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[solved] SMF 1.1 RC2 TO SMF 1.1.8

Started by Katz, March 21, 2009, 10:52:25 AM

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Bonjour, je vous écris tout d'abord ce message en français car je ne maîtrise pas totalement l'anglais et il est plus simple d'expliquer mon problème dans cette langue. je ferai néanmoins un effort de traduction ;)

Voilà, je possède un FORUM avec la version SMF 1.1 RC2.

J'ai vu qu'on pouvait télécharger une mise à jour (LARGE UPDATE) ici :;

Cependant des questions me viennent à l'esprit...
Sur mon ancienne version, j'ai effectué des modifications au niveau de thème et de l'agencement de certaines pages, histoire de personnaliser mon forum mais en respectant la licence.
Je voulais savoir si je met sur mon FTP les fichiers de la LARGE UPDATE, vais-je avoir des soucis pour l'affichage de mes pages ?
Va-t-il y avoir des changements au niveau de la base de données ?

Merci pour vos réponses.

Hello, I am writing this message in French because I can not control completely in English and it is easier to explain my problem in that language. I will do nevertheless an effort of translation;)

Well, I have a FORUM with the SMF 1.1 RC2.

I saw that one could download an update (LARGE UPDATE) here:;

But questions come to mind ...
On my old version, I made changes in terms of theme and layout of some pages to personalize my forum while respecting the license.
I wanted to know if I set my FTP the files from the LARGE UPDATE, will I have problems to display my pages?
Will there be changes in the database?

Thank you for your responses.


If you using the large upgrade package you will LOSE any theme/mod changes on templates/files.
Using the large upgrade you have to replace the files and then run upgrade.php
But you will NOT lose any mod information stored in the database.

if you upgrade INSIDE smf, using the link inside smf, by upgrading to 1.1 RC3, and then 1.1.1 FINAL, then 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3, etc all the way up to 1.1.8, then you will NOT have to reinstall mods/redo you changes.



Welcome to SMF, Katz.  How are you doing on the updates?  Have you made it to 1.1.8 yet?  Let us know how it is going.
Jim "JimM" Moore
Former Support Specialist


Hello JimM, I don't do the update yet. I collect some informations to do that the most simply...
I would try a copy on [nonactive] server but  I have some problems to install SMF on them lol.


Great, please mark this topic solved if we have answered your questions.  Good luck on the update.
Jim "JimM" Moore
Former Support Specialist
