Adding whole bunch of Smileys?

Started by 25PSi, February 17, 2009, 06:18:43 PM

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Hi guys.

I am puzzled - I see a way to add a few smileys manually but i do not see how to add a whole ton of them. Is it not possible or am I simply overlooking it?




Right, and so i did. But how you pick between different sets?


admin > forum > smileys > settings - then change Default Smiley Set to the pack you uploaded


Can every user switch between them? Alternatively - can i dump them all into one large set?


If you wan't your members to choose be able to choose a smiley set, you could enable 'Enable smiley set selection by members' in Admin > Forum > Smileys and Message Icons > Settings

To put all smileys in one set you might have to add them manually to the set.


Ok did that. But where can one pick which set to use?


Theres a Default smiley set option on the same settings page.

When you allow members to choose their own Smileys and Themes, the can choose them from the Look and Layout page from Profile > Modify Profile > Look and Layout


Thank you :) This works.. to the point.

If i choose A set and then change to B set that automatically turns previous smileys into characters. Is that how its designed to be?


Yep, sure is.  That's the main reason I have all mine in one set.  I'll mark this topic as solved for now.  If you have further issues feel free to 'unmark' it.
Jim "JimM" Moore
Former Support Specialist
