Good Post/Bad Post Mod

Started by OutofOrder, June 17, 2009, 10:08:41 AM

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If topic moved, and you click to this topic, you get the db error.
Database error, given array of integer values is empty. (message_list)
Function: Display
File: ../Sources/Display.php
Line: 1145

1130: // Not a mistake! That's a single equals.
1131: if ($context['gpbp_enabled'] = $board_info['gpbp_enabled'])
1133: // Display hidden message?
1134: $context['gpbp_revealed'] = !empty($_REQUEST['revealmsg']) && $context['reveal_bad_post'] ? (int) $_REQUEST['revealmsg'] : 0;
1135:// Gather any vote this user casted for each message.
1136: $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
1137: SELECT id_msg, score
1138: FROM {db_prefix}log_gpbp
1139: WHERE id_msg IN ({array_int:message_list})
1140: AND id_member = {int:current}',
1141: array(
1142: 'message_list' => $messages,
1143: 'current' => $context['user']['id'],
1144: )
==>1145: );
1146: while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request))
1147: $context['gpbp_votes'][$row['id_msg']] = $row['score'];
1148: $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request);
1149: }
1151: }
So Long


Thank you Php Coder Turkish, I'll sure be adding these :) Also, it would be great if there was another turkish speaker that could check those.

Thanks Sabre, djkmmo & [Daydreamer] for the spotted bugs. Looks like a new version fixing these problems is needed.

Parecelsus, the empty gpbp.js file bug seems to be a Firebug bug only. It doesn't happen with Firebug disabled or in any other browsers AFAIK.
I'll later take a look at your Display.template file, the bugfixes come first, so please hang on.

Dream of Omnimaga

happy to see 1.1.9 version! Thank you :D!


One minor issue, other than that this is a terrific mod. For admins, this functions perfectly normal when you click on the arrow. The page refreshes and shows the post with the green up arrow. However, for regular members, they click on the arrow and nothing happens. The points are still added, but the users are not sure if it worked or not because it does not refresh and show the point added.

I also fully support the idea that you should be able to see who voted for a post.


hi, need help here. i manually installed the codes on 1.1.9 because it is giving test fails using acp-packages.

anyway, whenever i click on ACP -> Good Post/Bad Post - I get a DB error

Line: 237

and yeah, whenever i click the board id, i get an error again (wrong code leads to another):

QuoteUnknown column 'b.enable_gpbp' in 'field list'
the error message above is on a white page only.

sorry, im just a newbie.



I'm getting a
"6.   Execute Modification   ./Sources/Profile.php   Test failed"

I sure do want to add this mod.  What should I do now?


Quote from: akosiparusa on July 07, 2009, 09:20:55 AM
hi, need help here. i manually installed the codes on 1.1.9 because it is giving test fails using acp-packages.

anyway, whenever i click on ACP -> Good Post/Bad Post - I get a DB error

Line: 237

and yeah, whenever i click the board id, i get an error again (wrong code leads to another):

QuoteUnknown column 'b.enable_gpbp' in 'field list'
the error message above is on a white page only.

sorry, im just a newbie.


Te faltó agregar la modificacion a tu base de datos


thank you my spanish friend, i had to translate your post to english... hehehe


hey no problem, i used that link when you posted.
hey no hay problema, he usado ese vínculo cuando se envió.


First of all - thanks a lot for a good mod! :)

I'm using version for 1.1.9 and found a little 'bug': whitespace between arrows is inside the a tag, so if your template underlines a tags (in my case it underlines then on hover) then moving mouse over the arrow_down underlines the space between arrows. I repaired it by myself just adding the code below to my style css, but it would be nice if in the next release you would move that sapce between "a" tags.
/** Hack for good post/bad post mod to remove underlined whitespace*/
.gpbp_vote a, .gpbp_vote a:hover{text-decoration: none;}


Quote from: jarik on July 12, 2009, 05:57:26 AM
First of all - thanks a lot for a good mod! :)

I'm using version for 1.1.9 and found a little 'bug': whitespace between arrows is inside the a tag, so if your template underlines a tags (in my case it underlines then on hover) then moving mouse over the arrow_down underlines the space between arrows. I repaired it by myself just adding the code below to my style css, but it would be nice if in the next release you would move that sapce between "a" tags.
/** Hack for good post/bad post mod to remove underlined whitespace*/
.gpbp_vote a, .gpbp_vote a:hover{text-decoration: none;}

Noted, thanks for reporting.


New mod version is out :)
This is the most stable version for both SMF 1.1.x and SMF 2.0. Which means that, in the future, only the 2.0 version will be updated with new features.
Also, it supports the new 1.1.10 and 2.0 RC1.2 SMF versions.

I'm planning to include AJAX querying for the list of voting members when clicking on the vote number, displayed as a tooltip. Unless someone else has a better idea?


looks great!

one suggestion (even though i did it personally, but not well enough to publish) -
color the post rating (red/green), not just the arrows.


I'm having some issues with this mod. I think it's because the database is still seeing the old version but the files from the new version are all present.


Okay, I manually uninstalled the mod (took a while) and then deleted the smf_log_gpbp table from the database. However, when I try to reinstall, my ACP says that I'm about to upgrade to 1.1.2, instead of installing like normal. Is there anything else I have to delete in the database to get my package uploader to recognize that it isn't already installed?

Or is this mod just not compatible with SMF 2.0 RC1.2?


The mod IS compatible with SMF 2 RC1.2
But I don't really know how the package manager considers that a mod has been installed. ??? There are no checks from within the mod's code, that's for certain.
Perhaps some more experienced member can help you out...


Hi, i gotta question, where do i customize it and configurate it? :P Sorry, cant really find the area. I use 2.0 rc1.2


Quote from: bluesinjid on July 22, 2009, 08:59:47 AM
Hi, i gotta question, where do i customize it and configurate it? :P Sorry, cant really find the area. I use 2.0 rc1.2
Hello bluesinjid. I'm assuming the mod installed correctly in your forum.
For the general mod configurations: Admin page -> Forum -> Good Post/Bad Post
For the default visual settings: Admin page -> Configuration -> Themes and Layout -> Member Options -> Choose a theme then edit the options as you see fit.
Also, this mod requires that you toggle its permissions for your forum members. You can set them in the permissions area (Admin page -> Members -> Permissions -> General Permissions).
Finally, make sure that if you're not an Admin at least you've got the "Manage GP/BP mod" permission.
Hope this helped :)


Can anyone help me, i cant nothing almost understand at tutorial at pdf, i was compare in manual for theme and i see that i must do like it says in that tutorial in pdf(How To Ad GPBP...). :'( :'( :'( :'(

I have Nozie Template, i can upload some files, and if can someone edit it i really cant understand many things (im not from USA or UK).
Here is Display.template.php (attach)
So can anyone edit it like it must be and i will upload more files what must me edited, pls help, i really need this mod! ???
:-\ ;)
