System Advertising

Started by ^HeRaCLeS^, August 17, 2011, 04:34:19 PM

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ummm... rtfm?

Download zip file.
go to package manager on your site
upload zip file via package manager
install package.

no folder on your local drive... don't extract anything

Do note, if you manually installed PART of the package, you will need to remove all those edits.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Ok i reuploaded all the original editted files.

I downloaded it through the package manager.

When installing I get this error now:
You cannot download or install new packages because the Packages directory or one of the files in it are not writable!

I went into server via FTP and cmoded the folder and all in it to 777.  Still wont upload?>


does your packages folder also have a temp sub-folder?

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


No in the packages folder I have:

backups folder


Ok I created a Temp file.  Which got me to a next step:

Type    Action    Description
   1.    Execute Code    install.php    
*    2.    Execute Modification    ./index.php    Test successful
*    3.    Execute Modification    ./Sources/Admin.php    Test successful
*    4.    Execute Modification    ./Sources/QueryString.php    Test successful
*    5.    Execute Modification    ./Themes/default/BoardIndex.template.php    Test successful
*    6.    Execute Modification    ./Themes/default/Display.template.php    Test successful
*    7.    Execute Modification    ./Themes/default/MessageIndex.template.php    Test successful
*    8.    Execute Modification    ./Sources/ManagePermissions.php    Test successful
   9.    Extract File    ./Sources/Ads.php    
   10.    Extract File    ./Sources/LoadAds.php    
   11.    Extract File    ./Themes/default/Ads.template.php    
   12.    Extract File    ./Themes/default/languages/Ads.english.php    
   13.    Extract File    ./Themes/default/languages/Ads.english-utf8.php    

Install in Other Themes
To use this modification in themes other than the default, the package manager needs to make additional changes to the other themes. If you'd like to install this modification in the other themes, please select these themes below.
      Core Theme
      Execute Modification    ./Themes/core/BoardIndex.template.php    Test failed
      1.    Add Before    ./Themes/core/BoardIndex.template.php    Test successful
      2.    Add After    ./Themes/core/BoardIndex.template.php    Test failed
      Execute Modification    ./Themes/core/Display.template.php    Test failed
      1.    Add After    ./Themes/core/Display.template.php    Test successful
      2.    Replace    ./Themes/core/Display.template.php    Test successful
      3.    Replace    ./Themes/core/Display.template.php    Test failed
      Execute Modification    ./Themes/core/MessageIndex.template.php    Test failed
      1.    Add After    ./Themes/core/MessageIndex.template.php    Test successful
      2.    Replace    ./Themes/core/MessageIndex.template.php    Test failed
      Execute Modification    ./Themes/PixelCar/BoardIndex.template.php    Test failed
      1.    Add Before    ./Themes/PixelCar/BoardIndex.template.php    Test successful
      2.    Add After    ./Themes/PixelCar/BoardIndex.template.php    Test failed
      Execute Modification    ./Themes/PixelCar/Display.template.php    Test failed
      1.    Add After    ./Themes/PixelCar/Display.template.php    Test successful
      2.    Replace    ./Themes/PixelCar/Display.template.php    Test successful
      3.    Replace    ./Themes/PixelCar/Display.template.php    Test failed
      Execute Modification    ./Themes/min/Display.template.php    Test successful



Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


SMF 2.0.4 updated  ;)

Regards enik...


Very nice mod but biggest trouble for me is that I have to go in to settings every time I want ad to change.

Is it possible for me to alter something so that input boxes will accept php instead of html?
I've been down so long now it's beginning to look like up..


Failing an answer to the above,
Is it possible to include a php file from within a html box so that the php file executes?
I've been down so long now it's beginning to look like up..


No, That's not possible with the code mod. Would have to modify all code
*¤×• Ni te molestes en enviarme un Mp porque el soporte lo doy solo por el foro •×¤*
