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One on One chat

Started by Nugget, June 06, 2009, 06:19:28 PM

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I've searched and can't find anything that will do what I want.
Often, members see in the 'who's online' list, that one of their friends is currently on the forum.
They would like to chat real time, one on one, with a pop up window.
Idealy you just click on their user name or a button in their post profile that pops up a chat window and both parties can start chating in real time.
Noy a 'all members' chat, but a private one on one chat.

Is there such a mod or can one one of the exsisting chat modules be configued to do this?



No Pm's for support please!


I looked at that but their website doesn't give a lot of information - it says the free version carries advertising but no example of what advertising or how much.
The registered version cost money and I'm not sure I could get it going to work the way I want.
I should have mentioned I have SMF 1.1.9 integrated in Joomla using Jfusion - I'm not sure if that would make it easier or harder.

Has anyone tried a Joomla module to do what I want?
