Biligual Logo and Forum Name

Started by mibcons, February 27, 2005, 06:23:18 PM

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I searched and saw the posts how to change the logo ( i was able to do that) and replace the forum name with a banner.

My need is this...I would like to have two logos and banners in english and french.

The English Logo and Banner would show up when one is in the english language "mode" and the get the drift.

I was thinking so far that I would change the ', $context['user']['name'], ' with:

<img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/IMAGE.GIF"> and that you should have the ['language'] somewhere in that line.... am I on the right track?

I understand that I would put the image in the two language directories as well...

Thanks for helping me!


<img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/', $context['user']['language'], '/logo.gif" alt="" />

Themes/default/images/english/logo.gif, etc.  For the name itself to depend on the user's language would require a small modification to the source files to be visible everywhere.




I will try that.. I found a line like that in one of the other files, but was not sure what that would do if I have a general link to the registration/login area with /index.php?language=french

Thanks for the quick response!

