Los usuarios falsos de spam me atacan ¡¡

Started by Iscate, November 11, 2008, 10:41:41 AM

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Estaba viendo el mod.. y lo que hay q traducir.. es ésto..

$txt['puzzle_colors'] = 'Which word is the same as its color';
$txt['puzzle_math'] = 'What is the sum of (as a number)';
$txt['puzzle_shapes'] = 'How many %s does a %s have?';
$txt['puzzle_shapes2'] = 'How many %s does an %s have?';
$txt['puzzle_sides'] = 'sides';
$txt['puzzle_corners'] = 'corners';
$txt['puzzle_incomplete'] = 'You did not complete the anti-bot puzzle. Please try again.';
$txt['puzzle_incorrect'] = 'You incorrectly answered the anti-bot puzzle. Please try again.';
$txt['puzzle_antibot'] = 'Anti-bot measure';
$txt['puzzle_red'] = 'Red';
$txt['puzzle_orange'] = 'Orange';
$txt['puzzle_yellow'] = 'Yellow';
$txt['puzzle_green'] = 'Green';
$txt['puzzle_blue'] = 'Blue';
$txt['puzzle_purple'] = 'Purple';
$txt['puzzle_pink'] = 'Pink';
$txt['puzzle_black'] = 'Black';
$txt['puzzle_grey'] = 'Grey';
$txt['puzzle_triange'] = 'Triangle';
$txt['puzzle_square'] = 'Square';
$txt['puzzle_rectangle'] = 'Rectangle';
$txt['puzzle_pentagon'] = 'Pentagon';
$txt['puzzle_hexagon'] = 'Hexagon';
$txt['puzzle_heptagon'] = 'Heptagon';
$txt['puzzle_octagon'] = 'Octagon';
$txt['puzzle_1'] = 'ONE';
$txt['puzzle_2'] = 'TWO';
$txt['puzzle_3'] = 'THREE';
$txt['puzzle_4'] = 'FOUR';
$txt['puzzle_5'] = 'FIVE';
$txt['puzzle_6'] = 'SIX';
$txt['puzzle_7'] = 'SEVEN';
$txt['puzzle_8'] = 'EIGHT';
$txt['puzzle_9'] = 'NINE';
$txt['puzzle_10'] = 'TEN';
$txt['puzzle_11'] = 'ELEVEN';
$txt['puzzle_12'] = 'TWELVE';
$txt['puzzle_13'] = 'THIRTEEN';
$txt['puzzle_14'] = 'FOURTEEN';
$txt['puzzle_15'] = 'FIFTEEN';
$txt['puzzle_16'] = 'SIXTEEN';
$txt['puzzle_17'] = 'SEVENTEEN';
$txt['puzzle_18'] = 'EIGHTEEN';
$txt['puzzle_19'] = 'NINETEEN';
<file name="$themedir/languages/Modifications.english-utf8.php" error="skip">
      <search position="end" />
$txt['puzzle_colors'] = 'Which word is the same as its color';
$txt['puzzle_math'] = 'What is the sum of (as a number)';
$txt['puzzle_shapes'] = 'How many %s does a %s have?';
$txt['puzzle_shapes2'] = 'How many %s does an %s have?';
$txt['puzzle_sides'] = 'sides';
$txt['puzzle_corners'] = 'corners';
$txt['puzzle_incomplete'] = 'You did not complete the anti-bot puzzle. Please try again.';
$txt['puzzle_incorrect'] = 'You incorrectly answered the anti-bot puzzle. Please try again.';
$txt['puzzle_antibot'] = 'Anti-bot measure';
$txt['puzzle_red'] = 'Red';
$txt['puzzle_orange'] = 'Orange';
$txt['puzzle_yellow'] = 'Yellow';
$txt['puzzle_green'] = 'Green';
$txt['puzzle_blue'] = 'Blue';
$txt['puzzle_purple'] = 'Purple';
$txt['puzzle_pink'] = 'Pink';
$txt['puzzle_black'] = 'Black';
$txt['puzzle_grey'] = 'Grey';
$txt['puzzle_triange'] = 'Triangle';
$txt['puzzle_square'] = 'Square';
$txt['puzzle_rectangle'] = 'Rectangle';
$txt['puzzle_pentagon'] = 'Pentagon';
$txt['puzzle_hexagon'] = 'Hexagon';
$txt['puzzle_heptagon'] = 'Heptagon';
$txt['puzzle_octagon'] = 'Octagon';
$txt['puzzle_1'] = 'ONE';
$txt['puzzle_2'] = 'TWO';
$txt['puzzle_3'] = 'THREE';
$txt['puzzle_4'] = 'FOUR';
$txt['puzzle_5'] = 'FIVE';
$txt['puzzle_6'] = 'SIX';
$txt['puzzle_7'] = 'SEVEN';
$txt['puzzle_8'] = 'EIGHT';
$txt['puzzle_9'] = 'NINE';
$txt['puzzle_10'] = 'TEN';
$txt['puzzle_11'] = 'ELEVEN';
$txt['puzzle_12'] = 'TWELVE';
$txt['puzzle_13'] = 'THIRTEEN';
$txt['puzzle_14'] = 'FOURTEEN';
$txt['puzzle_15'] = 'FIFTEEN';
$txt['puzzle_16'] = 'SIXTEEN';
$txt['puzzle_17'] = 'SEVENTEEN';
$txt['puzzle_18'] = 'EIGHTEEN';
$txt['puzzle_19'] = 'NINETEEN';
<file name="$themedir/languages/Modifications.english_british.php" error="skip">
      <search position="end" />
$txt['puzzle_colors'] = 'Which word is the same as its color';
$txt['puzzle_math'] = 'What is the sum of (as a number)';
$txt['puzzle_shapes'] = 'How many %s does a %s have?';
$txt['puzzle_shapes2'] = 'How many %s does an %s have?';
$txt['puzzle_sides'] = 'sides';
$txt['puzzle_corners'] = 'corners';
$txt['puzzle_incomplete'] = 'You did not complete the anti-bot puzzle. Please try again.';
$txt['puzzle_incorrect'] = 'You incorrectly answered the anti-bot puzzle. Please try again.';
$txt['puzzle_antibot'] = 'Anti-bot measure';
$txt['puzzle_red'] = 'Red';
$txt['puzzle_orange'] = 'Orange';
$txt['puzzle_yellow'] = 'Yellow';
$txt['puzzle_green'] = 'Green';
$txt['puzzle_blue'] = 'Blue';
$txt['puzzle_purple'] = 'Purple';
$txt['puzzle_pink'] = 'Pink';
$txt['puzzle_black'] = 'Black';
$txt['puzzle_grey'] = 'Grey';
$txt['puzzle_triange'] = 'Triangle';
$txt['puzzle_square'] = 'Square';
$txt['puzzle_rectangle'] = 'Rectangle';
$txt['puzzle_pentagon'] = 'Pentagon';
$txt['puzzle_hexagon'] = 'Hexagon';
$txt['puzzle_heptagon'] = 'Heptagon';
$txt['puzzle_octagon'] = 'Octagon';
$txt['puzzle_1'] = 'ONE';
$txt['puzzle_2'] = 'TWO';
$txt['puzzle_3'] = 'THREE';
$txt['puzzle_4'] = 'FOUR';
$txt['puzzle_5'] = 'FIVE';
$txt['puzzle_6'] = 'SIX';
$txt['puzzle_7'] = 'SEVEN';
$txt['puzzle_8'] = 'EIGHT';
$txt['puzzle_9'] = 'NINE';
$txt['puzzle_10'] = 'TEN';
$txt['puzzle_11'] = 'ELEVEN';
$txt['puzzle_12'] = 'TWELVE';
$txt['puzzle_13'] = 'THIRTEEN';
$txt['puzzle_14'] = 'FOURTEEN';
$txt['puzzle_15'] = 'FIFTEEN';
$txt['puzzle_16'] = 'SIXTEEN';
$txt['puzzle_17'] = 'SEVENTEEN';
$txt['puzzle_18'] = 'EIGHTEEN';
$txt['puzzle_19'] = 'NINETEEN';
<file name="$themedir/languages/Modifications.english_british-utf8.php" error="skip">
      <search position="end" />
$txt['puzzle_colors'] = 'Which word is the same as its color';
$txt['puzzle_math'] = 'What is the sum of (as a number)';
$txt['puzzle_shapes'] = 'How many %s does a %s have?';
$txt['puzzle_shapes2'] = 'How many %s does an %s have?';
$txt['puzzle_sides'] = 'sides';
$txt['puzzle_corners'] = 'corners';
$txt['puzzle_incomplete'] = 'You did not complete the anti-bot puzzle. Please try again.';
$txt['puzzle_incorrect'] = 'You incorrectly answered the anti-bot puzzle. Please try again.';
$txt['puzzle_antibot'] = 'Anti-bot measure';
$txt['puzzle_red'] = 'Red';
$txt['puzzle_orange'] = 'Orange';
$txt['puzzle_yellow'] = 'Yellow';
$txt['puzzle_green'] = 'Green';
$txt['puzzle_blue'] = 'Blue';
$txt['puzzle_purple'] = 'Purple';
$txt['puzzle_pink'] = 'Pink';
$txt['puzzle_black'] = 'Black';
$txt['puzzle_grey'] = 'Grey';
$txt['puzzle_triange'] = 'Triangle';
$txt['puzzle_square'] = 'Square';
$txt['puzzle_rectangle'] = 'Rectangle';
$txt['puzzle_pentagon'] = 'Pentagon';
$txt['puzzle_hexagon'] = 'Hexagon';
$txt['puzzle_heptagon'] = 'Heptagon';
$txt['puzzle_octagon'] = 'Octagon';
$txt['puzzle_1'] = 'ONE';
$txt['puzzle_2'] = 'TWO';
$txt['puzzle_3'] = 'THREE';
$txt['puzzle_4'] = 'FOUR';
$txt['puzzle_5'] = 'FIVE';
$txt['puzzle_6'] = 'SIX';
$txt['puzzle_7'] = 'SEVEN';
$txt['puzzle_8'] = 'EIGHT';
$txt['puzzle_9'] = 'NINE';
$txt['puzzle_10'] = 'TEN';
$txt['puzzle_11'] = 'ELEVEN';
$txt['puzzle_12'] = 'TWELVE';
$txt['puzzle_13'] = 'THIRTEEN';
$txt['puzzle_14'] = 'FOURTEEN';
$txt['puzzle_15'] = 'FIFTEEN';
$txt['puzzle_16'] = 'SIXTEEN';
$txt['puzzle_17'] = 'SEVENTEEN';
$txt['puzzle_18'] = 'EIGHTEEN';
$txt['puzzle_19'] = 'NINETEEN';



Aquí les dejo otra información donde se aclaran muchas cosas:


Pero la solución sigue siendo instalar MODs extras, así sean "sencillos". Todo está en que personalizarlo (por ejemplo, personalizar la pregunta, etc.)


No doy soporte por MP ni MSN
...Leo los foros como todos...
Я не говорят по-русски xD
No Hablo ruso xD



Si alguien tiene una solución definitiva que la publique, please!!!


Quote from: kusflo on November 12, 2008, 06:16:28 AM
Si alguien tiene una solución definitiva que la publique, please!!!
La solución es poner cualquier mod antibOT. yO VOY A poner el q postearon ... ( el  puse arriba lo voy a traducir )


<file name="$themedir/languages/Modifications.spanish_es.php" error="skip">
      <search position="end" />
$txt['puzzle_colors'] = '¿Que palabra es igual a su color?';
$txt['puzzle_math'] = 'Que es la suma de (como numero)';
$txt['puzzle_shapes'] = 'Cuantos %s tiene %s?';
$txt['puzzle_shapes2'] = 'Cuantos %s tiene %s ?';
$txt['puzzle_sides'] = 'lados';
$txt['puzzle_corners'] = 'esquinas';
$txt['puzzle_incomplete'] = 'No completaste el rompecabezas Anti-Bot. Por favor pruebe de nuevo..';
$txt['puzzle_incorrect'] = 'Resolviste de manera incorrecta el rompecabezas Anti-Bot, por favor pruebe de nuevo..';
$txt['puzzle_antibot'] = 'Medidas Anti-Bot';
$txt['puzzle_red'] = 'Rojo';
$txt['puzzle_orange'] = 'Naranja';
$txt['puzzle_yellow'] = 'Amarillo';
$txt['puzzle_green'] = 'Verde';
$txt['puzzle_blue'] = 'Azul';
$txt['puzzle_purple'] = 'Purputa';
$txt['puzzle_pink'] = 'Rosa';
$txt['puzzle_black'] = 'Negro';
$txt['puzzle_grey'] = 'Gris';
$txt['puzzle_triange'] = 'Triangulo';
$txt['puzzle_square'] = 'Cuadrado';
$txt['puzzle_rectangle'] = 'Rectangulo';
$txt['puzzle_pentagon'] = 'Pentagono';
$txt['puzzle_hexagon'] = 'Hexagono';
$txt['puzzle_heptagon'] = 'Heptagono';
$txt['puzzle_octagon'] = 'Octogono';
$txt['puzzle_1'] = 'Uno';
$txt['puzzle_2'] = 'Dos';
$txt['puzzle_3'] = 'Tres';
$txt['puzzle_4'] = 'Cuatro';
$txt['puzzle_5'] = 'Cinco';
$txt['puzzle_6'] = 'Seis';
$txt['puzzle_7'] = 'Siete';
$txt['puzzle_8'] = 'Ocho';
$txt['puzzle_9'] = 'Nueve';
$txt['puzzle_10'] = 'Diez';
$txt['puzzle_11'] = 'Once';
$txt['puzzle_12'] = 'Doce';
$txt['puzzle_13'] = 'Trece';
$txt['puzzle_14'] = 'Catorce';
$txt['puzzle_15'] = 'Quince';
$txt['puzzle_16'] = 'Dieciseis';
$txt['puzzle_17'] = 'Diecisiete';
$txt['puzzle_18'] = 'Dieciocho';
$txt['puzzle_19'] = 'Diecinueve';

<file name="$themedir/languages/Modifications.spanish_latin.php" error="skip">
      <search position="end" />
$txt['puzzle_colors'] = '¿Que palabra es igual a su color?';
$txt['puzzle_math'] = 'Que es la suma de (como numero)';
$txt['puzzle_shapes'] = 'Cuantos %s tiene %s?';
$txt['puzzle_shapes2'] = 'Cuantos %s tiene %s ?';
$txt['puzzle_sides'] = 'lados';
$txt['puzzle_corners'] = 'esquinas';
$txt['puzzle_incomplete'] = 'No completaste el rompecabezas Anti-Bot. Por favor pruebe de nuevo..';
$txt['puzzle_incorrect'] = 'Resolviste de manera incorrecta el rompecabezas Anti-Bot, por favor pruebe de nuevo..';
$txt['puzzle_antibot'] = 'Medidas Anti-Bot';
$txt['puzzle_red'] = 'Rojo';
$txt['puzzle_orange'] = 'Naranja';
$txt['puzzle_yellow'] = 'Amarillo';
$txt['puzzle_green'] = 'Verde';
$txt['puzzle_blue'] = 'Azul';
$txt['puzzle_purple'] = 'Purputa';
$txt['puzzle_pink'] = 'Rosa';
$txt['puzzle_black'] = 'Negro';
$txt['puzzle_grey'] = 'Gris';
$txt['puzzle_triange'] = 'Triangulo';
$txt['puzzle_square'] = 'Cuadrado';
$txt['puzzle_rectangle'] = 'Rectangulo';
$txt['puzzle_pentagon'] = 'Pentagono';
$txt['puzzle_hexagon'] = 'Hexagono';
$txt['puzzle_heptagon'] = 'Heptagono';
$txt['puzzle_octagon'] = 'Octogono';
$txt['puzzle_1'] = 'Uno';
$txt['puzzle_2'] = 'Dos';
$txt['puzzle_3'] = 'Tres';
$txt['puzzle_4'] = 'Cuatro';
$txt['puzzle_5'] = 'Cinco';
$txt['puzzle_6'] = 'Seis';
$txt['puzzle_7'] = 'Siete';
$txt['puzzle_8'] = 'Ocho';
$txt['puzzle_9'] = 'Nueve';
$txt['puzzle_10'] = 'Diez';
$txt['puzzle_11'] = 'Once';
$txt['puzzle_12'] = 'Doce';
$txt['puzzle_13'] = 'Trece';
$txt['puzzle_14'] = 'Catorce';
$txt['puzzle_15'] = 'Quince';
$txt['puzzle_16'] = 'Dieciseis';
$txt['puzzle_17'] = 'Diecisiete';
$txt['puzzle_18'] = 'Dieciocho';
$txt['puzzle_19'] = 'Diecinueve';

Aca tienen  ;)


Anti-bot registration instalado, traducido y funcionando.
Solo una pega. Me ha desaparecido la imagen del captcha,aunque la sigue pidiendo para el registro. He tenido que desactivarlo.  :-\


Quote from: kusflo on November 12, 2008, 06:16:28 AM
Si alguien tiene una solución definitiva que la publique, please!!!

¿todos vds. han instalado la nueva version 1.1.7?
Lo pregunto porque yo no tengo estos registros, pero todavia no he actualizado a la nueva version ....


Quote from: missing on November 12, 2008, 05:33:50 PM
Quote from: kusflo on November 12, 2008, 06:16:28 AM
Si alguien tiene una solución definitiva que la publique, please!!!

¿todos vds. han instalado la nueva version 1.1.7?
Lo pregunto porque yo no tengo estos registros, pero todavia no he actualizado a la nueva version ....

Parece que te ha tocado suerte.

Según leí en este tema


No es cosa de SMF 1.1.7, ya que ha afectado a todos los 1.1.X (por alguna razón hasta ahora no tiene efecto en SMF 2)

No es una vulnerabilidad, es que alguna de esas gente que se dedica al SPAM se ha tomado la molestia de hacer un bot dedicado a SMF y aprovechar ese jugoso "mercado".


Menuda suerte que tienen todos ustedes, aun no recibo ese tipo de ataques, pero estoy precavido por si llega a pasar.
Todoenuno Fansubhttp://www.teufansub.net
El proyecto Daisuke Yanamihttp://gargadon.teufansub.net
Digimon Wars Online (en construcción)http://digimonrpg.teufansub.net


Bueno yo les traducí este.. donde te pregunta si sos Humano o no..
Espero q les guste.


Suerte ?

Si quieres te paso algun usuario de estos asi nos acompañas en nuestra pena jajaja

un saludo

Quote from: Gargadon on November 12, 2008, 08:27:00 PM
Menuda suerte que tienen todos ustedes, aun no recibo ese tipo de ataques, pero estoy precavido por si llega a pasar.


Hola, a mi me pasa lo mismo, pero solo desde que actualicé a la version 1.1.7

He tenido que banear por IPs y correos para quitarmelos de encima.

En mi caso se han registrado y posteado, y tengo marcada la activacion mediante mail.

Estos son los baneos que he puesto, y desde ayer no se ha registrado nadie mas:

Elemento restringido     Nombre     Intentos    Emaifflealldxt    3    
79.143.177.*    79.143.177.*    2    0    
87.118.124.*    87.118.124.*    1    
194.165.42.*    194.165.42.*    8    4    0

Elemento restringido     Nombre     Intentos     
*@1gatwickaccomodation.info    1gatwickaccomodation    0    
*@freevids2you.cn    hxxp:freevids2you.cn [nonactive]    0    
*@mail.ru    @mail.ru    4    
*@searchengineshome.org    @searchengineshome.o    0    
*@tossersite.com    Emaifflealldxt    0    
*@ua-news.net    hxxp:ua-news.net [nonactive]    0    
*@usviagra.net    hxxp:usviagra.net [nonactive]    0    
*@yandex.com    hxxp:yandex.com [nonactive]    0    
[email protected]    FthrOfIIIChlds    0



Bien, pues yo hasta ahora creo que no tengo esos spam en SMF, pero revisando otra web que tengo he podido confirmar que tengo estos:

[email protected]
[email protected]

Se dedican a contestar en los temas de anuncios de la web y sus comentarios son una retahila de unas 50 direcciones web.


Todavia no me "ataco" nadie... tengo la activacion por email y el captcha "dificil"..

saludos ;)


pues he elevado todo lo posible y aun siguen registrandose pero en menor medida veo que todo SMF esta siendo blanco de esos bots sino miren...

