Topics list support

Started by T@by, November 08, 2008, 05:34:22 AM

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Italian SMF - Supporto Italiano per la board SMF - Ci trovate tutti li!! :)


T@by can you make for work on rc1?


Italian SMF - Supporto Italiano per la board SMF - Ci trovate tutti li!! :)


@T@by: I know of you hate the RC Version (I don`t know why , because SMF RC1 is too stable) but If you make a version for 2.0 RC1 , I think of update the mod to another SMF 2.0 Version will not be a problem.


Quote from: T@by on February 06, 2009, 10:20:02 AM
Still working with SMF 1.1.8  :)

looking forward for 1.1.8 version. i like this idea very much.


Ok, all done for SMF 2.0 RC1. TList Mod is working, just 3 or 4 little adjustements to the original code are needed.

Will be available soon


I've installed this mod manually for SMF 1.1.8, cause I use a customized theme...

it works fine :), thank you !


Topics list support 1.04 for SMF 2.0 RC1 is available for download
Also updated the script into Topics list support 1.03 for SMF 1.1.6 - 1.1.8


Im using this mod.
I add to topic list in 2 topic. (Different board.)
But first topic and second topic are same. How do fix it ?

Look :
And :
So Long


This is the correct Brazilian-utf8:

// Search focus dropdown mod
$txt['search_scope_topic'] = 'Neste tópico';
$txt['search_scope_board'] = 'Nesta seção';
$txt['search_scope_all'] = 'Tudo no fórum';

The old one is only Brazilian (not utf8 :)

// Search focus dropdown mod
$txt['search_scope_topic'] = 'Neste tópico';
$txt['search_scope_board'] = 'Nesta seção';
$txt['search_scope_all'] = 'Tudo no forum';
l: simple p: machines


installed on RC1 on default theme (although the header is different it is default)
no errors on install but when i add the codes the list looks like this - any ideas on a fix as id really like this mod working on my site


its ok solved the problem, overwrote the edit made by package parser in index.template.php with manual install edit and works fine

brilliant mod - cheers


Thank you, bullbreedluverz
I think you can delete the Ñ letter, not used into english alphabet.

Please check the server setting page into admin panel. I am not sure but probably you need to delete the server cache in order to get the mod correctly running


Quote from: Özgür´ on February 17, 2009, 01:22:18 PM
Im using this mod.
I add to topic list in 2 topic. (Different board.)
But first topic and second topic are same. How do fix it ?

Look :
And :

Is very simple. You used 'dirty' bbcode.
Edit the incorrect topic. You will see something like '[tlist=2]' where '2' is the ID of the board (automatically added by the mod).
Delete the '=2' part OR substitute all copying the code in this post : All will be fine


Thank you T@by.

This is turkish translation
<file name="$languagedir/Modifications.turkish.php" error="skip">
<search position="end" />
$txt['limitTListQuery'] = 'Konu listesi (TList)de en fazla kaç konu olsun?<div class="smalltext">(0 seçerseniz sınırlandırma olmaz.)</div>';
So Long


A very handy Addition to my RC1 Forum


you are welcome nibogo  :)

Quote from: NIBOGO on November 09, 2008, 08:07:02 PM
Maybe you can add childboards support

I mean create the topic list in a board and include the topics of the child-boards too

Still interested to this? 1 line to add and 1 line to modify. I can write here what needed to do.

I hate all RC or beta versions. Not only smf but all... applications, OS and so on  >:(


Quote from: T@by on February 17, 2009, 05:25:56 PM
you are welcome nibogo  :)

Quote from: NIBOGO on November 09, 2008, 08:07:02 PM
Maybe you can add childboards support

I mean create the topic list in a board and include the topics of the child-boards too

Still interested to this? 1 line to add and 1 line to modify. I can write here what needed to do.

I hate all RC or beta versions. Not only smf but all... applications, OS and so on  >:(

The child-boards support will be a nice addon for this mod and yep is useful to me :)



Now are 00:28 am here in Italy and i'm going to sleep.
Tomorrow morning you will find the code
