How can i add a banner or html to my forum. 2.0 RC1 / next to avatar/time log...

Started by Tanks, April 19, 2009, 01:25:34 PM

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I've just upgraded my board to the latest version (2.0 RC1) and i lost all my mods.. that's okay, i know it takes time for mods to get updated when new versions of SMF hits the streets.

I was unable to find a compatible theme so i am keeping the default one this time. Making my own style based on the default. That's a good way to go about it i think.

Anyway i ran into some problems that somebody might be able to help me with. I want to place a banner or some HTML at the top of the forum. Right next to where it shows the avatar and the time logged in. There is a large white space that i would like to fill out.

I will attach a image to show what white space i am talking about.

Any help would be appreciated.

Marcus Forsberg


Thanks Nas, but i've been looking a lot at that file.. problem is that DIV is used there and i'm only familiar with tables. Would i need to turn the DIV into tables so i could ad a column for my html ?

Marcus Forsberg

Could you please attach your file and show us the code yo uwant to add? :)


I don't have the code - i am going to create a flash (using and when that is finished it will generate a HTML code for me to embed it.

But can you show me anyway how to insert HTML to that white space ?

my file is attached :)

Edit: Ohh, and i need it to be aligned to the left. sorry :p

Marcus Forsberg

Sorry for the delay.
Try this:


<div id="user_section" class="bordercolor"', empty($options['collapse_header']) ? '' : ' style="display: none;"', '>

Replace with:

<div id="user_section" class="bordercolor"', empty($options['collapse_header']) ? '' : ' style="display: none;"', '>
<div class="loatright">YOUR HTML</div>


Ok i will try this as soon as i have been creative with the flash i am inserting :)

Thanks many time :)


This worked fine.. only thing was that loatright should be floatright ;)

Edit: Could you tell me how to vertical align to middle ? Right now it's aligned to the top.

Thanks again !
