members can chat - and even for me - the admin - I sometimes get the log in screen instead of the chat window...  not sure if it's a cookie issue - or maybe a config issue.

Happily using a heavily modified 1.1.16 version of SMF!

2748011 Posts in 320998 Topics by 50986 Members

SOLD my website - thanks it was a good run - they converted to vbadvanced. (and screwed it up good!)


// Max time difference in hours for messages to display on each request:
$config['requestMessagesTimeDiff'] = 12;

If memory serves this is what to look for if you want the room to be empty when you enter.

Make sure you change it to 12 from 24.

Chat > lib> config.php


How can i automatically (redirect to) close the window when people logoff from the room?


Quote from: digit on September 16, 2011, 02:23:24 PM
I have a problem where users get the "You can't access the chat." error - however, if they click on log in (the chat log in), they get in fine.

I have checked and double checked permissions - any ideas?

This seems to be intermittent.
I'm having the same problem, started yesturday but was working fine for the passed year... I don't understand why it stopped!!

shoutbox has been working fine, but now all I see is a blank shoutbox even if I type something and click shout nothing happens
but the chat button works fine and we all can still chat in the chat window.
I have uninstalled 3.2.1 and reinstalled the 3.2.2 but still the same.
installs are good, i even checked from the parser to make double sure
files permisions on all files are 755,
what next? what did I miss


ok riddle me this

I changed theme to default and shoutbox works, change it back to my theme and it doesn't work.
only 2 files thats in my them related the this mod is
BoardIndex.template.php index.template.php
and both have the correct strings and both are set on permissions 755
so why doesn't it work on my theme now?


Hi ... problem same above too
after istalled succes the shoutbox not allow for user ( Admin Only can shout )
already installed shout.english.php but there is no change in appearance
in chat popup is work for user, any idea  for fix it ?
i have already search here but not result for fix it  :(


Ok found my problem it is my index.template.php
I renamed it to index.template.php.bck to test and let the \default\index.template.php
run; my forum did load all bent out of shape and that was expected but now the shout box works.

I have looked at my i.t.php but can't find why it has a problem

my them is BlackRainV2 Version: 2.0 RC3 but my forum DB is 2.0

anyway I have added my index.template.php in the hope someone can have a look at it
and tell me what I have to edit to fix it.



never mind :)
was looking between an old backup and the current install and ended up finding the problem


<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="', $settings['default_theme_url'], '/glossy.js"></script>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="', $settings['default_theme_url'], '/reflection.js"></script></head>   

changed it to
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="', $settings['default_theme_url'], '/reflection.js"></head>

after making the change my shoutbox all works again.

I don't know why this is so and why it fixed it but can only think I had glossy.js installed but the file glossy.js must be missing.

At least next time if ever it happens again I will make sure to re-look inside the header fields
<head> check all stings inside the header </head>   

Posted my finding to maybe help others.



Does this chat MOD work with version 2.01? I am sure that this has been asked before but I did not find anything in the search and I did not want to manually search 409 pages.  :P


Quote from: primetime on September 20, 2011, 07:07:11 PM
Does this chat MOD work with version 2.01? I am sure that this has been asked before but I did not find anything in the search and I did not want to manually search 409 pages.  :P

Look through the posts for version 3.2.2
